Muscles of Facial Expression Flashcards
Where are the muscles of facial expression located?
In the subcutaneous tissue
Where do the muscles of facial expression insert?
into the skin
These muscles share a common embryonic origin, what is it?
2nd pharyngeal arch
What are the main 3 groups of facial muscles?
Orbital, nasal and oral
Where do the muscles of facial expression originate?
From the bone or fascia
What are the two muscles of the orbital group associated with?
The eye socket
What are the two muscles of the orbital group?
Orbicularis Oculi
Corrugator Supercilli
What does the orbicularis oculi and the corrugator supercilli control?
movements of the eyelids
What are the orbicularis oculi and the corrugator supercilli important in?
Protecting the cornea from damage
Where is the Orbicularis Oculi located?
Surrounds the eye socket and extends into the eyelid
The Orbicularis Oculi can be split functionally into 2 parts. What are the two parts?
The Outer Orbital Part
The Inner Palpebral Part
What does the Palpebral part of the Orbicularis Oculi do?
Performs gentle closure of the eyelid
What does the orbital part of the Orbicularis Oculi do?
Performs forceful closure of the eyelid
What is the Orbicularis Oculi innervated by?
The Temporal and Zygomatic Branch of the Facial Nerve
Where is the Corrugator Supercilli located in relation to the Orbicularis Oculi muscle?
What are the attachments of corrugator supercilli?
It originates from the supercilliary arch, running in a superolateral direction. It inserts into the skin of the eyebrow
What does the corrugator supercilli do?
Draws the eyebrows together (creates vertical wrinkles on the bridge of the nose)
What is the Corrugator Supercilli muscle innervated by?
The Temporal Branch of the Facial Nerve
What are the 3 muscles of the Nasal Group?
Nasalis, Procerus, Depressor Septi Nasi
Which of the 3 nasal muscles is the largest?
The nasalis muscle is split into 2 parts. What are they?
Where do the transverse and alar parts of the nasalis muscle originate from?
What does the transverse part of the nasalis attach to?
To an aponeurosis across the dorsum of the nose
What does the alar part of the nasalis attach to?
To the alar cartilage of the nasal skeleton
What does the transverse part of the nasalis do?
Compresses the nares
What does the alar part of the nasalis do?
Opens the nares
What innervates the nasalis muscle?
The facial nerve
What is the most superior of the nasal muscles?
Which facial muscle lies the most superficially?
Where does Procerus originate from?
The Nasal Bone
What does Procerus insert into?
Lower Medial Forehead
What does Procerus do?
It contracts to pull the eyebrows downwards (produces transverse wrinkles over the nose)
What innervates Procerus?
The Facial Nerve
What does the Depressor Septi Nasi do?
Assists the alar part of the nasalis in the opening of the nostrils
Pulls nose inferiorly
What are the attachments of the Depressor Septi Nasi?
Runs from the maxilla (above the medial incisor tooth) to the nasal septum
What do the oral group of muscles consist of?
Orbicularis Oris, Buccinator and various smaller muscles
Where does the Orbicularis Oris arise from?
From the maxilla and other muscles of the cheek
Where does Orbicularis Oris insert into?
The skin and mucous membranes of the lips
What does Orbicularis Oris do?
It purses the lips
What innervates Orbicularis Oris?
The Buccal Branch of the Facial Nerve
Where is Buccinator located?
Between mandible and maxilla, it is deep to the other muscles of the face
What does Buccinator originate from?
The maxilla and mandible
What direction do Buccinator fibres run in?
An inferomedial medial direction and blends with the orbicularis oris and the skin of the lips
What does Buccinator do?
Pulls cheeks inwards against the teeth
Prevents the accumulation of food in that area
What innervates Buccinator?
The Buccal Branch of the Facial Nerve
What muscles are in the lower group of oral muscles?
Depressor Anguli Oris
Depressor Labii Inferioris
What muscles are in the upper group of oral muscles?
Risorius Zygomaticus major zygomaticus minor levator labii superioris levator labii superioris alaeque nasi levator anguli oris
What innervates Mentalis?
The marginal mandibular branch of the facial nerve
What does Depressor Anguli Oris do?
Frowning- depresses the corner of the mouth
What does Depressor Labii Inferioris do?
Depresses lower lip and moves it laterally
What does mentalis do?
Raises and protrudes the lower lip as it wrinkles the skin of the chin
What does risorius do?
Contraction of its fibres pulls the corner of the mouth laterally and upward
What do zygomaticus major and zygomaticus minor do?
Raise the corner of the mouth and move it laterally
What does levator labii superioris do?
Deepens the furrow between the nose and the corner of the mouth during sadness
What does levator labii superioris alaeque nasi?
May assist in flaring the nares
What does levator anguli oris do?
Elevates the corner of the mouth and may help deepen the furrow between the nose and the corner of the mouth during sadness
What muscles are not in the are defined as the face but are considered muscles of facial expression?
Platysma, auricular, occipitofrontalis
Where does platysma arise from?
(Superficial Fascia)
Below the clavicle in the upper part of the thorax
What does platysma do?
Tenses the skin of the neck Moves the lower lip and corners of the mouth down
What are the auricular muscles associated with?
The ear
What are the 3 auricular muscles?
Anterior (anterolateral), Superior, Posterior
What does the anterior auricular muscle do?
Pulls the ear upward and forward
What does the superior auricular muscle do?
Elevates the ear
What does the posterior auricular muscle do?
Retracts and elevates the ear
What is occipitofrontalis associated with?
The scalp
What does occipitofrontalis consist of?
Frontal belly (anteriorly) Occipital belly (posteriorly)
What connects the 2 bellies of the occipitofrontalis muscle?
An aponeurotic tendon
What do the occipitofrontalis muscles do?
Move the scalp and wrinkle the forehead
What does the frontal belly of the occipitofrontalis muscle cover?
The Forehead
What does the frontal belly of the occipitofrontalis muscle attach to?
The skin of the eyebrows
Where does the Occipital belly of the occipitofrontalis muscle arise from?
The Posterior aspect of the skull
What is the size of the Occipital belly in relation to the Frontal belly?
What innervates platysma?
The cervical branch of the facial nerve