Musculoskeletal Flashcards
Shoulder abduction
Supraspinatus (to 30 degrees)
External rotation of shoulder
Infraspinatus, teres minor (comb hair)
Internal rotation of shoulder
Subscapularis (unhook bra)
Deltoid innervation
Axillary nerve (C5)
Supraspinatus innervation
Suprascapular nerve (C5) Greater tubercle
Infraspinatus innervation
Suprascapular nerve (C5) Greater tubercle
Teres minor innervation
Axillary nerve (C5) Greater tuburcle
Subscapular innervation
Upper and lower subscapular nerves (C5)
Lesser tubercle
Elbow flexion
Biceps brachii
C5/6= musculocutaneous
Supination of arm
Biceps brachii
C6= musculocutaneous
Elbow extension
C7= radial nerve
Finger flexion (make a fist)
C8= median and ulnar
Finger abduction
T1= ulnar nerve
Knee extension
Quadriceps muscle
Femoral Nerve-L4 root
To -5 degrees
Note patellar movement
Knee flexion
Four flexors including hamstrings
Sciatic nerve-L5, S1
To 130 degrees
Valgus stress test
Valgus= Knock-kneed
Test= apply pressure to lateral side of knee
- Pain and/or laxity at medial joint line= MCL sprain
- Pain at lateral joint line= Lateral meniscus mischief
Varus stress test
Varus= bow legged
Test= apply pressure to medial side of knee
- Pain and/or laxity at lateral joint line= LCL sprain
- Pain at lateral joint line= Medial meniscus mischief
Great toe extension and flexion
Extension= Deep peroneal nerve
- Sensation to top of foot
Flexion= Tibial nerve
- sensation to bottom of foot
Lachman’s maneuver
To assess for ACL sprain
- Knee stabilized at 20 degrees
- Examiner has fingers on medial and lateral joint lines
- Examiner pulls tibia anteriorly and notes laxity
- Sensitivity for isolated anterior cruciate tear-75%
- Do not perform in an unstable knee!
Anterior drawer maneuver
To assess for ACL sprain
- Knee stabilized at 90 degrees
- Examiner has fingers on medial and lateral joint lines
- Examiner pulls tibia anteriorly and notes laxity
- Sensitivity for isolated anterior cruciate tear-40%
- Do not perform if knee is grossly unstable!!
Auenbrugger’s maneuver
A variant of auscultatory percussion
The examiner places stethoscope over AC joint and taps over the olecranon
Diminished sound indicates discontiguous structures:
- fracture or
- dislocation
Yergason’s maneuver
- Patient in neutral handshake position
- Examiner inspects anterior aspect of shoulder
- Patient instructed to supinate forearm and flex elbow against resistance
- Pain at Bicipital groove increases likelihood of bicipital tendonitis
Medial epicondylitis
Bowler, rock-climber
- Pain with active flexion and pronation; passive extension
Median nerve entrapment
Pronator teres entraps nerve
- Positive Tinel’s test over pronator site
- Weakness with “OK” sign
Cubital tunnel syndrome
Tinel’s over cubital tunnel site, weakness to hand intrinsics
Ulnar nerve entrapment
- Pain and tingling in pinky