Muscles in Anterior Triangle of Neck Flashcards
Stylohyoid Innervation
Facial Nerve (CN 7)
Digastric - Anterior Belly - Innervation
Mylohyoid nerve from inferior alveolar branch of mandibular nerve (V3)
Digastric - Posterior Belly - Innervation
Facial Nerve (CN VII)
Mylohyoid - Innervation
Mylohyoid Nerve (from inferior alveolar branch of Mandibular nerve - V3)
Geniohyoid -Innervation
Branch from anterior ramus C1 (carried along with hypoglossal nerve CN XII)
Sternohyoid - Innervation
Anterior ramus of C1-C3 through ansa cervicalis
Omohyoid - Innervation
Anterior ramus of C1-C3 through ansa cervicalis
Thyrohyoid - Innervation
Fibers from anterior ramus of C1 carried along hypoglossal nerve (CN XII)
Sternohyoid - Innervation
Anterior ram of C1-C3 through ansa cervicalis
Stylohyoid - origin
Base of styloid process
Digastric - anterior belly - origin
Digastric fossa of inside of mandible
Digastric - posterior belly - origin
Mastoid notch on medial side of Mastoid process of temporal bone
Mylohyoid - origin
Mylohyoid line on mandible
Geniohyoid - origin
Inferior mental spine on inner surface of mandible
Sternohyoid - origin
Posterior aspect of sternoclavicular joint and adjacent manubrium of sternum