Musculoskeletal, Skin, and Connective Tissue: Anatomy and Physiology Flashcards
Anterior Drawer Sign (Test)
Bending knee at 90° angle, increased anterior gliding
of tibia due to ACL injury. Lachman test is similar, but at 30° angle.
Posterior Drawer Sign (Test)
Bending knee at 90° angle, decreased posterior gliding of tibia due to PCL injury.
Abnormal Passive Abduction
Knee either extended or at ∼ 30° angle, lateral
(valgus) force –> medial space widening of
tibia –> MCL injury.
Abnormal Passive Adduction
Knee either extended or at ~ 30° angle, medial
(varus) force –> lateral space widening of tibia –>
LCL injury.
McMurray test
During flexion and extension of knee with
rotation of tibia/foot:
Pain, “popping” on external rotation –> medial meniscal tear
Pain, “popping” on internal rotation –> lateral meniscal tear
Anterior Cruciate Ligament
Extends from lateral femoral condyle to anterior tibia
Posterior Cruciate Ligament
Extends from medial femoral condyle to posterior tibia
“Unhappy Triad”
Common injury in contact sports due to lateral force applied to a planted leg. Classically, consists of damage to the ACL, MCL, and medial meniscus (attached to MCL); however, lateral meniscus injury is more common. Presents with acute knee pain and signs of joint injury/instability.
Prepatellar bursitis
Inflammation of knee’s largest sac of synovial fluid (ventral). Can be caused by repeated trauma or
pressure from excessive kneeling.
Baker cyst
Popliteal fluid collection in gastrocnemius-semimembranous bursa commonly communicating
with synovial space and related to chronic joint disease.
Rotator cuff muscles
SItS Supraspinatus (suprascapular nerve) Infraspinatus (suprascapular nerve) teres minor (axillary nerve) Subscapularis (upper and lower subscapular nerves)
Innervated primarily by C5 and C6
Rotator cuff muscle (suprascapular nerve) Abducts arm initially (before the action of the deltoid); most common rotator cuff injury (trauma or degeneration and impingement --> tendinopathy or tear), assessed by “empty/full can” test.
Rotator cuff muscle
(suprascapular nerve)
Laterally rotates arm; pitching injury
teres minor
Rotator cuff muscle
(axillary nerve)
Adducts and laterally rotates arm
Rotator cuff muscle
(upper and lower subscapular nerves)
Medially rotates and adducts arm
Medial Epicondylitis
Overuse Injury of Elbow
“Golfer’s Elbow”
Repetitive flexion (forehand shots) or idiopathic –> pain near medial epicondyle.
Lateral Epicondylitis
Overuse Injury of Elbow
“Tennis Elbow”
Repetitive extension (backhand shots) or idiopathic –> pain near lateral epicondyle
Wrist Bones
Scaphoid, Lunate, Triquetrum, Pisiform, Hammate, Capitate, Trapezoid, Trapezium (So Long To Pinky, Here Comes The Thumb)
(palpated in anatomic snuff box)
Most commonly fractured carpal bone (typically from a fall on an outstretched hand) and is prone to avascular necrosis owing to retrograde blood supply
Dislocation may cause acute carpal tunnel syndrome
Hook of Hamate
A fall on an outstretched hand that damages
the hook of the hamate can cause ulnar nerve
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Entrapment of median nerve in carpal tunnel; nerve compression paresthesia, pain, and
numbness in distribution of median nerve (thenar eminence atrophies but sensation spared,
because palmar cutaneous branch enters the hand external to carpal tunnel). Associated with
pregnancy, rheumatoid arthritis, hypothyroidism, diabetes, dialysis-related amyloidosis; may be
associated with repetitive use.
