Music Theory Flashcards
12 quavers equal to ? dotted crotchets
1 breve equal to ? demisemiquavers
Draw the sharps key signature in Tenor clef in 1 min
What is Plagal Cadence? Give example in A major
D F sharp A to A C sharp E
What is Perfect Cadence? Give example in Db major
Ab C Eb to Db F Ab
Bb melodic minor descending
9 semiquavers equal ? dotted quavers
What is C? What is its half?
common time - 4/4 and 2/2
6 crotchets equal to ? dotted minims
How to count quintuplets (five), sextuplets (six), septuplets?
count 4
What is the enharmonic note of E#, Fb, B, C, E, F, Bb?
List out all possibilities
What is the voice part between Tenor and Bass
List out all ornaments (Spell and Draw)
Trill, Upper turn, Upper Mordent, Lower Mordent, Appoggiatura & Acciaccatura
What is the difference between of Appoggiatura & Acciaccatura?
equally divide the value & play asap
is Timpani a set of definite pitched instrument?
What is the half value of 3/4
What is the twice value of 9/8
What is the meaning of fp?
play loud then immediately play soft
What is U.C vs T.C?
Una corda vs Tre corda
What is the characteristic of every minor key?
raised up the 7th note
What is Imperfect cadence? Give example of C#minor
any chord to E G sharp B sharp
Is gong belongs to definite pitch percussion?
Are cymbals belong to indefinite pitch percussion?
What is the longest value in a compound time?
dotted minim
What is Duplet?
compound time
Cadence: Plagal vs Perfect
IV to I vs V to I
Sempre vs sotto
Always vs undertone
Sotto vs subito
Undertone vs suddenly
Sempre vs soprano
Always vs female voice
Subito vs strings
Suddenly vs Violin…….
Molto vs moderato
Much vs moderate
Moto vs Molto
Movement vs Much
Deciso vs dim,
Determined vs getting softer
Crotchet sign = 69
69 crotchets in a minute
Sempre vs sostenuto
Always vs sustained
Lebaft vs legato
Lively vs playing smoothly
Legato vs leggiero
Playing smoothly vs light
Piu mosso vs meno mosso
More movement vs less movement
Anime vs alla breve
Animated vs three minims in a bar
Sonoro vs Senza
Sonority (rich tone) vs without
Maestoso vs messoforte
Majestic vs medium loud
Andante vs attacca
Walking speed vs straight on
Assai vs adagio
Very vs slow
Douce vs deciso
Sweet vs determined
Non troppo vs niente
Not too much vs nothing
Vivo vs vite
Fast vs fast
Comodo vs con
Comfortable vs with
Amabile vs andante
Pleasant vs walking speed
Affecttuoso vs adagio
Tenderly vs slow