Muscles of the Head and Neck Flashcards
What is the name, origin, insertion, innervation, and action of this muscle.
Name: Sternocleidomastoid
Origin: Manubrium of sternum & medial portion of clavicle
Insertion: Mastoid process of temporal bone & superior nuchal line of occipital bone
Innervation: Accessory nerve
Action: (1) prime mover of active head flexion (when act together) & (2) rotates head toward opposite side (when act singularly)
What is the name, origin, insertion, innervation, and action of this muscle.
Name: Trapezius
Origin: Occipital bone, ligamentum nuchae, spines of C7 - T12
Insertion: spine & acromion of scpaula, lateral 3rd of clavicle.
Innervation: Accessory nerve
Action: (1) rotates scapula, (2) adducts and retracts scapula, (3) elevates and depresses scapula
What is the name, origin, insertion, innervation, and action of this muscle.
Name: Temporalis
Origin: Temporal fossa
Insertion: coronoid process of mandible
Innervation: Trigeminal nerve
Action: (1) closes jaw, (2) elevates and retracts mandible, (3) synergist of pterygoids, and (4) maintains position of mandible at rest
What is the name, origin, insertion, innervation, and action of this muscle.
Name: Masseter
Origin: Zygomatic arch and maxilla
Insertion: angle & ramus of mandible
Innervation: Trigeminal nerve
Action: (1) prime mover of jaw closure and (2) elevates mandible
What is the name, origin, insertion, innervation, and action of this muscle.
Name: Buccinator
Origin: Molar region of maxilla and mandible
Insertion: Orbicularis oris
Innervation: Facial nerve
Action: (1) draws corner of mouth laterally, (2) compresses cheek (sucking), and (3) holds food between teeth during chewing.