Muscles of forearm Flashcards
Lateral epicondyle of humerus, posterior capsule of elbow joints
prox 1/4 of ulna, lateral oledcranon of ulna
elbow extension
Pronator quadratus
distal 1/4 ant ulnar
distal 1/4 ant radius
stabilisation of DRUJ
lateral epicondyle of humerus, supinarot crest and fossa and radial collateral and annular ligaments
posterior, lateral and anterior aspects of proximal radius
forearm supination
flexor carpi radialis
common flexor origin
bases of metacaprals 2 and 3
wrist abduction
wrist flexion
Palmaris longus
common flexor origin
flexor retinaculum, palmar aponeurosis
tighten the palmar aponeurosis
(weak wrist flexion)
flexor digitorum superficialis
common flexor origin on medial epicondyle of humerus, ulnar collateral ligament, coronoid process of ulna
bases of middle phalanges of digits 2 - 5
wrist flexion
finger flexion of PIPJ and MCPJ
Flexor carpi ulnaris
common flexor origin, olecranon process, prox 2/3 of ulna shaft
hook of hamate and base of MC 5
wrist adduction
wrist flexion
flexor digitorum profundus
coronoid process of ulna, prox 3/4 ulna, middle 1/3 interosseous membrane
bases of distal phalanx digits 2/5
wrist flexion DIPJ and proximal joints flexion
flexor pollicis longus
Anterior surface of radius, adjacent interosseous membrane
base of distal phalanx of thumb
thumb flexion and opposition
Extensor carpi radialis longus
lateral supracondylar ridge
base of mc 2
wrist abduction
wrist extension
extensor carpi radialise brevis
common extensor tendon
base of MC 3
wrist abduction and extension
extensor digitorum
common extensor origin
DDE of middle and distal pahalnges digits 2-5
finger and wrist extension
slight finger abduction
extensor digiti minimi
common extensor origin
DDE of digit 5
LF Extension
Extensor carpi ulnaris
common extensor origin, posterior border of ulna
base of MC 5
wrist extension and adduction
Abductor pollicis longus
proximal posterior ulna, middle 1/3 post radius
base of MC 1
thumb abduction and extension
Extensor pollicis longus
middle 1/3 posterior ulna
base of proximal phalanx of thumb
thumb extension
extensor pollicis brevis
middle part of posterior radius, adjacent interosseous membrane
base of proximal phalanx of thumb
thumb extension
extensor indicis
distal posterior ulna, adjacent membrane
DDE of digit 2
IF extension