Guyon Canal Syndrome
Compression of ulnar nerve at wrist or hand. Classically seen in cyclists due to pressure from
Axillary Nerve (C5-C6)
Upper extremity nerve
Causes of injury: Fractured surgical neck of humerus; anterior dislocation of humerus
Presentation: Flattened deltoid; loss of arm abduction at shoulder (>15 degrees); loss of sensation over deltoid muscle and lateral arm
Musculocutaneous Nerve (C5-C7)
Upper Extremity Nerve
Causes of Injury: upper trunk compression
Presentation: loss of forearm flexion and supination; loss of sensation over lateral forearm
Radial Nerve (C5-T1)
Upper Extremity Nerve
Causes of injury: Midshaft fracture of humerus; compression of axilla, eg, due to crutches or sleeping with arm over chair (“Saturday night palsy”)
Presentation: Wrist drop: loss of elbow, wrist, and finger
extension; decreased grip strength (wrist extension necessary for maximal action of flexors); Loss of sensation over posterior arm/forearm and dorsal hand
Median Nerve (C5-T1)
Upper Extremity Nerve
Causes of injury: Supracondylar fracture of humerus (proximal lesion); carpal tunnel syndrome and wrist laceration (distal lesion)
Presentation: “Ape hand” and “Pope’s blessing”; Loss of wrist flexion, flexion of lateral fingers, thumb opposition, lumbricals of 2nd and 3rd digits; Loss of sensation over thenar eminence and dorsal and palmar aspects of lateral 31⁄2 fingers with proximal lesion; Tinel sign (tingling on percussion) in carpal tunnel syndrome
Ulnar Nerve (C8-T1)
Upper extremity Nerve
Causes of Injury: Fracture of medial epicondyle of humerus “funny bone” (proximal lesion); fractured hook of hamate (distal lesion)
Presentation: “Ulnar claw” on digit extension; Radial deviation of wrist upon flexion (proximal lesion); Loss of wrist flexion, flexion of medial fingers, abduction and adduction of fingers (interossei), actions of medial 2 lumbrical muscles; Loss of sensation over medial 11/2 fingers including hypothenar eminence
Recurrent branch of median nerve (C5-T1)
Upper extremity nerve
causes of injury: Superficial laceration of palm
Presentation: “Ape Hand”; Loss of thenar muscle group: opposition, abduction, and flexion of thumb; no loss of sensation
Randy Travis Drinks Cold Beer
Roots Trunks Divisions Cords Branches
Erb Palsy
“Waiter’s Tip”
Injury: Traction or tear of upper (“Erb-er”) trunk: c5-c6 roots
Causes: Infants - lateral traction on neck during delivery
adults - trauma
Muscle deficit: deltoid, supraspinatus –> functional deficit: abduction (arm hangs by side)
Infraspinatus –> functional deficit: lateral rotation (arm medially rotated)
Biceps Brachii –> functional deficit: Flexion, supination (arm extended and pronated)
Klumpke palsy
Injury: Traction or tear of lower trunk: C8-T1
Causes: Infants - upward force on arm during delivery
Adults - trauma (e.g., grabbing a tree branch to break a fall)
Muscle deficit: Intrinsic hand muscles: lumbricals, interossei, thenar, hypothenar –> functional deficit: total claw hand: lumbricals normally flex MCP joints and extend DIP and PIP joints
Thoracic outlet syndrome
Injury: compression of lower trunk and subclavian vessels
Causes: Cervical rib, pancoast tumor
Muscle Deficit: Same as Klumpke Palsy (Intrinsic hand muscles: lumbricals, interossei, thenar, hypothenar) –> Atrophy of intrinsic hand muscles; ischemia, pain, and edema due to vascular compression
Winged Scapula
Injury: Lesion of long thoracic nerve
Causes: Axillary node dissection after mastectomy, stab wounds
Muscle deficit: Serratus anterior–> inability to anchor scapula to thoracic cage –> cannot abduct arm above horizontal position
Distortions of the Hand
At rest, a balance exists between the extrinsic flexors and extensors of the hand, as well as the
intrinsic muscles of the hand—particularly the lumbrical muscles (flexion of MCP, extension of
DIP and PIP joints).
“Clawing”—seen best with distal lesions of median or ulnar nerves. Remaining extrinsic flexors
of the digits exaggerate the loss of the lumbricals –> fingers extend at MCP, flex at DIP and PIP
Deficits less pronounced in proximal lesions; deficits present during voluntary flexion of the digits.
