Musculoskeletal Development Flashcards
Where do they form?
What do they form?
What determines what each somite becomes?
What are the 4 groups of Mesoderm that it splits into? What does each group form?
- From Presomitic Mesoderm (PSM); grows from cranial to caudal end of embryo
- Axial Skeleton (vertebrae, ribs), Axial muscles (vertebral, thoracic, abdominal), Appendicular muscles (flexor, extensors in limbs)
- Hox genes
- • Chorda-mesoderm; Notochord
• Paraxial mesoderm; becomes PSM, which further differentiates into the Sclerotome, Myotome, and Dermatome
o Sclerotome; Vertebrae and ribs
o Dermomyotome; Myotome (Epimere, Hypomere, Limb muscles), Dermatome (Dorsal dermis)
o Syndetome; Tendons
• Intermediate mesoderm; Kidney, Gonads
• Lateral mesoderm; Appendicular skeleton
How do the Somites cause spinal nerve formation from the neural tube?
Why do spinal nerves pass between vertebrae?
How is somite differentiation controlled?
- Grows between Sclerotome to innervate the Myotome and Dermatome = Segmental pattern of innervation
- As spinal nerve grows, it splits the sclerotome into cranial and caudal halves; Cranial and caudal halves of adjacent sclerotomes (vertebrae) fuse together to form a vertebral body (LOOK AT PICTURE)
- Signalling molecules released by Notochord, Neural tube, Lateral plate mesoderm
What are the 2 models that determine the way in which the somites form and divide? What’s the function of both?
- Clock mechanism marks time; found in PSM cells
o Oscillations of the clock are made by delayed negative feedback on gene expression - Trigger mechanism tells PSM when to form somites
o Made by opposing gradient thresholds of signalling molecules
What are they formed from?
How are they formed?
- Limb Buds and develop from LATERAL MESODERM (appendicular skeleton)
- • Migration of muscle precursors from myotome of somite into limb bud
• Splitting of muscle in bud in dorsal and ventral muscle masses
• Signals from limb induce the myoblasts to migrate
Dermatome (Dorsal Dermis):
What is it in an embryo?
What is it in an adult?
Why does it have a segmental pattern in the limb bud?
How does the pattern change as the limb bud grows? Why?
- Subdivision of a dividing somite
- Area of skin supplied by a single spinal nerve
- Comes from Dermomyotome and the adjacent spinal nerves at the
somite is what will provide its sensory innervation - Segmental pattern converts into a proximo-distal pattern as limbs rotate during development
What do the 5 most cranial somites form?
What does it do to become the vertebrae?
What happens to the Notochord?
What is the skeleton like throughout it’s development?
Describe 3 abnormalities of the Sclerotome
- Occipital bone
- Sclerotomes surround the Notochord, Proliferate rapidly, and then Condense around the neural tube; take shape of a vertebrae
- Degenerates along with most of cord, forming the Nucleus Pulposus
- Initially formed as cartilage (Chondrification) before mineralising to form bone (Endochondral Ossification)
- • Abnormal segmentation; Fused vertebrae, Scoliosis
• Klippel-Feil syndrome - Short neck as ↓number of cervical vertebrae
• Spina Bifida Occulta - failed fusion of vertebral arches
What does it form?
What does it divide into? What do they both form? What are they innervated by?
What is the muscle pattern dictated by?
What are the 4 stages it takes to become a Myofibre?
- Back and Limb muscles, Ventral body wall
- • Epimere; small dorsal portion; Extensor muscles of spine, Innervated by Dorsal ramus of spinal nerve
• Hypomere; large ventral portion; Limb and body wall muscles, Innervated by Ventral ramus of spinal nerve - Connective tissue
- Myoblast; myotome migrates to muscle location and proliferates
- Primary Myotube; initial myoblast fusion
- Secondary Myotube; later myoblast proliferation and fusion
- Myofibre; innervation and expression of contractile proteins
- Myoblast; myotome migrates to muscle location and proliferates
What cells are used for muscle regeneration?
What do these cells express?
How do they form new myofibres?
- Satellite cells; muscle resident stem cells
- Pax7
- When activated, they follow the same process as myotomes during muscle development
What are the 4 stages that occur for the formation of a Neuromuscular Junction?
- Growth cone of axon approaches muscle fibres and forms contact
- On contact, axon differentiates and the basal lamina appears in the cleft
o Specialised extracellular matrix forms in the cleft - Multiple axons converge; Ach receptors are laid down on the muscle surface and the axons compete
- One axon wins and becomes myelinated; ↑AChR density and elaboration of the post-synaptic membrane
Chrondogenesis defects:
Features of Achondroplasia?
Feature of Brevicollis?
Limb defects: Feature of Amelia? Feature of Polydactyly? Feature of Ectrodactyly? Feature of Syndactyly?
- Dwarfism, Lack of cartilage conversion into bone
- Short neck
- Total absence of a limb
- Extra fingers
- Split/cleft hand
- Fusion of fingers