Muscles of the Shoulder Girdle & Upper Limbs, Pelvic Girdle & Lower Limbs, Spinal Column Flashcards
List some Yoga postures that innervate elevation and abduction of the shoulder join
- Adho Mukha Vrksasana - Head stand
- Urdhva Hastasana
- Vrikshasana - Tree pose
- Virabhadrasana II
Muscles in action with Poses
In Virabhadrāsana II, observe abduction of the scapula and the long head of the Triceps brachii.
In Chaturanga Daṇḍāsana observe lateral (external) rotation (protraction) of the scapula and the action of the rhomboids muscle.
In Chaturanga Daṇḍāsana continue to observe Serratus anterior
Observe the deltoids in Pūrvottānāsana - Reverse Plank
In Trikonāsana observe the action of Serratus anterior and the rhomboids
Adho Mukha Svanāsana and Ūrdhva Dhanurāsana - Wheel and observe the effects of the triceps brachii and the deltoids
Come into Janu Śīrṣāsana and Salamba Sarvangāsana and observe the biceps brachii muscles
Observe Levator scapulae in Virabhadrāsana II
Observe the anterior deltoids in Matsyāsana
List 5 postures that stabilize the rotator cuffs.
External Rotators Tadāsana – arms over head Virabhadrāsana I Adho Mukha Svanāsana Plank
Internal Rotators Pārśvottānāsana Maricyāsana III Ardha Matsyendrāsana Gomukhāsana - (bottom arm)
List five (5) separate āsana that generates strength and stability of the shoulder joint and clearly indicate how this is achieved.
The shoulder socket is relatively shallow. The shoulder therefore relies heavily on the strength of the surrounding muscles, tendons and ligaments for stability. We also need to balance the strength of these supporting structures, that include the rotator cuff (supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor, and subscapularis), so that they can work synergistically to allow for proper movement patterns and optimal range of motion.
•Vasisthasana - Side Plank
• Bakasana - Crow
• Chataranga Dandasana - Four Limbed staff pose
•Adho Mukha Svanasana -
• Urdhva Danurasana
•Adho Mukha Vrksasana - Handstand
These poses target the Rotator cuff muscles which are responsible for Shoulder Joint stability.
List five (5) separate āsana that can increase strength in both the biceps brachii and the triceps brachii
Triceps: • Adho Mukha Svanasana • Vrishchikasana - Scorpion • Pincha Mayurasana - Feathered Peacock, forarm stand • Urdhva Mukha Svanasana • Urdhva Danurasana - Wheel
• Paschimotanasana - Intense Stretch to the east
• Sarvangasana - Shoulder Stand
• Chaturanga Dandasana - Four limbed staff pose
• Vasisthasana - Side Plank
• Bakasana - Crow
Discuss three (3) postures contraindicated for a rotator cuff injury and why?
Adho Mukha Svanasana, Phalakasana - Plank pose and Chatatanga Dandasana. All these poses put a lot of weight on the rotator cuff muscles, possibily irritating them and not allowing them enough time to heal.
Name which muscles of the upper body require increased strength to support the muscles that stabilise the shoulder joint
• Pectoralis Major, Latimus dorsi, Deltoid, Teres Minor
List five (5) separate āsana to increase strength in the Deltoid muscles and clearly indicate why?
- Vasisthasana - Side Plank
- Bakasana - Crane Pose
- Kakasana - Crow
- Mayurasana - Peacock
- Parsva Bhuja Dandasana - Grasshopper
- Matsyasana - Lord of the fish
Why is shoulder stability so important to a student practicing āsana?
The shoulder socket is relatively shallow. The shoulder therefore relies heavily on the strength of the surrounding muscles, tendons and ligaments for stability. We also need to balance the strength of these supporting structures, that include the rotator cuff (supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor, and subscapularis), so that they can work synergistically to allow for proper movement patterns and optimal range of motion.
Discuss three (3) āsana that increases flexibility of the hip joint and why?
- Ananda Balasana - Happy baby
- Baddha Konasana - bound angle pose
- Supta Padangusthasana - reclining big toe pose
Name five (5) postures you would recommend to increase strengthen in the lower spinal muscles.
- Setu Bandha Sarvangasana -Bridge
- Sukhasana or easy pose
- Bhujangasana or Cobra pose
- Marjariasana or the cat pose
- Virabhadrasana II or the Warrior Pose 2
How may a students’ practice change if they have lumbar spine injuries?
Avoid: • Ustrasana - Camel Pose • urdhva Dhanurasana - Wheel • Navasana -Boat pose •Uttinasana - Forward folds
Discuss three (3) āsana you would recommend to increase hamstring flexibility (not mentioned in question 1)
- Marichyasana 1
- Supta Padangusthasana B
- Uttinasana
Why is pelvic stability so important to a student practicing āsana?
The Pelvic floor is the foundation of youir asana, building up strength in this area over time is key to having an injury free practice. This is where your hip flexion occurs, tilting at the pelvis, the fulcrum point being able to lift the heavy trunk into positions can put emmense strainon the Pelvis thus strengthening the muscels in this are to support such lift is vital.