Music Theory Flashcards
12 quavers equal to ? dotted crotchets
1 breve equal to ? demisemiquavers
Draw the sharps key signature in Tenor clef in 1 min
What is Plagal Cadence? Give example in A major
D F sharp A to A C sharp E
What is Perfect Cadence? Give example in Db major
Ab C Eb to Db F Ab
Bb melodic minor descending
9 semiquavers equal ? dotted quavers
What is C? What is its half?
common time - 4/4 and 2/2
6 crotchets equal to ? dotted minims
How to count quintuplets (five), sextuplets (six), septuplets?
count 4
What is the enharmonic note of E#, Fb, B, C, E, F, Bb?
List out all possibilities
What is the voice part between Tenor and Bass
List out all ornaments (Spell and Draw)
Trill, Upper turn, Upper Mordent, Lower Mordent, Appoggiatura & Acciaccatura
What is the difference between of Appoggiatura & Acciaccatura?
equally divide the value & play asap
is Timpani a set of definite pitched instrument?
What is the half value of 3/4
What is the twice value of 9/8
What is the meaning of fp?
play loud then immediately play soft
What is U.C vs T.C?
Una corda vs Tre corda