Muscles 8 Q140-159 Flashcards
Abductor pollicis brevis innervation
Recurrent Branch of Median Nerve (C8,T1)
Adductor pollicis innervation
Deep Branch of Ulnar Nerve (C8,T1)
Flexor pollicis brevis innervation
Recurrent Branch of Median Nerve (C8,T1)
Opponens pollicis innervation
Recurrent Branch of Median Nerve (C8,T1)
Abductor digit minimi innervation
Deep Branch of Ulnar Nerve (C8,T1)
Flexor digiti minimi innervation
Deep Branch of Ulnar Nerve (C8,T1)
Opponens digit minimi innervation
Deep Branch of Ulnar Nerve (C8,T1)
Palmaris brevis innervation
Deep Branch of Ulnar Nerve (C8,T1)
Lumbricals innervation
median and ulnar nerve (C8,T1)
Dorsal interossei innervation
Ulnar nerve (C8,T1)
Palmar interossei innervation
Ulnar nerve (C8,T1)
Pectoralis Major arterial supply
Lateral thoracic artery/pectoral branches of thoracoacromial artery
Pectoralis minor arterial supply
Pectoral branches of the thoracoacromial artery
Subclavius arterial supply
Clavicular branches of the thoracoacromial artery
Serratus anterior arterial supply
Lateral thoracic artery
Trapezius arterial supply
Transverse Cervical Artery
Latissimus dorsi arterial supply
Thoracodorsal Artery
Levator scapulae arterial supply
Dorsal Scapular Artery/ Transverse Cervical Artery
Rhomboid major arterial supply
Dorsal Scapular Artery
Rhomboid minor arterial supply
Dorsal Scapular Artery