Muscles of the Face Flashcards
What type of muscle tissue ate facial muscles?
They are voluntary / striated muscle
We voluntarily control our facial & body muscles to move them.
How to muscles work?
Muscles are attached to bone (or skin in the case of facial muscles). They contract (shorten) and relax (return to their original length) to facilitate movement.
Level 3 EKU:
Name the fibres which enable voluntary muscle to contract & relax.
Actin & Myosin
Level 3 Key Terms:
What do the terms ‘origin’ and ‘insertion’ mean?
Origin = the non-moving point of attachment
Insertion = the moving point of attachment
Muscle contraction moves the insertion point towards the origin.
What are the properties of muscle tissue?
Muscle tissue can CONTRACT
Muscle tissue is EXTENSIBLE - it can be lengthened.
Muscle tissue is ELASTIC- it returns to it’s original length after extension or contraction.
Muscle tissue is RESPONSIVE – it contracts in response to nervous stimulation.
Level 2 Key terms -
Position = muscle location Action = what the muscle does / what movement is made when the muscle contracts
Muscle - triangularis
P= Corners of the lower lip extends over the chin A= Draws down the mouth’s corners
Muscle - Temporalis
P= Round and behind ear running down side of face towards jaw
A=Raises and lowers jaw when chewing
Muscle - Frontalis
P= Across the forehead
A= Wrinkles the forehead and raises eyebrows creating a surprised expression
Muscle - Zygomatic
P= Runs down cheek to corner of mouth
A= Pulls the corners of mouth upwards and sideways
Muscle - Corrugator
P= Inner corners of the eyebrows
A= Draws eyebrows together as in frowning
Muscle - Orbicularis Occuli
P= Surrounds orbit of the eye
A = Opens & closes the eye (wink & blink)
Muscle - orbicularis oris
P = Surrounds the mouth
A = Opens & closes the mouth / speech
Muscle - Buccinator
P= Main cheek muscle
A = Compresses cheeks / sucking & blowing
Muscle - Risorius
P = Corner of mouth, above buccinator
A= Pulls corners of mouth up and sideways - grinning
Muscle - Masseter
P=Runs at an angle down the face from the cheek bone to the jaw
A= Lifts, lowers and closes the jaw aiding mastication by exerting pressure on teeth
Muscle - Platysma
P= Front and side of the neck, down to collar bones
A= Depresses lower jaw and lip wrinkling skin tissue on neck
Muscle - Mentalis
P - On the chin
A = Raises the lower lip causing chin to wrinkle
muscle - Nasalis
P= Covers the front of the nose
A= opens / closes - flares the nostrils
Muscle - Procerus
P= Covers the bridge of the nose
A= Wrinkles the skin over the bridge of the nose
Muscle - Sterno Mastoid
P= Either side of the neck
A= Individually rotates the head to one side together pulls the chin onto the chest
Muscle - Trapezius
P = Across upper back, neck and shoulders
A= Raises the shoulder to the ear. Pulls the head backwards
Muscle - Occipitalis
P = Back of the Head
A - Moves the scalp
Muscle - Deltoid
P = Caps the top of the shoulder; is a three headed muscle
A= Brings the arm forward
Takes the arm backwards and sideways
Muscle - Pectoralis Major
P = Front of the chest
A = Moves the arm away from the side of the body