Muscles of Head, Neck, Trunk, Abdomen & Back Flashcards
Study for Practical Exam on Thursday
Epicranial aponerosis
Skin Eyebrow and forehead
wrinkle forehead
orbicularis oculi
Orbital Origin
lateral palpebral raphe
Elevate eyebrows, wrinkle forehead and retract scalp with the occipital part
cheek fascia
angle of mouth
moves mouth corner laterally for grimace
Frontalis (occipitofrontalis)
Frontal belly (frontalis): Skin of eyebrow, muscles of forehead / Occipital belly (occipitalis): (Lateral 2/3 of) superior nuchal line
Epicranial aponeurosis
Raises eyebrows
Orbicularis oris
the anteromedial surface of maxilla and mandible
lip protrusion
Zygomaticus major
The lateral surface of the zygomatic bone
the angle of the mouth
Retracts and elevates corners of the mouth (smiling)
Levator labii superioris
Zygomatic process of maxilla, maxillary process of zygomatic bone
Blends with muscles of upper lip
elevates upper lip
Depressor labii inferioris
Oblique line of the mandible
integument of the lower lip
depresses lower lip
Alveolar processes, thick parts of mandible, maxilla, and sockets of teeth, pterygo-mandibular raphe
In fibers of the orbicularis
Compresses cheeks (whistling, blowing, sucking)
fascia covering the superior portions of the pectoralis major and deltoid muscles below the clavicle
Lower border of mandible, skin, subcutaneous tissue, muscles around the mouth
tenses skin and neck and depress the mandible
Lateral 2/3 of superior nuchal lines and mastoid of the temporal bone
galea aponeurotic
tenses and retracts scalp
Levator palpebrae superioris
the sphenoid bone above optic foramen
superior tarsal plate
elevates upper eyelid, opens eyes
Superior rectus
common tendinous ring/optic canal
moves eyeball superiorly and medially
Lateral rectus
common tendinous ring and orbital fissure
Anterior to the equator of eyeball
moves eyeball laterally
Medial rectus
Common tendinous ring
Anterior half of eyeball
moves eyeball medially
Inferior oblique
maxillary bone
surface of eye
moves eyeball
Temporal and frontal bones
Coronoid process and ramus of the mandible
Elevates and retracts mandible
Lateral pterygoid
bottom of the sphenoid bone
temporomandibular joint and the condyloid process
Protracts mandible depresses mandible as in the opening mouth and moves mandible from side to side
Styloid process of the temporal bone
tip and sides of the tongue
Elevates tongue and draws it posteriorly (retraction)
Digastric (Anterior & Posterior)
mastoid process of the temporal bone
opens the mouth
Sternum and clavicle
mastoid process of the temporal bone
flex neck, rotating head side to side
Scalenes (anterior, middle, posterior)
cervical vertebrae
the first and second rib
elevate and tilt neck
Manubrium and clavicle
depression of hyoid bone
Sternum, costal cartilages, and lumbar vertebrae
central tendon
expands thoracic cavity
External intercostals
the inferior border of rib above
the superior border of rib below
elevates rubs during respiration
Rectus abdominis
inferior 8 ribs
iliac crest and linear alba
compresses the abdomen, flexion of the trunk
External oblique
inferior 8 ribs
iliac crest and linear alba
compresses and flexes abdomen
Internal oblique
iliac crest, inguinal ligament, and thoracolumbar fascia
the cartilage of last 3 and 4 ribs and linear alba
compresses and flexes abdomen
Quadratus lumborum
iliac crest
rib cage and lumbar vertebrae
laterally flex the trunk, raise hip
spinalis capitis
the spinous process of cervical vertebra and thoracic vertebrae
mastoid process of the temporal bone
the prime mover for head extension
spinalis thoracis
Spinous processes
Spinous processes
extend the head at the neck
Longissimus -thoracic
Thoracic part - spinous and transverse processes of vertebrae
The lumbar part of thoracic
Extension and flexion of the spine
Longissimus cervicis
Transverse Processes or thoracic vertebra
Transverse processes of cervical vertebrae
Extension and flexion of the spine
Longissimus thoracis
Lumbar spine
ribs and transverse process of vertebrae
extensions and flexion of the spine
Iliocostalis lateral, cervices, throacis, lumborum
ribs, sacrum, medial end of the iliac crest, thoracolumbar fascia
extension and flexion of the spine
Ischial Spine
Inferior sacrum, Coccyx
Tenses and supports pelvic floor
Ischial tuberosity and ramus
Crus of clitoris or penis
maintains erection
External anal sphincter
Skin fascia surrounding anal canal/anus
perineal body
closes anal opening
corrugator supercilii
orbital margin, which is the rim of the eye socket
the outer part of each eye socket
wrinkles brow (frowning)
inferior rectus
the inferior part of the common tendinous ring
moves eyeball
superior oblique
sphenoid bone
the surface of the eyeball
moves eyeball
Maxilla and Zygomatic arch
angle and ramus of the mandible
closes the mouth and retracts back the mandible
Medial pterygoid
pterygoid plate
ramus, mandible
moves mandible from side to side elevates and protracts
Lateral Pterygoid
bottom of the sphenoid bone
temporomandibular joint and the condyloid process
opens mouth and moves mandible side to side
under the surface of the tongue and hyoid bone
depresses tongue and thrusts it anteriorly
Styloid process on temporal bone
Body of hyoid bone
Hyoid bone
Hyoglossus depresses and retracts tongue
Splenius capitis
styloid process near its apex
stylomandibular ligament
tip and sides of the tongue
Extend neck, rotate the neck
Internal intercostals
The superior border of rib below
The inferior border of rib above
depresses ribs during forced expiration
Transversus abdominis
lliac crest
inguinal ligament, lumbar fasci
Compresses Abdomen
Erector Spinae Muscles
Spinous processes of thoracic vertebrae
The spinous process of the thorax
Bilateral extension of the spine / unilaterally flexion of the spine
Spinalis cervicis
lower ligament nuchae, the spinous process of C6 or C7
spinous processes of the axis (sometimes C3 and C4)
extend the head at the neck
Levator ani
Pubic Bones, Fascia, Ischial Spine
rectum, coccyx, perineal body
supports pelvic floor