Muscles Flashcards
Location: superficial; connected to tail; runs perpendicular to tail; separates tail from body
Origin: Caudal vertebrae
Insertion: Patella
Gluteus medius
Location: above gluteus maximus
Origin: Ilium, sacral and caudal vertebrae
Insertion: Greater trochanter of the femur
Gluteus Maximus
Location: superficial; located between the caudofemoralis and the gluteus medius
Origin: Sacral and caudal vertebrae
Insertion: greater trochanter of the femur
Tensor fasciae latae
Location: superficial; runs alongside gluteus medius and gluteus maximus
Origin: ilium
Insertion: fascia of thigh
Rectus femoris
Location: deep; above vastus medialis and below vastus lateralis; only quad muscle that doesn’t insert in the femur
Origin: Ilium
Insertion: patella
Vastus lateralis
Location: deep; highest hind limb muscle; anterior to the femur
Origin: shaft of the femur and the greater trochanter
Insertion: patella
Vastus intermedius
Location: deep to the rectus femoris
Origin: Shaft of the femur
Insertion: Patella
Vastus medialis
Location: deep, caudal to the rectus femoris
Origin: shaft of the femur
Insertion: Patella
Location: superficial muscle on the medial surface of the thigh; runs above the tensor faciae latae and gluteus medius; farthest away from midline
Origin: crest of the illium
Insertion: Fascia of the knee and proximal end of the tibia
Location: inner thigh; large; superficial
Origin: pubic symphysis and ischium
Insertion: proximal end of the tibia
Location: deep to the biceps femoris and caudal relative to the semimembranosus; runs down from tail; parallel to tail; perpendicular to caudafemoralis
Origin: ischial tuberosity
Insertion: patella and tibia
Location: deep to the biceps femoris; right under the biceps femoris
Origin: Ischial tuberosity
Insertion: medial epicondyle of the femur
Biceps femoris
Location: largest muscle on the lateral surface of the thigh; covers the semimembranosus
Origin: Ischial tuberosity
Insertion: patella and tibia
Abductor femoris
Location: above the abductor femoris; small; triangular
Origin: pubis and ischium
Insertion: shaft of the femur
Abductor longus
Location: deep; below abductor femoris; larger than femoris
Origin: pubis
Insertion: proximal end of the femur
Location: muscle with two heads; upper calf; behind knee; superficial
Origin: lateral and medial epicondyles of the femur
Insertion: calcaneous
Location: lower calf; near ankle
Origin: proximal end of the fibula
Insertion: calcaneous
Tibialis anterior
Location:located on the anterior surface of the tibia
Origin: proximal end of the tibia and fibula
Insertion: first metatarsals
Triceps brachii
Location: three heads: lateral (outermost); medial ( undre lateral); long
Origin: deltoid tuberosity, border of the glenoid cavity of the scapula, shaft of the humerus
Insertion: olecranon process of the ulna
Biceps brachii
Location: deep; above the triceps; runs from the shoulder to the elbow
Origin: Border of the glenoid cavity
Insertion: radial tuberosity
Location: located deep to the biceps brachii
Origin: lateral shaft of the humerus
Insertion: proximal end of the ulna
Pronator teres
Location: runs along the “thumb” line in the forelimb
Origin: Medial epicondyle of the humerus
Insertion: radius
Palmaris longus
Location: runs along the “pinky” line in the forelimb
Origin: medial epicondyle of the humerus
Insertion: digits
Location: short, bulky muscle posterior to the clavodeltoid; small
Origin: Acromion of the scapula
Insertion: proximal end of the humerus
Claviobrachialis (Clavotoid)
Location: top of shoulder
Origin: Clavicle
Insertion: Ulna near the semilunar notch
Location: perpendicular to the clovodeltoid
Origin: Spine of the scapula
Insertion: proximal end of the humerus
Latissimus Dorsi
Location: large, sheetlike muscle that covers most of the dorsal surface of the thorax; flap/sheet on side
Origin: thoracic and lumbar vertebrae
Insertion: proximal end of the humerus
Location: these muscles connect to the skull and vertebral column to the scapula; along midline
Origin: Spines of the cervical and thoracic vertebrae
Insertion: medial border of the scapula
Location: deep, muscle located on the scapula anterior to the spine
Origin: Supraspinous fossa
Insertion: greater tubercle of the humerus
Location: deep, muscle located on the scapula posterior to the spine
Origin: infraspinous fossa
Insertion: greater tubercle of the humerus
Teres major
Location: connects the posterior border of the scapula to the humerus, below the scapula
Origin: posterior border of the scapula
Insertion: proximal end of the humerus
Location: top of the neck, superficial
Origin: occipital bone of the skull and spines of the cervical vertebrae
Insertion: clavicle
Location: This muscle inserts on the scapula and originates on the vertebral column
Origin: spines of the cervical and thoracic vertebrae
Insertion: spine and acromion of the scapula
Location: this muscle inserts on the scapula and lays over the top of the latissimus dorsi; originates at spine
Origin: spines of thoracic vertebrate
Insertion: spine of the scapula
Pectoralis major
Location:This muscle has two portions an anterior and posterior portion. On chest.
Origin: manubrium of sternum and costal cartilage
Insertion: greater tubercle of the humerus
Pectoralis minor
Location: Largest pectoral muscle in the cat located posterior to the pectoralis major; sheet b/w chest and stomach
Origin: sternum
Insertion: proximal end of the humerus
Serratus ventralis
Location: Muscle has a serrated appearance and is located along the lateral side of the ribs
Origin: ribs
Insertion: scapula
Location: large chewing muscle located in the cheek; bulblike
Origin: zygomatic arch
Insertion: coronoid fossa of the mandible
Location: covers the anterior, medial surface of the neck; tube; throat-like
Origin: costal cartilage
Insertion: hyoid bone
Location: superficial neck muscle which forms a V-shape
Origin: manubrium of sternum
Insertion: mastoid process of the temporal bone
Rectus abdominis
Location: these muscles travel parallel to each other on either side of the linea alba
Origin: pubic symphysis
Insertion: sternum and costal cartilages
External oblique
Location: First layer of lateral abdominal muscles
Origin: Ribs and fascia of the back
Insertion: linea alba
Internal oblique
Location: Second layer of lateral abdominal muscles; should be perpendicular to external obliques
Origin: fascia of the back
Insertion: Linea alba
Transverse abdominis
Location: just inside parietal peritoneum
Origin: lower ribs
Insertion: Linea alba