Muscles Flashcards
What does the flexor carpi radial is do?
Flexes the wrist
What action does pectoral major have on the arm?
Flexion of the humerus
Adducts the humerus
What is the muscle responsible for the abduction and rotation of the thigh?
Twisting of the trunk is made possible by….
Oblique muscles
Muscle that contracts mouth into a grimace
What is the muscle that jaw down and lower lip
The lattisimus Doris performs what actions
Adducts, extends and internally rotates the arm when the insertion is moved
What is the function of the spine?
Provides sting and slightly flexible axis.
Has a protective function,
Provides an attatchment of muscles
The lymphatic system helps the body to….
Helps remove toxins and waste! Transports lymph
What are the functions of the skeletal system
Protection of vital organs
Attatchment for muscles and tendons.
Movement support shape formation of blood cells and mineral reservoir
What is the form of wrinkles on the neck called?
Extension of the hip is called?
Quadriceps extensor
What is the action of textual abdominus?
Flexes the vertebral column
Flexes the trunk
Compressed the abdominal cavity
What are the main functions of the muscular system
Maintains posture
The production of heat
What are the tissues that covers the body of the cell?
Epithelial tissue