muscles Flashcards
elbow and wrist extensors located on what side (posterior or anterior?)
On posterior side
triceps, extensor digitorum
elbow and wrist flexors located on what side?
anterior side (biceps brachii, flexor carpi radialis)
lower limb flexor muscle on what side of the limb?
posterior side (hamstring for the knee, gastrocnemius)
lower limb extensor muscles located
anterior side (quadriceps femurs for the knee, tibalis anterior (digital extensor and dorsiflexor))
What flexes the hip?
the anterior compartment
what extends the hip?
the posterior compartment
muscles of facial expression innervated by?
cranial nerve VII, the facial nerve
function of orbiculares oculi
closes eyes, produces blinking, squinting, draw eyebrows inferiorly
orbicularis oris
closes lips, pursing and protrudes lips, kissing
corrugated supercilli
draw eyebrows medially and inferiorly
muscles of mastication innervated by
trigenminal nerve, mandibular division
cranial nerve 5
prime movers of the jaw
masseter and temporalis
side to side grinding movements of the jaw
what aids in lowering the jaw?
mylohyoid and digastric
extrinsic tongue muscles do
genioglossus, hyoglossus, styloglossus
Tonge muscles innervated by
hypoglossal nerve
protracts tonge
depresses the tonge
retracts and elevates tonge
digastric, stylohyoid, geniohyoid, mylohyoid
pharyngeal constrictors innervated by
vagus nerve 10
action of sternocleidomastoid
flexes and laterally rotates the head
neck flexion
acting alone each muscle rotates the head toward the opposite shoulder
sternocleidomastoid origin
manubrium of sternum and medial portion of clavicle
sternocleidomastoid insertion
mastoid of temporal bone and superior nuchal line of occipital bone
innervation of sternocleidomastoid
accessory nerve (cranial nerve XI) cervical spinal nerves C2 and C3 (ventral rami)
action of scalenes
elevate first two ribs, aid inspiration, flex and rotate neck
intrinsic muscle of the back
erector spinae (iliocostalis, longissimus, spinalis)
quadratus lumborum
extend the head
when splenius muscle on one side are active head is rotated and bent laterally toward the same side
innervation of erector spinae
spinal nerves dorsal rami
function of iliocostalis
extend and laterally flex the vertebral column
maintain erect posture
bend vertebral column to same side
extend and laterally flex vertebral column
capitis extends and rotates the head toward the same side
bend vertebral column to same side
extends vertebral column
quadratus lumborum
flexes vertebral column laterally
what muscles are active in forced expiration
internal intercostals, abdominal wall muscles
forced inspiration
scalene and sternocleidomastoid
external intercostals
external intercostals
pull ribs toward one another to elevate rib cage
forced inhalation
intercostals innervated by
intercostal nerves
diaphragm is pierced by
the aorta, IVC, esophagus
diaphragm innervated by
phrenic nerve
muscles of the anterior and lateral abdominal wall
external oblique , internal oblique, transverses abdomens, rectus abdominaux
external oblique
flex vertebral column and compress abdominal wall
aid muscle of back in trunk rotation and lateral flexion
internal oblique
flex vertebral column
innervation of the muscles of the anterior and lateral abdominal wall
intercostal nerves
transversus abdominis
compresses abdominal contents, strictly horizontal fascicles
rectus abdominis
flex and state lumbar region of vertebral column
pelvic floor muscles
levator ani and coccygeus
pelvic floor muscles innervated by?
sacral nerves
muscle of urogenital diaphragm and superficial perineal space innervated by
the pudendal nerve
posterior muscles of the thorax
trapezius, latissimus dorsi , levato scapulae, rhomboids
anterior muscles of the thorax
pectorals major and minor, serrates anterior, subcalvius
two muscle which insert on the humerus
pectorals major and latissimus dorsi
serrates anterior
rotates scapula upward
prime mover to protract and hold the scapula against the chest wall
protraction and abduction
pushing punching
posterior muscle of the thorax innervated by
cervical nerves
stabilizes, elevates, retract, and rotates scapula
adduct (retracts scapula)
moves the scapula medially and posteriorly, elevates and depresses scapula
lifting arms above the head is done how
serrates anterior swings the inferior angle laterally
while the superior part of the trapezius , gripping the scapular spine, pulls the superior edge of the scapula medially
prime movers of the shoulder
pectorals major, deltoid, latissimus dorsi
innervation of the prime movers of the shoulder
cervical nerves
muscles of the rotator cuff
supraspinatus, infraspinatus, subscapularis, teres minor
pectorals major
prime mover or arm flexion
rotates medially
adducts arm with scapula
prime mover of arm abduction
latissimus dorsi
prime mover of arm extension adduction, medial rotation of arm
trees major
extends, medially rotates, adducts the arm
medially rotates arm along with the pectoralis major
initiates abduction of the arm
laterally rotates arm
flexion and adduction of arm
what controls forearm extension
triceps brachii
what is the triceps brachii innervated by
radial nerve
anterior flexors of the arm
brachial , biceps brachii, brachioradialis
anterior flexors of the arm innervated by
musculcutaneous nerve
anterior flexors in the forearm (which flex the hand) innrervated by
median or ulnar nerve
biceps brachii
flexes and supinates forearm rotates the radius at the proximal radioulnar joint
flexes forearm
anterior flexor compartment of the forearm
part of the wrist- also handles pronation
posterior extensors of forearm also
hand supination
posterior extensors of the forearm innervated
radial nerve
pronator teres
pronates forearm
location of pronator teres
superficial anterior
assists biceps brachii to forcibly supinate forearm
where is the supinator located
posterior forearm
adductor pollicis
adducts and helps to oppose the thumb
adductor policies innervated by
ulnar nerve C8 and T1
illiopsoas is a broad name for what two muscles
iliacus and psoas
prime mover in thigh flexion and in flexing the trunk (as in bowing)
ilacus innervation
femoral nerve
psoas major
prime mover in thigh flexion
lateral flexion of vertebral column
flexes, adducts, and laterally rotates thigh
anterior compartment of the thigh
these muscle flex the hip and extend the knee
quadriceps femori
innervation for anterior compartment of the muscles
femoral nerve
rectus femoris
extend the knee, flexes the thigh
vastus laterlais
extends leg stabilizes knee
vastus medialis
extends the leg and stabilizes the patella
vastus intermedius
extends leg
medial compartment of thigh
adducts the thigh
adductor brevis
adducts and medially rotates thigh
obturator nerve
adductor Magnus
adducts and medially rotates and flexes thigh
obturator and sciatic nerve
adductor longus
adducts , flexes and medially rotates thigh
obturator nerve
gluteal maximus
major extensor of thigh
gluteus medius
adducts and medially rotates thigh
gluteus minimus
abducts and medially rotates thigh
hamstring muscle
biceps femoris
all extend thigh and flex leg
rotates extended thigh laterally
anterior compartment of leg
tibialis anterior
anterior compartment of leg innervated by
deep fibular nerve (tibias anterior)
tibialis anterior
prime mover of dorsiflexion
fibulas longus
plantar flexes and everts foot
part of the lateral compartment
lateral compartment of the leg innervated by
superficial fibular nerve
gastrocnemius and soles
plantar flex foot
together names the triceps surae
posterior compartments of the leg
innervation is the tibial nerve
digital and plantar flexors
anterior compartment innervation of the leg
deep fibular nerve
digital extensors and dorsiflexors
innervation of the lateral compartment of the leg
superficial fibular nerve