“Ulnar claw”
3rd/4th fingers bent while 1st/2nd straight
Context: while extending fingers or at rest
Location of Lesion: distal ulnar nerve
“Pope’s Blessing”
3rd/4th fingers bent while 1st/2nd straight
Context: while making a fist
Location of lesion: proximal median nerve
“Median Claw”
1st/2nd fingers bent while 3rd/4th straight
Context: while extending fingers or at rest
Location of lesion: distal median nerve
“OK gesture”
digits 1-3 are flexed
Context: While making fist
Location of lesion: Proximal ulnar nerve
Median Nerve Lesions
“pope’s blessing,” “median claw,” and “ape’s hand” (unopposable thumb) due to atrophy of the thenar eminence
Ulnar Nerve Lesions
“OK gesture,” “ulnar claw,” and atrophy of the hypothenar eminence
Hand Muscles
DAB = Dorsals ABduct
PAD = Palmars ADduct
Thenar (median) = Opponens pollicis, Abductor pollicis brevis, Flexor pollicis brevis, superficial head (deep head by ulnar nerve).
Hypothenar (ulnar) = Opponens digiti minimi,
Abductor digiti minimi, Flexor digiti minimi
-both groups perform the same functions: Oppose, Abduct, and Flex (OAF)
Dorsal interossei—abduct the fingers.
Palmar interossei—adduct the fingers.
Lumbricals—flex at the MCP joint, extend PIP
and DIP joints.
Obturator Nerve (L2-L4)
Lower Extremity Nerve
Cause of injury: Pelvic Surgery
Presentation: decreased thigh sensation (medial) and decreased adduction
Femoral Nerve (L2-L4)
Lower Extremity Nerve
Cause of injury: Pelvic fracture
Presentation: decreased thigh flexion and leg extension
Common peroneal nerve (L4-S2)
Lower Extremity Nerve
Cause of Injury: Trauma or compression of lateral aspect of leg, fibular neck fracture
Presentation: Foot drop - inverted and plantarflexed at rest, loss of eversion and dorsiflexion. “Steppage Gait.” Loss of sensation on dorsum of foot
PED = Peroneal Everts and Dorsiflexes; if injured foot dropPED
Tibial Nerve (L4-S3)
Lower Extremity Nerve
Cause of injury: Knee trauma, Baker cyst (proximal lesion); tarsal tunnel syndrome (distal lesion)
Presentation: Inability to curl toes and loss of sensation on sole of foot. In proximal lesions, foot everted at rest with loss of inversion and plantarflexion
TIP = Tibial Inverts and Plantarflexes; if injured, can’t stand on TIPtoes
Superior gluteal nerve (L4-S1)
Lower extremity nerve
Cause of injury: Iatrogenic injury during intramuscular injection to upper medial gluteal region
Presentation: Trendelenburg sign/gait - pelvis tilts because weight-bearing leg cannot maintain alignment of pelvis through hip abduction. Lesion is contralateralto side of the hip that drops, ipsilateral to extremity on which the patient stands
Innervates gluteus medius, gluteus minimus, and tensor fascia latae.
Choose a superolateral gluteal quadrant as intramuscular injection site to avoid nerve injury.
Inferior gluteal nerve (L5-S2)
Lower extremity Nerve
Cause of injury: posterior hip dislocation
Presentation: difficulty climbing stairs, rising from seated position. Loss of hip extension
Innervates gluteus maximus.
Sciatic nerve (L4-S3)
Innervates posterior thigh, splits into common peroneal and tibial nerves
Pudendal nerve (S2-S4)
innervates perineum. Can be blocked with local anesthesia during childbirth using the ischial spine as a landmark for injection
Signs of Lumbosacral Radiculopathy
(Disease involving the lumbar spinal nerve route, normally caused by compression)
Paresthesias and weakness in distribution of specific lumbar or sacral spinal nerves. Often due to intervertebral disc herniation in which the nerve associated with the inferior vertebral body is impinged (e.g., herniation of L3-L4 disc affects the L4 spinal nerve)
Disc Level –> Findings
L3-L4 –> Weakness of knee extension, decreased patellar reflex
L4-L5 –> Weakness of dorsiflexion, difficulty in heel-walking
L5-S1 –> Weakness of plantarflexion, difficulty in toe-walking, decreased Achilles reflex
Direction of Intervertebral Disc Herniation
Intervertebral discs generally herniate posterolaterally, due to the thin posterior longitudinal ligament and thicker anterior longitudinal ligament along the midline of the vertebral bodies.
