Muscular Strength in Children Flashcards
Development in muscular strength
- Muscle fiber number fixed soon after birth (between ages 1 to adolescence fibre diameter increases almost 3 fold)
- Muscle hypertrophy occurs as children grow via increased protein content (not cellular multiplication) Influenced by growth hormone IGF-I
- Muscle strength increases as muscle mass increases.
- Following puberty, circulating testosterone accelerates increases in muscle size and strength in boys.
Dimensionality Theory
- According to dimensionality theory, areas should relate to body mass by the exponent 0.67.
- Areas should also relate to height by the exponent 2.0.
- Area/ height (Area has a dimension of 2 and height has a dimension of 1)
- 2/1 = 2
- If muscle force is expected to relate to cross-sectional area of the contracting muscle then it should be expressed as M0.67 (Mass) or H2.0 (Height) if cross-sectional areas is the only factor involved in the development of strength during childhood.
Dimensionality Theory - too simplistic
Asmussen, E. & Heeboll-Nielsen.J
Study of 7-16 yr old Danish schoolboys to determine the exponents for height relative to strength
- Data from children indicate that scaling factors for muscular strength are actually higher (higher than 2)
- This means that muscular strength is increasing at a greater rate with age than would be expected
- Girls tended to have a plateau of strength around 15 years of age while boys continues to get stronger
Why might the dimensionality theory not be applicable to children?
What about comparing children with other children?
Why might the dimensionality theory not be applicable to children
- It assumes that subjects of different sizes are geometrically similar i.e. similar proportions.
- Children, when compared to adults have relatively larger heads and shorter legs
What about comparing children with other children?
- Debate is there is dimensional similarity between children. Some research disagrees suggesting that tissue composition is not constant throughout childhood and thus the theory of geometric similarity is questionable
Effects of sports played and maturation differences
Jaric et al
In this study the researches measure isometric leg strength in adults, pubescent and pre-pubescent athletes involved in different sports to determine the optimal mass scaling exponent for strength.
- Adult elite athletes & pubescent athletes produced results very close to the expected 0.67 according to dimensionality theory.
- Pre-pubescent athletes this average was 1.14 suggesting that maturational differences can have a significant affect and that the rate of strength development in children before puberty increases at a greater rate than body size
- Children’s strength develops at a greater rate than can be explained purely by increases in body size
Nerve Conduction velocity
Nerve conduction velocity is the speed at which motor and sensory impulses traverse a given section of nerve (m/s) and it is influenced by:
- Axonal diameter
- Larger axon -> faster conduction velocity
- Proximal segments (upper) are faster than distal (lower)
- Local tissue temperature
- A decrease in local muscle temperature will reduce nerve conduction velocity
- Age
- With ageing, adults nerve conduction velocity slows.
- Children: Nerve conduction velocity increases rapidly in the first year of life.
- Height
- Height is inversely related to nerve conduction velocity in adults.
- If you’re taller, nerve conduction is slower as it has further to travel
Nerve conduction velocity in children & adolescents
Malstrom & Lindstrom, 1997
Increases in nerve conduction velocity between ages 0 and 20 associated with age and muscle diameter (Malstrom & Lindstrom, 1997).
NCV in lower limbs: decreases with age
NCV in upper limbs: small increase with age
Conclusion: Increases in nerve conduction velocity in early childhood likely contribute to the development of strength.
Motor unit recruitment and firing rate?
- Number of neurons present by early adulthood already exist at birth/early infancy.
- Intramuscular needle electrodes used in adults to confirm maximal motor unit firing rate decreases with age. Methods generally considered inappropriate for children.
Recruitment and firing rates of type II motor units
Do children recruit a smaller percentage of their total motor unit pool? (Asmussen et al., 1955).
- Asmussen’s proposal along with subsequent researchers suggest that children recruit a smaller percentage of their total motor unit pool
In review paper, Dotan et al. (2012) hypothesised that children do not recruit or fully use higher-threshold type II motor units to the extent typical of adults.
- Type II units -> compromised in children
Lexell et al., 1992 - some evidence to suggest lower type II muscle fibre composition in children
Transformation of type I to Type II fibres
Gradual increase in motor neuron impulse frequency during maturation may be responsible for increase in utilisation of type II motor units and also transformation of type I to type II fibres during growth (Dotan et al., 2012).
The figures show that the following occur while children age
- Muscle area increases until around the age of 25
- The number of fibres does not change
- The proportion of slow twitch (Type I) decreases which means that the proportion of fast twitch increases. This means that an increase in cross-sectional area of muscle as children age is due to an increase in size of muscle fibres and not the increase in the number of fibres
- Type II muscle fibres increases significantly from the age of five (35%) to the age of twenty (50%).
Agonist-antagonist co-contraction
Grosset JF et al
- When assessing force associated with agonist muscles, simultaneous activation of antagonist muscles detracts from the power output of the agonist muscle
- Thus higher agonist-antagonist co-contraction could partly explain why children have lower strength and power
- Some studies have reported greater coactivation in children
- Could greater agonist-antagonist co-contraction in children explain lower strength and power compared with adults?
Central Inhibition
- Electrical stimulation used to evoke muscle contraction and compared with maximal voluntary contraction. Any observed difference attributed to central command.
- Negative feedback from peripheral receptors and/or inhibitory signals at the level of the motor cortex may limit force production.
Blimkie (1989) reported that motor unit activation (determined by twitch interpolation technique) for knee extensors was significantly higher in 16 yr olds compared with 10 yr olds.
- In children is there more central inhibition to prevent true maximal contraction in order to prevent muscle damage
Development of muscular strength in children
Muscle cross-sectional area
- Is responsible for some but not all strength development
Nerve conduction velocity?
- Does influence strength development at some level
Recruitment of type II motor units?
- Yes in theory but more evidence is needed
Transformation of type I to type II fibres?
- Some theories that this is the case and some evidence to suggest it does
Agonist—antagonist co-contraction?
- Yes may contribute. But most of the evidence is for dynamic contraction and there appears to be less difference in children and adults in isometric contractions
Central inhibition?
- Yes some evidence of central inhibition in young children that is attenuated as they grow older and therefore the removal of that central inhibition contributes to strength development
Muscle Damage
Children appear to experience less muscle damage from intense exercise
- Disruption of fibres and inflitration of inflammatory cells
- Release of creatine kinase into bloodstream (children produce less)
- Delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS)
- Diminished strength
- Reduced range of motion
Power duration curve (Graph)
There is considerable overlap between aerobic and anaerobic metabolism during exercise with almost all intensities and duration.
- Anaerobic metabolism responds rapidly to the energy requirement of exercise and is capable to satisfying the needs of very high intensity work
- Aerobic metabolic processers act more slowly to exercise but provide greater energy to sustained work.
- 15 sec short burst of maximal exercise -> 88% anaerobic and 12% aerobic
- 60-75 sec all out test -> equal between anaerobic and aerobic
- 4 minutes -> 80% aerobic metabolism