Music Winter Exams 2022/2023 Flashcards
What is pitch?
Pitch is how high or low a sound is.
What’s is tempo?
Tempo is the speed or pace of the music tempo can affect the mood of a piece. E.g slow music may feel relaxed or sad,fast music may feel more energetic or happy.
How do you say slowly in music tempo
How do you say slow and states play in music terms tempo?
How do you say a piece of music is leisurely in a peace of music tempo
How do you say, walking pace in music terms tempo?
How do you say fast in music terms of tempo?
How do you say lively music terms? Tempo
How do you say very quickly in music terms tempo
What is dynamics?
Dynamics, describe the volume of music
 How do you say gradually becoming louder in dynamic terms?
Crescendo also known as “<“
How do you say very loud in music terms dynamic
Fortissimo also known as “ff”
How do you say loud in music terms dynamics?
FORTE also known as “f”
How do you say moderately loud in music terms dynamic
Mezzoforte also known as “mf”
How do you say, moderately soft in music terms dynamics?
Mezzopiano also known “mp”
How do you say soft in music terms dynamics?
Piano also known “p”
How do you say very soft music terms dynamics?
Pianissimo also known as “pp”
How do you say, becoming gradually softer in music terms dynamics?
Diminuendo also known as “>”
What is duration? Are they always the same time? What are they measured in?
Duration is the lengths of each note. Notes can be long or short. There measured in beats
What dose a semibreve last for?
4 beats
Minim lasts for?
2 beats
Crochet lasts for?
1 beat
Quaver lasts?
1/2 beats
Semiquaver lasts ?
1/4 beat
Demisemiquaver lasts ?
1/8 beats
Articulation is?
Articulation is the way a particular note is performed.
Articulation can be played in smoothly what is the music name for this.
Articulation can be played detached what is the music name for this.
Texture is?
Texture describes how mélodies rythme or harmonies are layered in a piece
What dose monophonic mean?
contain one melody with no harmonies although there may be a rhythmic accompaniment
Polyphonic means?
Contains two or more melodies playing at the same time,
Homophonic means?
Where there is more than one independent melody playing at the same time.
What is timber?
Timber describes the sounds and/or instruments heard in a piece of music.
Tonality means?
Tonality is aphte character or key center of a music. Tonal music is in a major or minor key:
Major keys generally sound happy. Minor keys generally sound sad.
What is it called when keys sound generally happy? This is tonality
What is it called when keys sound generally sad? This is tonality
What’s an ostinato