Muscles Flashcards
Cervical muscles
Trapezius muscle
Origin- occipital bone, cervical and thoracic regions
Insertion- clavicle and scapula
Action- lift the clavicle and scapula- when shoulder shrug
Innervation- 11thCN/ accessory, 3rd and 4th cervical nerve
Origin- clavicle and sternum
Insertion- mastoid process of temporal bone
Action- one: head and neck bends to the same side. Face and neck rotate to opposite side. Both- head will flex
Innervation- 11th/ accessory nerve
Muscles of facial expression
Origin: FB-Epicranial aponeurosis OB-occipital and temporal bones Insertion: FB- eyebrow and root of nose OB- Epicranial aponeurosis Action- surprise, raise eyebrows Innervation: 7thCN/facial
Muscles of facial expression
Orbicularis Oculi
Origin: orbital rim, frontal&maxillary bones
Insertion- lateral region of the eye, some encircle eye
Action- closing eyelid
Innervation- 7thCN/facial
Muscles of facial expression
Corrugator Supercilii
Origin- frontal bone
Insertion- eyebrow
Action- frowning
Innervation- 7thCN/facial
Muscles of facial expression
orbicularis oris
Origin- encircle mouth
Insertion- angle of the mouth
Action- closing or pursing lips-grimacing and pouting
Innervation- 7thCN/facial
Muscles of facial expression Buccinator
Origin- max, mand & pterygomandibular raphe
Insertion- angle of the mouth
Action- chewing
Muscles of facial expression
Origin- fascia superficial to the master muscle
Insertion- angle of the mouth
Action- stretching lips
Innervation- 7thCN/facial
Muscles of facial expression
Levator Labii Superioris
Origin- maxilla
Insertion- upper lip
Action- raising upper lip
Innervation- 7th cranial nerve/facial
Muscles of facial expression
Levator Labii Suoerioris Alaeque Nasi
Origin- maxilla
Insertion- aka of nose and upper lip
Action- raising upper lip and dilating nostrils in a sneer
Muscles of facial expression
Zygomaticus Major
Origin- zygomatic bone
Insertion- angle of the mouth
Action- smiling
Innervation- 7thCN/facial
Muscles of facial expression
Zygomaticus Minor
Origin- zygomatic bone
Insertion- upper lip
Action- raising upper lip
Innervation- 7thCN/facial
Muscles of facial expression
Levator Anguli Oris
Origin- maxilla
Insertion- angle of the mouth
Action- smiling
Innervation- 7thCN/facial
(Between zygomaticus major and minor)
Muscles of facial expression
Depressor Anguli Oris
Insertion- angle of the mouth
Innervation- 7thCN/facial
Muscles of facial expression
Depressor Labii Inferioris
Origin- mandible
Insertion- lower lip
Action- lowering lower lip
Innervation- 7thCN/facial
(Under depressor Anguli Oris)
Muscles of facial expression
Origin -mandible
insertion- chin
action- raising chin and protruding lower lip
innervation- 7th cranial nerve/facial
Muscles of facial expression
platysma muscle
Origin -clavicle and shoulder
insertion -mandible and muscles of the mouth
innervation- 7th cranial nerve/facial
Muscles of mastication
Origin- SH: anterior 2/3 of lower border of zygomatic arch
DH: posterior 1/3 & medial surface of zygomatic arch
Insertion- SH: angle of mandible
DH: Ramos of mandible
Action- elevation of mandible during jaw closing
Innervation- mandibular division of the 5th CN/trigeminal
Muscles of mastication
Temporalis muscle
Origin- temporal fossa
Insertion- cottonwood process of mandible
Action- elevation of mandible during jaw closing. Retraction of mandible lower jaw backward.
Innervation- mandibular division of the 5thCN/trigeminal
Muscles of mastication
Medial pterygoid muscle
Origin- SH: Pyramidal process of palatine bone & maxillary tuberosity
DH: lateral pterygoid plate of sphenoid bone
Insertion- medial surface of Ramos and angle of mandible
Action- elevation of mandible during jaw closing
Innervation- mandibular division of the 5thCN/ trigeminal
Muscles of mastication
Lateral pterygoid muscle
Origin- SH: greater wing of sphenoid bone IH: lateral pterygoid plate from sphenoid bone
Insertion- SH: pterygoid fovea of mandible
IH: tempomandibular joint disc and capsule
Action- IH: slight depression of mandible
One muscle- lateral division of mand
Both muscles- protrusion of mand
Innervation- mandibular division of the 5thCN/ trigeminal
Hyoid muscles- suprahyoid
Origin- AB: intermediate tendon.
