Musculoskeletal Flashcards
when they first independently ambulate, generally walk with a wide base of support, taking short,
sometimes asymmetric steps, with occasional foot slapping
as they pick up speed. Arm motion is nonreciprocal with
their legs and they fall frequently because of poor balance
and immature motor planning
At what age do children walk with more fluid and symmetric strides,
reciprocal arm motion, and improved overall coordination
of movement
3 –5 years old
By what age do most children walk with a coordination pattern similar to adults, including longer
stride lengths and a decreased step cadence
By age 7
hip pain, knee pain or ankle pain cause a shortened stance phase on
the affected side called ‘
Antalgic gait
is the time that the limb is in
contact with the ground supporting the weight of the body.
Stance phase
Examples of nonantalgic limp
toe-walking, which
may be the result of a tight heel cord; recurrent or untreated
clubfoot; limb-length discrepancy; or a neurologic disability
such as cerebral palsy
Trendelenburg gait
has the appearance of the child shifting his or her body weight over
the affected hip during the stance phase. This shift reduces
the force exerted on the weak abductors. The distinction
between Trendelenburg and antalgic gaits can be seen in the
stance phase wherein the Trendelenburg stance phase is not
shortened because the Trendelenburg gait is not caused by
Leg length discrepancy
causes gait disturbances. The difference on the shorter limb is characterized by walking on the toes. The difference is seen on the
longer side with walking and standing with the hip and/or
knee in flexion to actively equalize leg lengths
symptom of a wide variety of acute lower extremity musculoskeletal injuries, including ligament sprains,
muscle strains, contusions, and fractures
The diagnoses in pediatric trauma that must not be
neurovascular compromise, open fractures, and impending compartment syndrome.
occurs when swelling or bleeding into
muscle compartments of the upper or lower extremities inhibits adequate blood supply into or out of the compartments
compartment syndrome
the generally accepted
best indicators of an evolving compartment syndrome in
children are the so-called “three As”
increasing Analgesia
needs to control pain, Anxiety, and Agitation
In children,
compartment syndrome most commonly develops after
fractures of the tibial shaft, supracondylar humerus, and forearm
When to send child immediately to the ED for Ortho evaluation
A child who presents with limping or inability to bear weight because
of severe pain after a traumatic injury or surgery, especially
one who has been asking for increasing amounts of pain
medication, is inconsolable, or is especially anxious from
lower extremity fractures in a child who is not yet ambulating, Metaphyseal corner fractures, epiphyseal separations, and
multiple fractures at different stages of healing should
increase suspicion for nonaccidental trauma and child abuse