Muscles of the Neck Flashcards
What is the Action and Innervation for Trapezius M?
A: Extends neck bilaterally
Unilaterally: Laterally flexes neck and rotates face away
N: Spinal accessory N
What is the Action and Innervation for Sternocleidomastoid?
A: Extends neck at atlantooccipital joint (bilaterally)
Flexes remaining neck (bilaterally)
Unilaterally: laterally flexes neck and rotates face away
N: Spinal Accessory N
What is the Action and Innervation for Levator Scapulae?
A: Extends neck (bilaterally)
Laterally flexes neck (unilaterally)
N: Dorsal Scapular N
What is the Action and Innervation for Splenius Capitus?
A: Extends neck (bilaterally)
Laterally flexes neck and rotates face toward (unilaterally)
N: Posterior Rami C3-C5
What is the Action and Innervation for Anterior Scalene M?
A: Flexes neck (bilaterally)
Laterally flexes neck (unilaterally)
Elevates first rib
N: Anterior Rami C4-C6
What is the Action and Innervation for Middle Scalene M?
A: Flexes neck (bilaterally)
Laterally flexes neck (unilaterally)
Elevates first rib
What is the Action and Innervation for Posterior Scalene M?
A: Laterally flexes neck (unilaterally)
Elevates 2nd rib
N: Anterior Rami C6-C8
What is the Action and Innervation for Myohyoid M?
A: Elevates hyoid B
Elevates floor of mouth and tongue
N: Nerve to Myohyoid
What is the Action and Innervation for Geniohyoid M?
A: Elevates Hyoid B
Shortens floor of mouth
Widens pharynx
N: C1 via hypoglossal N
What is the Action and Innervation for Diagastric M?
A: Elevates hyoid B
Steadies hyoid B
Depresses Mandible
N: Anterior belly - N to myohyoid
Posterior belly - Facial N
What is the Action and Innervation for Stylohyoid M?
A: Elevates hyoid B
Retracts hyoid B
Elongates floor of mouth
N: Facial N
What is the Action and Innervation for Sternohyoid M?
A: Depresses hyoid B
N: Ansa Cervicalis (C1-C3)
What is the Action and Innervation for Sternothyroid M?
A: Depresses thyroid cartilage
N: Ansa cervicalis (C2-C3)
What is the Action and Innervation for Thyrohyoid M?
A: Depresses hyoid B
Elevate thyroid carilage
N: C1 via hypoglossal N
What is the Action and Innervation for Omohyoid M?
A: Depresses hyoid B and retracts hyoid B
N: Ansa Cervicalis C1-C3