muscles - olga's ppt review Flashcards
which two muscles attach the trunk to the humerus
pectoralis major, latissimus dorsi
which muscles attach the scapula to the humerus
deltoid, teres major, rotator cuff muscles: supraspinatus, infraspinatus, subscapularis & teres minor
of the roatator cuff muscles, which has an origin and insertion on the anterior side of the body
what are the 5 muscles that move/stabilize the scapula
trapezius, levator scapulae, rhomboid major and minor, serratus anterior, pectoralis minor
which muscle retracts the scapula, pulling it toward the spine
which muscle lies over the rhomboid
what are the 8 bones of the wrist
scaphoid, lunate, triquetral, pisiform, trapezium, trapezoid, capitate, hamate
how many bones make up the feet
list all of the ankle bones
talus, cuboid, navicular, med. Cuneiform, int. cuneiform, lat. Cuneiform, calcaneus
which group of cavities make up the paranasal sinuses
frontal, sphenoidal, ethmoidal, maxillary
what is the function of the paranasal sinuses
provide resonance to the voice, shape to the face, and some degree of warmth and humidification to inspired air
what branches of nerves supply the paranasal sinuses
opthalmic, and maxillary nerves
moves a limb away from the midline
moves a limb towards the midline
increase the angle at a joint - extends a limb
decreases the angle at a joint - flexes a limb
turns a limb to face downwards
turns a limb to face upwards
rotates a limb
movement of the sole of the foot outward - laterally
movement of the sole of the foot inward - medially
which muscle raises the shoulder blade
levator scaulae
which muscle lifts clavicle; adducts, elevates and rotates scapula outwards
which muscle adducts/retracts scapula and rotates it inwards
rhomboid major
which muscle stabilizes scapula when hand exerts pressure on an object
serratus anterior
which muscle flexes, adducts and rotates arm medially
pectoralis major
which muscle depresses the shoulder and directs the scpula inferiorly and medially toward the thorax
pectoralis minor
which muscle extends, adducts and rotates arm medially; moves arm downward and backwards
latissimus dorsi
which muscle abducts, flexes, extends, and medially (anterior muscle) and laterally (posterior muscle) rotates the arm
which muscle extends the arm, assists in adduction and medial rotation of the arm
teres major
which muscle flexes and supinates the forearm; flexes the arm
biceps brachii
which muscle flexes the forearm
which muscle flexes, semi supinates and semi pronates the forearm
which muscle extends the forearm
triceps brachii
which muscle pronates and flexes the forearm
pronator teres
which muscle pronates the forearm and the hand
pronator quadratus
which muscle supinates the forearm and hand
which muscle extends and adducts the hand and wrist
extensor carpi ulnaris
which muscle is a wrist flexor
palmaris longus
which muscle improves hand grip
palmaris brevis
what is the action of the triceps brachii
extends the elbow
what nerve is associated with the triceps brachii
radial nerve
what is the origin of extensor carpi ulnaris
lateral epicondyle of the humerus
what is the insertion for extensor carpi ulnaris
base of the 5th metacarpal via groove by ulnar styloid
what is the action of extensor carpi ulnaris
extends and adducts the hand at the wrist
what nerve is associated with the extensor carpi ulnaris
radial nerve
the medial epicondyle of the humerus is the origin of which two muscles
palmaris longus and pronator teres muscles
which muscle plantar flexes the foot and flexes the knee
which two muscles plantar flex the foot
soleus and plantaris
which muscle dosiflexes and inverts the foot
tibialis anterior
which muscle dorsiflexes and everts the foot
peroneus tertius
which muscle plantar flexes and inverts the foot
tibialis posterior
which2 muscles plantar flexe and evert the foot
peroneus longus & peroneus brevis
what 2 muscles flex and rotat the thigh medially and flex the vertebral column
psoas major & Iliacus
which muscle extends and rotates the thigh laterally
gluteus maximus
which muscle adducts, medially rotates and flexes the thigh
adductor longus
which muscle adducts, laterally rotates and flexes the thigh
adductor brevis
which muscle adducts, flexes, and laterally rotates and extends the thigh
adductor magnus
what muscle extends the lumbar region
iliocostalis lumborum
what muscle maintaines the spine’s erect position
iliocostalis thoracis
what muscle extends the cervical region
iliocostalis cervis
what muscle extends the thoracis region
longissimus thoracis
what muscle extends the cervical region
longissimus cervicis
what muscle extends the heat and rotates it to the opposite side
longissimus capitis
which 3 muscles extend the vertebral column
spinalis thoracis, spinalis cervicis, spinalis capitis
what muscle does lateral flexion of the veretebral column
quadratus lumborum
which muscle compresses the abdomen and flexes the vertebral column
rectus abdominis
what muscle rotates and bends the vertebral column laterally
external obliques
what muscle compresses the abdomen
transversus abdominis
what muscle is used for side flexion
quadratus lumborum