Muscles Flashcards
Name Hamstring muscles
-Bicep Femoris
-semi mem
-semi ten
Name the quad muscles
Vastus lateralis
Vastus medialis
Vastus intermedialis
Rectus femoris
What movements does the QAUDS do?
Knee extension and hip Flexion
What is the O and I of the rectus femoris
I= Tibial Tuberosity
What is the O and I of the Vastus Lateralis
O= greater trochanter
I= tibial tuberosity
What is the O and I of the Vastus medialis
O= antermedial femur
I= tibial tuberosity
What is the O and I of Vastus intermedialis
O= anterolateral femur
I= tibial tuberosity
What nerve stimulates the quads?
Femoral nerve L2-L4
What movement does the hamstrings do?
Hip ext and knee flex
What is O and I of bicep femoris
O= ischial tuberosity
I= head of fibular
What is the O and I of the semi ten
O= ischial tuberosity
I= proximal tibia (pes anserinus)
What is the O and I of semi mem
O= ischial tuberosity
What nerve stimulates the hamstring
Sciatic nerve L5 S1 S2
What is the O and I of the gastroc
O= medial and lateral condyle of femur
I= calcaneus
What movement does the gastroc do
Plantar Flexion and knee Flexion
What is the O and I of the soleus
O= proximal tib fib
I= calcaneus
What movement does the soleus do
Plantar Flexion
What movement does the tibialis anterior do
Doris Flexion and inversion
What is the O and I of the tib ant
O=Upper half tib
I= 1st met
What nerve stimulates the gastric
Sciatic s1-2
What nerve stimulates the soleus
Sciatic s1-2
What nerve stimulates the tib ant
Peroneal L5
Define hyper trophy
Increased size of the skeletal muscle
Denote atrophy
Waisting away of muscle
Define skeletal muscle layout
Muscle fibre
Myofilaments (actin and myosin)
Muscles in the rotator cuff
Teres minor
What movement does the suprapinstus do
Shoulder abduction
What movement does the infraspinatus do
External rot