PB: mastoid notch of Temporal bone
Insertion- AB: medial surface of mandible
PB: intermediate tendon
Action- elevates the hyoid bone and depress the mandible
Innervation- AB: mylohyoid nerve (branch of 5thCN/trigeminal)
PB: posterior digastric nerve (branch of the 7thCN/facial)
Suprahyoid muscles
Origin: mylohyoid like of the mandible
Insertion- body of hyoid bone
Action- elevates the hyoid bone, depresses the mandible, and forms the floor of the mouth- helps elevate the tongue.
Innervation- mylohyoid nerve a branch of the mandibular division of the 5thCN/trigeminal
Suprahyoid muscles
Origin- styloid process of Temporal bone
Insertion- body of hyoid bone
Action- elevates the hyoid bone and depresses the mandible
Innervation- stylohyoid nerve ( branch of the 7thCN/facial)
Suprahyoid muscles
Origin- genial tubercles of mandible
Insertion- body of hyoid bone
Action- elevates the hyoid bone and depress the mandible
Innervation- 1st cervical nerve, conducted by way of the 12thCN/hypoglossal
Infrahyoid muscles
Origin- posterior surface of Sternum
Insertion- thyroid Cartliage
Action- depress the thyroid Cartilage and larynx
Innervation- 2nd & 3rd cervical nerves
Infrahyoid muscles
Origin- posterior and superior surfaces of sternum
Insertion- body of hyoid bone
Action-depress the hyoid bone
Innervation-2nd&3rd cervical nerves
Infrahyoid muscles
Origin- IB: scapula SB: inferior belly Insertion- IB: superior belly SB: body of hyoid bone Action- depress the mandible Innervation- 2nd&3rd cervical nerves
Muscles of the tongue
Superior longitudinal
Origin and insertion- runs in an oblique and longitudinal direction in the dorsal surface from the base to the apex
Action- changes shape of tongue/ retracts tongue
Intrinsic tongue muscles
Origin and insertion- runs in a transverse direction from the median septum to pass outward toward the lateral surface of the tongue
Action- makes the tongue long and narrow
Intrinsic tongue muscles
Origin and insertion- runs in a vertical direction from the dorsal surface inward to the ventral surface in the body of the tongue
Action- makes the tongue long and narrow
Intrinsic tongue muscle
Inferior longitudinal
Origin and insertion- runs in a longitudinal direction from the base to the apex of the tongue
Action- changes the shape of the tongue
Extrinsic tongue muscles
Origin- genial tubercles on mandible
Insertion- hyoid bone and tongue
Action- protrudes tongue and depresses portions
Extrinsic tongue muscle
Origin- styloid process of temporal bone
Insertion- tongue
Action- retracts tongue
Extrinsic tongue muscles
Origin- greater Cornu and body if hyoid bone
Insertion- tongue
Action- depresses tongue
Muscles of the pharynx
Origin- styloid process of temporal bone
Insertion- lateral and posterior pharyngeal walls
Action- elevates and widens the pharynx
Innervation- 9thCN/ glossopharyngeal
Muscles of the pharynx
Pharyngeal constrictor muscles
Origin- superior: pterygoid hamulus, mandible and pterygomandibular raphe
Middle- hyoid bone and stylohyoid ligament
Inferior- thyroid and cricoid cartilages of the larynx
Insertion- median pharyngeal raphe
Action- raise the pharynx and larynx, drive food into the esophagus during swallowing
Innervation- pharyngeal plexus
Muscles of the soft palate
Palatoglossus (anterior faucial pillar)
Origin- median palatine raphe
Insertion- tongue
Action- elevates and arches tongue, depressing soft palate toward tongue
Innervation- pharyngeal plexus
Muscles of the soft palate
Palatopharyngeus (posterior faucial pillar)
Origin- soft palate
Insertion- laryngopharynx and the thyroid cartilage
Action- moves palate posteroinferiorly and posterior Pharyngeal wall anterosuperiorly (closes off nasopharynx during swallowing)
Innervation- pharyngeal plexus
Muscles of the soft palate
Elevator veli palatini
Origin- temporal bone
Insertion- median palatine raphe
Action- raises soft palate to contact the posterior pharyngeal wall
Innervation- pharyngeal plexus
Muscles of the soft palate
Tensor veli palatini
Origin- auditory tube and sphenoid bone
Insertion- median palatine raphe
Action- tenses and slightly lowers soft palate
Innervation- mandibular division of the 5th CN/trigeminal
Muscle of the uvula
Origin and insertion- lies with the uvula on the soft palate
Action- shortens and broadens the uvula, soft palate closely adapts to the posterior pharyngeal wall
Innervation- pharyngeal plexus