Muscles of the spine Flashcards
- Inferior ligamentum nuchae (an extension of the supraspinous ligament into the cervical spine)
- SPs of C7-T3
- Respective supraspinous ligaments (a ligament that run between the SPs)
Serratus Posterior Superior - origin
- upper border of ribs 2-5 (lateral to their angles)
serratus posterior superior - insertion
elevate ribs 2-5
serratus posterior superior - action
depress ribs 9-12 (when diaphragm contracts, holds ribs in place)
serratus posterior inferior - action
- SPs of T11-L3
- respective supraspinous ligs
serratus posterior inferior - origin
O: SPs of T3-T6 I: TPs of C1-C3 A: - bi: EXT head and neck - uni: assists w lat flex and ROT to the same side
splenius cervicis - O/I/A
lower border of ribs 9-12 (lateral to their angles)
serratus posterior inferior - insertion
O: angles of ribs 3-6
I: TPs of C4-C6
A: neck EXT and side flexion to the same side, elevates ribs 3-6 (when spine is fixed)
Iliocostalis cervicis (OIA)
O: angles of lower 6 ribs
I: angles of upper 6 ribs
A: back EXT (through pull on ribs)
iliocostalis thoracis (OIA)
O: post iliac crest, median and lateral sacral crests, SPs of T11-L5 (&supraspinous lig)
I: post surface of lower 6 ribs
A: back EXT, depresses ribs 7-12
iliocostalis lumborum (OIA)
O: TPs of T1-T5, articular processes (SAP/IAP) of C4-C7 I: posterior margin of mastoid process A: bi: neck EXT uni: neck side flex
longissimus capitis (OIA)
O: TPs of T1-T5 I: TPs of C2-C6 A: bi: neck EXT uni: neck side flex
longissimus cervicis (OIA)
O: TLF (ant layer (?), TPs and accessory processes of L-spine
I: TPs of T1-T12, and lateral to the tubercles of ribs 4-12
bi: back EXT
uni: trunk side flexion
longissimus thoracis (OIA)
O: inferior ligamentum nuchae, and SPs of C7-T2
I: SPs of C2-C4
A: neck EXT
spinalis cervicis (OIA)
O: SPs of T11-L2
I: SPs of T1-T8
A: trunk EXT (postural)
spinalis thoracis (OIA)