MUSIC N ARTS Flashcards
The official music of the Catholic Church. Also named as plainsong or plainchant.
Gregorian Chant
Early church polyphony, consists of Gregorian chant and one or more added musical.
The composers usually add more than one new voice above a plainchant making it three and four-voice compositions.
The most important form of the early polyphonic music.
Derives from the French word ‘mot’ referring the words that were added to the vocal lines.
Roman Catholic Church’s central and leading worship service.
Composers writing polyphony for the mass had only one or two sections of what is called the ‘Proper of the Mass’
Came from the word ‘trobar’ meaning “to compose”, “to discuss”, or “to find”.
They performed chivalry and courtly romantic music, were the creators of words and melodies
Most of their were songs about love, crusades, dance songs, and spinning songs.
The notation of their melodies does not show rhythm.
Came from the Italian term ‘rinascimento’ which means “rebirth”.
started in Florence from the fourteenth to sixteenth centuries.
Also known as the period of the “Golden Age of Polyphony”.
The simultaneous combination of sounds in music.
- was divided between purely vocal works and those singers were supported by instruments.
The era also saw a growth in solo instrumental music.
Secular Music
Topics used in the songs are about love, political themes, as well as scenes and incidents of city and country life.
Was a theorist, editor, and organist at St. Paul’s Cathedral in London
A famous Renaissance composer of secular music in Elizabethan England.
Foremost member of the English Madrigal School.
Thomas Morley
_______ literally means “big group”.
Concerto Grosso
It evolved into a performing group based on the instruments of the violin section.
The orchestra was small, consisting of around thirty players.
The composition of the orchestra was flexible and can vary from piece to piece.
Baroque Orchestra
- meaning “to flee”.
A contrapuntal piece that can be used for voices, group of instruments, or single keyboard instruments.
Composition for keyboard instruments.
Usually virtuostic, involving fast or difficult playing by the performer.
Came from the word given by Bach to pieces of small dimensions written in rather loose fugal imitation.
Derived from the Italian word ‘cantare’ means “to sing”.
It is written for a small number of performers.
Primary keyboard instruments of the Baroque period were the organ and the harpsicord
Baroque Keyboard Music
Ancient instrument made from a goat or sheep skin, used by the poorest people.
recorder-like woodwind musical instrument, one of the favorite musical instrument of the minstrels to use when traveling.
bowed or plucked string placed under the chin of the player.
pear-shaped plucked string instrument with bent neck and a fretted fingerboard.
Assemblage of giant stones in southern England.
It came from ‘henge’ the Anglo-Saxon word for “hanging which refers to the horizontal stones in the monument.
Circle standing stones.
Brythonic-rooted word ____ means “bent” or “curved”, while ___ means “slab” or “flat stones”.
Are a system of writing composed entirely by pictures.
- portrait sculpture of Egyptian Pharaoh Khafre, around 2575 BCE.
- is a mythical creature with the head of a human, a falcon, a cat, or a sheep and the body of a lion with the wings of a falcon
Used to house a massive gold statue of Athena by Phidias.
Was designed by the architects Ictinus and Callicrates. The style to this structure is called Classical.
The culture flourished from about 1200 BCE to about 323 BCE.
This would come to influence the Western world longer than more profoundly by other.
Ancient Greek Art
Derived from Latin word ‘relevo’ meaning “to raise” is a technique in sculpting wherein the elements remain attached to a solid background of the same material.
From the Latin word ‘navis’ meaning “ship” , is the main body of the central aisle of a church.
A grotesque carving of a human or an animal.
Serves as a water spout attached on a wall.
Term used to describe the medieval architectural style of Western Europe from the early twelfth until the sixteenth century.
By eleventh century, the character of the medieval life had begun to change. The pagans who settled all over Europe had adopted Christianity.
This style is called __________ because Roman styles and building techniques were widely assimilated.
Romanesque Art