Muscles of the foot Characteristics Flashcards
Detail the charecteristics of the Abductor Hallucis (THERE IS NO ABDUCTOR HALLUCIS BREVIS)
oRIGIN = M C and P A
Insertion = P P of the H
innervation = M P N
action = A F the H at MTP
Origin: Medial Calcaneus and Plantar Aponuerosis
Insertion: Proximal Phalynx of the Hallux
Innervation: Medial Plantar Nerve
Action: Abduct and flex Hallux at the MTP joint
Detail charecteristics of the Flexor Digitorum Brevis
Clue both brevis are innervated by the same nerve
Origin = M C and PA
INsertion = Middle P of the L four
Action = F 2-5 MTP PIP
Origin: Medial Calcaneous and Plantar Aponeurosis
Insertion: Middle Phalanges of the lateral four digits (Toes 2 to 5)
Inervation: Medial Plantar Nerve
Action: Flexes toes 2-5 at the MTP Joint and PIP (Proximal Interphalangeal Joints)
Detail the characteristics of the Abductor Digiti Minimi
Origin = L C and P A
INSERTION = P P of 5th
innervation = L P N
Action = A and F 5th at MTP
Origin: Lateral Calcaneus and Plantar aponuerosis
Insertion: Proximal Phalanx of 5th digit ( middle of little toe)
Inervation: Lateral Plantar Nerve
Action: Abduct and flex the little toe at MTP Joint
Detail the characteristics of the Flexor Digitorum Longus Tendon
D FOR D CLUE FLEXOR MEANS IN THE SOLE OF THE FOOT DIGITORUM MEANS GOING TO THE TOES LONGUS means Longer so they have to reach the distal aspect of the toes
Inervation = Tibial nerve
INSERTION = D P of the L four toes
Action = F at MTP PIP DIP
Origin: Tibia
Insertion: Distal Phalnax of the lateral four toes (ends of toes 2 to 5)
Inervation: Tibial nerve
Actiion: Flexes toes 2-5 at MTP, PIP AND DIP Joints
Detail the characteristics of the Flexor hallucis longus tendon
Origin = F
Ineertion = D P of H
Innervation = T N
Action = F of the H at MTP IP
Origin: Fibula
Insertion: Distal Phalanx of the big toe
Innervation: Tibial Nerve
Action: Flexion of the Hallux at MTP and IP Joints
Detail the characteristics of the Quadratus Plantae
Origin = P S of the C
iNSERTION = T of the F D L
Action = redirect F D L T
Origin: Plantar Surface of the Calcaneus
Insertion: Tendon of the flexor digitorum longus
Innervation: Lateral Plantar nerve
Action: Redirect the line of pull of the flexor digitorum longus tendon (helps flex digits 2-5)
What are the characteristics of the Lumbricals
origin = M of FDLT
Origin: Medial of the Flexor Digitorum Longus (side of the FDL)
Insertion: Base of the proximal phalanx
Innervation: The 1st Lumbrical (nearest the big toe) by the medial nerve and the other 3 lumbricals by the lateral nerve
Action: Flex MTP Joints and Extend the IP joints
Detail the characteristics of the Flexor Hallucis Brevis
C bone and Lateral 1 of the 3 C Bone
Origin P S of C bone and L CU
Insertion M and L P P
Origin: Plantar surface of the cuboid bone and the lateral Cunieform
Insertion: Medial and Lateral proximal phalanx of the big toe (muscle has two heads. It seperates into two parts and goes around Flexor hallcius longus tendon)
Innervation: Medial Plantar Nerve
Action: Flexes the Hallux
Detail the charecteristics of the Flexor Digiti quinti
Origin - B OF 5TH M
Insertion - P P of 5th toe
Innervation - L P N
Action - F L T
Origin: Base of the fifth Metatarsal
Insertion: Proximal Phalanx of the 5th toe
Innervation: Lateral Plantar nerve
Action: Flex the little toe
Detail the characteristics of the of the Adductor Hallucis (Oblique Head)
Origin: Base of the 2nd,3rd,4th metatarsals
Insertion: Lateral Base of the Hallux
Innervation: Lateral Plantar Nerve
Action: Adducts the Hallux
Detail the Characteristics of the Adductor Hallucis (Transverse Head)
Origin - P L of the L 4 MTP
Origin: Plantar Ligaments of the lateral 4 MTP joints
Insertion: Lateral Base of the Hallux
Innervation: Lateral Plantar Nerve
Action: Adduct the Hallux and assist in maintaining the transverse arch
Detail the characteristics of the Plantar Interossei
Origin: On the medial side of metatarsal 3 4 and 5
Insertion: Base of the medail side of the proximal phalanges 3rd 4th 5th and the extensor expansions of these digits
Innervation: Lateral Plantar Nerve
Action: Adduct to the midline of the foot (2nd Toe)
Detail the charecteristics of the Dorsal Interossei (4muscles)
O = Adjacent side of two metatarsal
Insertion = Muscle (1) M side of 2nd Digit, other 3 L side of the next digit
Action = opposit to the plantar
Origin: Adjacent sides of the two metatarsals
Insertion: Muscle (1) medial side of the 2nd digit the other 3 lateral side of the next digit
innervation: Lateral Plantar Nerve
Action: Abducts from the line of the 2nd toe
Name the muscles of the foot Layer 1
TIP, of the three muscles two of them are called ABDUCTOR
- Abductor Hallucis Brevis
- Abductor Digiti Quinti
- Flexor Digitorum Brevis
Name The muscles of the foot Layer 2
TIP, Layer two has 2 Flexor Tendons and the Quadratus Plantae + Lumbricals
Layer 2
FDLT - Flexor Digitorum Longus Tendon
FHLT - Flexor Hallucis Longus Tendon
Quadratus Plantae
Name the muscles of the foot Layer 3
TIP LAYER 3 HAS TWO FLEXORS AND one adductor (two heads)
FHB - Flexor Hallucis Brevis
FDQ - Flexor Digiti Quinti
AHOH - Adductor Hallucis Oblique Head
AHTH - Adductor Halluicis Transverse Head
Name the Muscles of the foot Layer 4
Platar Interossei
Dorsalo Interossei
What is the trick to learning which nerves innervate each plantar muscle
SONG - FDB met FHB and got done for ABH ML
Four Muscles are innervated by the Medial Plantar Nerve.
All the other muscles of the foot are innervated by the Lateral Plantar Nerve
4 Muscles:
Ab H = Abductor Hallucis
FDB = Flexor Digitorum Brevis
FHB = Flexor Hallucis Brevis
Medial Lumbricle
TIP - All of these muscles are located closest to the Hallux as are the Medial Plantar Nerves hence why they are innervated by the Medial Plantar Nerve