Muscles Flashcards
Gluteal Maximus
origin: dorsal and lateral surface of sacrum, posterior part of ilium, thoracolumbar fascia, sacrotuberous ligament
insertion: upper fibers –> iliotibial tract & lower fibers –> gluteal tubersity
innervation: inferior gluteal (L5-S2)
action: entire muscle –> extends and externally rotates
upper fibers–> abducts
lower fibers –> adducts
Gluteal Medius
origin: gluteal surface of ilium below iliac crest
insertion: greater trochanter of femur (lateral surface)
innervation: superior gluteal nerve (L4-S1)
action: entire muscle abducts hip and stablizes pelvis
anterior part flexion and internal rotation
posterior part extension and external rotation
Gluteal minimus
origin: gluteal surface of ilium below orgiin of gluteal medius
insertion: anterolateral surface of greater trochanter of femur
innervation: superior gluteal nerve L4-S1)
action: entire muscle abducts hip and stablizes hip
anterior part flexion and internal rotation
posterior part extension and external rotation
Tensor Fasciae latae
origin: Anterior superior iliac spine
insertion: iliotibial tract
innervation: superior gluteal nerve L4-S1)
action: tenses the fascia latta
@hip joint: abduction, flexion, internal rotation
origin: pelvic surface of sacrum
insertion: apex of greater trochanter of femur
innervation: direct branches from sacral plexus S1-S2
action: @hip external rotation, abduction, and extension, stablizes hip
Obturator internus
origin: inner surface of obturator membrane
insertion: medial surface of greater trochanter
innervation: direct brnaces of sacral plexus L5-S1
action: external rotation, adduction, extension of hip joint
origin: superior –> ischial spine
inferior: ischial tuberosity
insertion: medial surface of greater trochanter
innervation: direct branches of sacral plexus L5-S1
action: external rotation, adduction, extension at hip
Quadratus femoris
origin: lateral border of ischial tuberosity
insertion: intertrochanteric crest of femur
innervation: direct branches of sacral plexus L5-S1
action: external rotation and adduction of hip joint
origin: anterior superior iliac spine
insertion: medial to the tibial tuberosity
innervation: femoral nerve (L2-L3)
action: at hip flexion, abduction, external rotation
at knee: flexion and internal rotation
Rectus Femoris
origin: anterior inferior iliac spine and acetabular roof of hip joint
insertion: tibial tuberosity via patellar ligament
innervation: femoral nerve L2-L4
action: at hip joint flexion
at knee extension
Vastus medialis
origin: medial lip of linea aspera and intertrochanteric line
insertion: both side of tuberosity on the medial and lateral condyles via the medial and longitudinal patellar retinacula
innervation: femoral nerve L2-L4
action: knee extension
Vastus lateralis
origin: lateral lip of linea aspera and lateral surface of greater trochanter
insertion: both sides of tuberosity on the medial and lateral condyles via the medial and longitudinal patellar retinacula
innervation: femoral nerve L2-L4
action: knee extension
vastus intermedius
origin: anterior side of femoral shaft
insertion: tibial tuberosity via patellar ligament
innervation: femoral nerve L2-L4
action: knee extension and prevents entrapment of capsule
origin: pecten pubis
insertion: pectineal line and proximal linea aspera on femur
innervation: femoral and obturator nerve L2 L3
action: at hip adduction, external rotation and slight flexion
adductor longus
origin: superior pubic ramus and anterior side of pubic symphysis
insertion: linea aspera and middle third of femur
innervation: obturator nerve L2-L4
action: at hip adduction and flexion to 70 degrees and extension past 80 degrees of flexion