Muscular System 1/21 Flashcards
Latissimus Dorsi OIA
Origin: Neural spines of last thoracic and lumbar vertebrae and lumbodorsal fascia
Insertion: Medial Surface of Humerus
Action: Pulls forelimb dorsally and caudally
Thoracic Trapezius (Spinotrapezius) OIA
Origin: Spines of thoracic vertebrae
Insertion: Fascia of Scapula
Action: Draws scapula dorsad and caudad
Cervical Trapezius (Acromiotrapezius) OIA
Origin: Spines of cervical and 1st thoracic vertebrae
Insertion: Metacromion process, spine of scapula, and fascia of thoracic trapezius
Action: Draws scapula dorsad and holds scapula together
Cleido Cervicalis (Clavotrapezius) OIA
Origin: Superior Nuchal line and Median Dorsal line of Neck
Insertion: Clavical
Action: Draws clavical dorsad and craniad
Rhomboideus Major
Origin: Spines of Upper thoracic vertebrae
Insertion: Medial Border of Scapula
Action: Raises and adducts scapula
Rhomboideus Minor
Origin: Lower Cervical Vertebrae
Insertion: Vertebral border of scapula
Action: Raises and adducts scapula
Rhomboideus Capitis
Origin: Superior nuchal line
Insertion: Scapula
Action Draws scapula cranaid and rotates it