Muscles of the Forearm, Trunk and Hip Flashcards
Origins, insertions and actions
Iliocostalis (erector spinae) - name origin, insertion and actions
Origin: common tendon (lumborum aspect), posterior surface of ribs 1-12 (thoracis and cervicis aspects)
Insertion: TP’s of lower cervicis and L1-3, posterior surface of ribs 6-12 (lumborum), posterior surface of ribs 1-6 (thoracis)
Actions: extension, lateral flexion and ipsilateral rotation of the trunk, neck and head, anterior tilt of the pelvis
Longissimus (erector spinae) - name origin, insertion and actions
Origin: common tendon (thoracis), TP’s of T1-5 (cervicis and capitis)
Insertion: lower 9 ribs (thoracis), TP’s of C1-7, T1-12, mastoid process (cervicis and capitis)
Actions: extension, lateral flexion and ipsilateral rotation of the trunk, neck and head, anterior tilt of the pelvis
Spinalis (erector spinae) - name origin, insertion and actions
Origin: SP’s of the upper lumbar and lower thoracic vertebrae (thoracis), ligamentum nuchae and SP’s of C7 (cervicis)
Insertion: SP’s of upper thoracic vertebrae (thoracis) and cervical vertebrae except C1 (cervicis)
Actions: extension, lateral flexion and ipsilateral rotation of the trunk, neck and head, anterior tilt of the pelvis
Transversopinalis group (multifidi, rotatores) - name origin, insertion and actions
- multifidi: sacrum, TP’s of lumbar through cervical vertebrae
- rotatores: TP’s of lumbar through cervical vertebrae
Insertion: SP’s of lumbar through 2nd cervical vertebrae
- multifidi: span 2-4 vertebrae
- rotatores: span 1-2 vertebrae
Actions: extension of the trunk and head, lateral flexion if the trunk, neck and head, contralateral rotation of the trunk and neck, anterior tilt of pelvis
Quadratus lumborum - name origin, insertion and actions
Origin: posterior iliac crest
Insertion: 12th rib, TP’s of L1-4
Actions: elevation and anterior tilt if the pelvis, extension and lateral flexion of the trunk
Pectoralis major - name origin, insertion and actions
Origin: medial half of clavicle, sternum, cartilage of ribs 1-6
Insertion: crest of greater tubercle of humerus
- all fibres: adduction and medial rotation of the shoulder, elevation of thoracic cage in forced inspiration
- upper fibres: flexion and horizontal adduction of the shoulder
- lower fibres: extension of the shoulder
Pectoralis minor - name origin, insertion and actions
Origin: ribs 3-5
Insertion: medial surface of coracoid process of scapula
Actions: protraction, depression and downward rotation of scapula, elevation of ribs 3-5
Pectoralis minor - name origin, insertion and actions
Origin: ribs 3-5
Insertion: medial surface of coracoid process of scapula
Actions: protraction, depression and downward rotation of scapula, elevation of ribs 3-5
Subclavius - name origin, insertion and actions
Origin: first rib. and costal cartilage
Insertion: interior of surface of the middle third of the clavicle
Actions: depression and protraction of the clavicle, elevation of first rib during inhalation
Rectus abdominis - name origin, insertion and actions
Origin: pubic crest and pubic symphysis
Insertion: cartilage of ribs 5-7, xiphoid process
Actions: flexion if vertebrae column/trunk, posterior tilt of the pelvis
External oblique - name origin, insertion and actions
Origin: external surfaces of ribs 5-12
Insertion: anterior part of iliac crest, abdominal aponeurosis to linea alba
- unilaterally: lateral flexion of the trunk, contralateral rotation of the vertebral column
- bilaterally: flexion of vertebral column, compression of abdominal contents
Internal oblique - name origin, insertion and actions
Origin: lateral inguinal ligament, iliac crest, TLF
Insertion: internal surface of lower three ribs, abdominal aponeurosis to linea alba
- unilateral: lateral flexion and ipsilateral rotation of the vertebral column
- bilateral: flexion of verbal column, compression of abdominal contents
Transverse abdominis - name origin, insertion and actions
Origin: lateral inguinal ligament, iliac crest, TLF, internal surface of lower six ribs
Insertion: abdominal aponeurosis to linea alba
Actions: compression of abdominal contents
Psoas major - name origin, insertion and actions
Origin: bodies and TP’s of lumbar vertebrae
Insertion: lesser trochanter of femur
Actions: flexion and lateral rotation of hip, flexion of trunk, anterior tilt of pelvis, lateral flexion of lumbar spine
Iliacus - name origin, insertion and actions
Origin: iliac fossa
Insertion: lesser trochanter of femur
Actions: flexion and lateral rotation of the hip, flexion of the trunk, anterior tilt of pelvis
Gluteus maximus - name origin, insertion and actions
Origin: posterior iliac crest, posyerolateral scarum and coccyx
Insertion: iliotibial band (ITB), gluteal tuberosity of the femur
Actions: extension, lateral and posterior rotation, abduction and adduction of the hip
Gluteus medius - name origin, insertion and actions
Origin: external ilium, inferior iliac crest, between anterior and posterior gluteal lines
Insertion: greater trochanter of the femur
Actions: extension and flexion, abduction, medial and lateral rotation of the hip
Gluteus minimus - name origin, insertion and actions
Origin: external ilium, between anterior and inferior gluteal lines
Insertion: greater trochanter of the femur
Actions: medial and lateral rotation, flexion and adduction of the hip
Piriformis - name origin, insertion and actions
Origin: anterior surface of sacrum
Insertion: superior aspect of greater trochanter
Actions: lateral rotation and abduction of the hip
Piriformis - name origin, insertion and actions
Origin: anterior surface of sacrum
Insertion: superior aspect of greater trochanter
Actions: lateral rotation and abduction of the hip
Quadratus femoris - name origin, insertion and actions
Origin: anterior surface of the pelvis
Insertion: greater trochanter of the femur
Actions: lateral rotation of the hip