Muscles Of Facial Expression Flashcards
Epicranial aponeurosis
Skin of eyebrows
Elevates eyebrows
Occipital bone
Epicranial aponeurosis
Pulls scalp posteriorly
Corrugator supercilii
Medial supraorbital margin of frontal bone
Skin of medial eyebrows
Pulls eyebrows inferiorly and medially (squinting)
Orbicularis oculi
Orbital portions of the frontal bone and maxilla
Skin of the orbital area and eyelids
Closes eye
Levator labii superioris
Zygomatic bone and upper maxilla near orbit
Skin and muscles of upper lip
Elevates the upper lip
Zygomaticus minor
Zygomatic bone
Skin and muscle of lateral upper lip
Elevates lateral portion of upper lip (smiling)
Zygomaticus major
Zygomatic bone
Lateral muscle fibers of corner of mouth
Pulls the angle of mouth superiorly and laterally (smiling or laughing)
Connective tissue anterior to ear
Pulls angle of mouth laterally to make a closed-mouth smile or smirk
Orbicularis oris
Maxilla and mandible
Skin and connective tissue of lips
Closes and protrudes lips
Depressor anguli oris
Lower body of mandible
Draws corners of mouth inferiorly (frown)
Depressor labii inferioris
Medial mandible
Skin and connective tissue of lower lip
Protrudes lower lip (pout)
Anterior mandible
Skin of chin near lower lip
Protrudes lower lip and chin for drinking
(Doubtful expression)
Molar regions of maxilla and mandible
Orbicularis oris
Pulls cheeks in, sucking movement
Connective tissue of deltoid and pectoralis major
Depresses lower lip and opens mouth by depressing the mandible; tenses skin of neck