Axilla/Lateral thorax (name nerve and artery)
Long thoracic nerve
lateral thoracic artery
Surgical neck of humerus (name nerve and artery)
Axillary Nerve
Posterior circumflex artery
Midshaft of humerus (name nerve and artery)
Radial Nerve
Deep Brachial Artery
Distal Humerus/cubital fossa (name nerve and artery)
Median Nerve
Brachial Artery
Popliteal fossa (name nerve and artery)
Tibial Nerve
Popliteal Artery
Posterior to medial malleolus (name nerve and artery)
Tibial Nerve
Posterior Tibial Artery
Muscle Conduction to Contraction
T-tubules are extensions of plasma membrane juxtaposed with terminal cisternae of the sarcoplasmic reticulum.
In skeletal muscle, 1 T-tubule + 2 terminal cisternae = triad.
In cardiac muscle, 1 T-tubule + 1 terminal cisterna = dyad.
1. Action potential depolarization opens presynaptic voltage-gated Ca2+ channels, inducing
neurotransmitter release.
2. Postsynaptic ligand binding leads to muscle cell depolarization in the motor end plate.
3. Depolarization travels along muscle cell and down the T-tubule.
4. Depolarization of the voltage-sensitive dihydropyridine receptor, mechanically coupled to the
ryanodine receptor on the sarcoplasmic reticulum, induces a conformational change in both
receptors, causing Ca2+ release from sarcoplasmic reticulum.
5. Released Ca2+ binds to troponin C, causing a conformational change that moves tropomyosin
out of the myosin-binding groove on actin filaments.
6. Myosin releases bound ADP and Pi –> displacement of myosin on the actin filament (power
stroke). Contraction results in shortening of H and I bands and between Z lines (HIZ
shrinkage), but the A band remains the same length (A band is Always the same length) A .
7. Binding of a new ATP molecule causes detachment of myosin head from actin filament.
Hydrolysis of bound ATP –> ADP, myosin head adopts high-energy position (“cocked”) for the
next contraction cycle.
Type 1 Muscle
Slow Twitch; red fibers resulting from increased [mito] and [Mb] (increased oxphos) –> sustained contraction. Proportion increases after endurance training.
“1 slow red ox.”
Type 2 Muscle
Fast twitch; white fibers resulting from decreased [mito] and [Mb] (increased anaerobic glycolysis). Proportion increases after weight/resistance training.
Endochondral Ossification
Bone formation.
Bones of axial skeleton, appendicular skeleton, and base of skull. Cartilaginous model of bone is first made by chondrocytes. Osteoclasts and osteoblasts later replace with woven bone and then remodel to lamellar bone. In adults, woven bone occurs after fractures and in Paget disease. Defective in achondroplasia.
Membranous Ossification
Bone formation.
Bones of calvarium and facial bones. Woven bone formed directly without cartilage. Later remodeled to lamellar bone.
Builds bone by secreting collagen and catalyzing mineralization in alkaline environment via ALP.
Differentiates from mesenchymal stem cells in periosteum.
Dissolves bone by secreting H+ and collagenases. Differentiates from a fusion of monocyte/macrophage lineage precursors.
Parathyroid hormone
At low, intermittent levels, exerts anabolic effects (building bone) on osteoblasts and osteoclasts (indirect). Chronically PTH levels (1° hyperparathyroidism) cause catabolic effects (osteitis fibrosa cystica).
Inhibits apoptosis in bone-forming osteoblasts and induces apoptosis in bone-resorbing osteoclasts. Estrogen deficiency (surgical or postmenopausal), excess cycles of remodeling, and bone resorption lead to osteoporosis.