Music History Flashcards
Mass for Christmas Day: Kyrie
Middle Ages
Composer: Anonymous Monk
Genre: Mass (Plainchant)
Epitaph of Seklios
Ancient Greek
Composer: Ancient Greek
Genre: Epitaph
Ordo Virtutum: In principo omnes
Middle Ages
Composer: Hildegard of Bingen
Genre: Liturgical Drama
Can vei la lauzeta mover
Middle Ages
Composer: Bernart de Ventadorn
Genre: Troubadour Song
Alleluia Justus ut palma, From Ad organum faciendum
Middle Ages
Composer: Anonymous Monk
Genre: Organum
Viderunt Omnes
Middle Ages
Composer: Perotin
Genre: Organum Quadruplum
Kyrie, from La Messe de Notre Dame
Middle Ages
Composer: Guillaume de Machaut
Genre: Mass
Foy Porter
Middle Ages
Composer: Guillaume de Machaut
Genre: Rondeau
Non avrà ma’ pietà
Middle Ages
Composer: Francesco Landini
Genre: Ballata
Quam pulchra es
Middle Ages
Composer: John Dunstable
Genre: Motet
Ave Maria…Virgo serena
Composer: Josquin Desprez
Genre: Motet
Missa Pange lingua, Kyrie
Composer: Josquin Desprez
Genre: Cantus firmus mass
Sing Joyfully unto God
Composer: William Byrd
Genre: Full Anthem (Anglican)
Agnus Dei 1 from Pope Marcellus Mass
(Missa Papae Marcelli)
Composer: Palestrina
Genre: Catholic Mass
O Magnum Mysterium
Composer: Tomas Luis de Victoria
Genre: Motet
II Bianco e Dolce Cigno
Composer: Jacques Arcadelt
Genre: Madrigal
Da le Belle Contrade D’Oriente
Composer: Cipriano de Rore
Genre: Madrigal
“Io Parto” e non piú dissi
Composer: Carlo Gesualdo
Genre: Madrigal
Tant que vivray
Composer: Claudin de Sermisy
Genre: Chanson
(French Song)
As Vesta Was Descending
Composer: Thomas Weelkes
Genre: English Madrigal
Flow, My Tears
Composer: John Dowland
Genre: Lute Song
Dances from Danserye
Composer: Tielman Susato
Genre: instrumental Dances
Pavana Lachrymae
Composer: William Byrd
Genre: Pavane Variations
Cruda Amarlli
Composer: Claudio Monteverdi
Genre: Madrigal
Tu sei Morta, from L’Orfeo
Composer: Claudio Monteverdi
Genre: opera (recitative)
Saul was verfolgst du mich
Composer: Heinrich Schutz
Genre: Sacred Concerto
Toccata No.3
Composer: Girolamo Frescobaldi
Genre: Toccata
Dido and Aeneas, Act 3: (“Thy Hand, Belinda”)
Composer: Henry Purcell
Genre: Opera (Recitative)
Dido and Aeneas, Act 3: Dido’s Lament (“When I am Laid in Earth)
Composer: Henry Purcell
Genre: Ground Bass Aria
Trio Sonata No.3: III. Adagio
Composer: Arcangelo Corelli
Genre: Trio Sonata
Trio Sonata No.3: IV. Allegro
Composer: Arcangelo Corelli
Genre: Trio Sonata
Prelude, from Prelude and Fugue in A Minor, BWV 543
Composer: Johann Sebastian Bach
Genre: Prelude (toccata)
Fugue, from Prelude and Fugue in A Minor, BWV 543
Composer: Johann Sebastian Bach
Genre: Fugue
Time Periods
Middle Ages 450-1450
Renaissance 1450-1600
Baroque 1600-1750
Early polyphony, one or more voice parts accompanying the Cantus Firmus often in parallel motion
A French song
A secular song for two or three unaccompanied voices
Hildegard of Bingen
Middle Ages
German abbess and mystic who composed Liturgical Dramas
Guido of Arezzo
Middle Ages
Italian Theorist. Developed solfege and Guidonian Hand.
Benart de Ventadorn
Middle Ages
Troubadour (Poet and Composer)
Leonín and Perotín
Middle Ages
Clergymen/Composers who worked at Notre Dame in Paris, and were closely associated with the development of organum.
Basso Continuo
An instrumental bass line which runs throughout a piece, over which the player improvises a chordal accompaniment. The bass may be figured.
Figured Bass
Is a reference term for the bass part of an ensemble work.
Any closed lyrical piece for solo voice with or without instrumental accompaniment
A type of vocal writing, normally for a single voice, with the intent of mimicking dramatic speech in song.
A melodic or polyphonic idea consisting of a short figure or motif stated successively at different pitch levels
Claudio Monteverdi
The most important musician in late 16th and early 17th century Italy. His nine books of madrigals consolidated the achievement of the late Renaissance masters.
Heinrich Schutz
He was the greatest German composer of the 17th century and the first of international stature.
Henry Purcell
17th century English Composer
Girolamo Frescobaldi
Italian composer and keyboard virtuoso. He was one of the greatest keyboard composers of the first half of the 17th century.
Arcangelo Corelli
Italian composer and violinist.
Italian composer know for his strict style of diatonic counterpoint (stile antico) widely accepted for a model for teaching.
New music for each stanza
The study of the linguistic and rhetorical traditions of classical antiquity.
When and where was the first opera house opened?
Venice, Italy 1637
In what city was opera created and by who?
Florence, Italy by the camerata
Polyphonic music
Catholic Latin Eucharistic service