Muscles of the Head Flashcards
A: Compress cheek
O: mandible, maxillae
I: orbicularis oris muscle
Depressor anguli oris
A: Moves corners of mouth inferiorly and laterally
Depressor labii inferioris
A: Moves lower lip inferiorly
Levator anguli oris
A: Moves corners of mouth superiorly and laterally
Levator labii superioris
A: Opens lips, raises and furrows the upper lip
A: Elevates and protracts mandible
O: Zygomatic arch
I: Ramus and angle of mandible
A: Protrudes lower lip (pouting muscle)
A: Compresses bridge and depresses tip of nose
Occipitofrontalis (frontal belly)
A: Elevates eyebrows and wrinkles skin of forehead
Occipitofrontalis (occipital belly)
A: Retracts scalp
Orbicularis oculi
A: Closes eye, produces winking, blinking, squinting
Orbicularis oris
A: Compresses and purses lips (kissing muscle)
A: Pulls lower lip inferiorly; tenses skin of neck
A: Moves corners of lips laterally
A: Moves corners of lips laterally
A: Elevates and retracts mandible
O: Parietal bone
I: Coronoid process of mandible
Zygomaticus major*
A: Elevates corners of mouth (smile muscle)
O: Zygomatic bone
I: Edge of mouth
Zygomaticus minor*
A: Elevates corners of mouth (smile muscle)
O: Zygomatic bone
I: Superior lip