Music Flashcards
A special type of broken chord accompaniment where the chord is played in this order: lowest note-highest note-middle note-highest note then repeats the pattern to create a smooth, sustained flowing sound.
Alberti bass
Quickly, in a brisk lively manner
In a moderately slow tempo
An improvised passage or ornamentation performed by a soloist or group of soloists that allows a display of virtuosity often placed near the end of piece.
A choral composition with instrumental accompaniment, typically in several movements
Period from 1750-1820 called the age of reason.
Classical era
Major instrumental work for solo instrument with orchestral accompaniment
Gradually becoming louder
Gradually becoming softer
Middle part of the sonata-allegro form wherein themes are being developed
First part of a composition that introduces the themes that will be developed through the piece
A melody accompaniment by chords
Very slow tempo
Slow, stately ballroom dance for two in triple time
Drama set to music
Opera in Italy that is full of fun and frivolity
Opera buffa
Comic opera in France
Opera comique
Opera based on a serious plot that usually revolves around mythological beings such as gods and goddesses
Opera Seria
Part of a musical piece,found usually near the end, that repeats the earlier themes
Musical form that alternates the main theme and it’s contrasting themes usually found in the final movement of a sonata or concerto
A vigorous, light or playful composition comprising a movement in a symphony or sonata
18th century German musical comedy featuring songs and ensembles interspersed with dialogue.
Instrumental composition that has several movements with variation in key, mood, or tempo
Musical composition for the whole orchestra generally in four movements;also a sonata for orchestra.
Musical term where the theme is presented in a simple unadorned manner then repeats the theme several times with ornamentations
Theme and variation
The instrumental forms developed during this era while vocal forms included opera Seria and opera buffa
Sonata, concerto and symphony
The three composers of classical music
Franz Joseph Haydn, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, and Ludwig Van Beethoven
He is one of the most prominent composers of the classical period. His life is considered as a “rags-to-riches” composer. He was able to compose 100 symphonies and development them into long forms for a large orchestra. He was named as a “father of symphony”. His works are: “surprise symphony”, “the clock”, “the military”.
Franz Joseph Haydn
He is a child prodigy and the amazing genius in musical history. He experimented in all kinds of music and composed over 700 works. He lived his life in poverty, died young and was buried in an unknown grave. He composed wonderful concertos, symphonies and opera such as “The Marriage Of Figaro(1789),”Don Giovanni (1789) and “The Magic Flute”. Other known works:Wine Klein Nachtmusik, Symphony No. 49 in G major, and Sonata no. 11 in A Major K311
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
He was the composer who bridged the late classical era and the early Romantic era. He was a talented pianist and composer. His famous compositions include 32 piano sonatas, 21 set of variations, 9 symphony,5 concertos for piano,16 string quartets and choral music. His works are:”Missa Solemnis”(1818-1823) and opera “Fidelio” (1805). His known symphonies are: Symphony No.3 (Eroica), No. 5, No.6 (pastoral), No. 9(Choral),which adds voices to the orchestra. He began go deaf in 1796.
Ludwig Van Beethoven