Muscles Flashcards
Hip/ Thigh
What is A
Tensor Fascia Latae
Hip/ Thigh
What is B
Iliotibial Band
Hip/ Thigh
What is C
Vastus Lateralis
Hip/ Thigh
What is D
Gluteus Maxixmus
Hip/ Thigh
What is E
Biceps Femoris (long head)
Hip/ Thigh
What is F
Hip/ Thigh
What is G
Hip/ Thigh
What is H
Rectus Femoris
Hip/ Thigh
What is I
Vastus medialis
Hip/ Thigh
What is J
Quadriceps tendon
Hip/ Thigh
What is K
Hip/ Thigh
What is L
Patella Ligament
Hip/ Thigh
What is M
Lateral Gastrocnemius
Hip/ Thigh
What is N
Medial Gastrocnemius
Hip/ Thigh
What is O
Hip/ Thigh
What is P
Hip/ Thigh
What is Q
Adductor longus
Hip/ Thigh
What is R
Adductor Magnus
Hip/ Thigh
What is S
Femoral nerve
Deep External rotators of the hip
What is A
Gluteus Medius
Deep External rotators of the hip
What is B
Piriformis (P)
Deep External rotators of the hip
What is C
Sciatic nerve
Deep External rotators of the hip
What is D
Gemellus superior (G)
Deep External rotators of the hip
What is E
Obturator internus (O)
Deep External rotators of the hip
What is F
Gemellus inferior (G)
Deep External rotators of the hip
What is G
Quadratus femoris (G)
Deep External rotators of the hip
What is H
Bicep femoris (long head) (not part of the deep group)
Lower Leg
What is A
Tibialis anterior
Lower Leg
What is B
Extensor digitorum longus
Lower Leg
What is C
Tibia (bone)
Lower Leg
What is D
Extensor hallucis longus
Lower Leg
What is E
Extensor digitorum longus tendons (for digits 2-5)
Lower Leg
What is F
Extensor hallucis longus tendon (for digit 1)
Lower Leg
What is G
Lower Leg
What is H
Lateral gastrocnemius
Lower Leg
What is I
Calcaneal tendon
Lower Leg
What is J
Biceps femoris (long head)
Lower Leg
What is K
Medial gastrocnemius
Lower Leg
What is L
Calcaneus bone (deep to the tendon)
Lower Leg
What is M
Lower Leg
What is N
Peroneus longus