Muscles Flashcards
Origin: Epicranial Aponeurosis
Insertion: skin over supraorbital margin
Action: raises the eyebrows/wrinkles forehead
Origin: Occipital bone
Insertion: Epicranial Aponeurosis
Action: pulls the scalp down
Oribucularis Oris
Origin: muscle fibers around the mouth
Insertion: at the corners/angles of the mouth
Action: closes/protrudes the lips
Zygomaticus Major
Origin: Zygomatic bone
Insertion: in the skin of the angles of the mouth
Action: pulls the angles of the mouth upward/outward
Origin: Maxilla/Mandible
Insertion: Orbicularis Oris
Action: Flattens the cheeks
Origin: Fascia over the Deltoid/Pectoralis Major
Insertion: Mandible and the skin of the lower face
Action: Draws lower lip down and out/depresses lower Mandible
Orbicularis Oculi
Origin: Medial wall of the orbit
Insertion: in a circular path around the orbit
Action: closes the eyes
Levator Palpebrae Superioris (Over the eyelid)
Action: Elevates upper eyelid
Levator Labii Superioris
Origin: Maxillary bone
Insertion: into angles of mouth/skin of upper lip
Action: Elevates upper lip
Depressor Labii Inferioris
Origin: Mandible
Insertion: into the skin of the lower lip
Action: Lowers the bottom lip
Origin: Mandible
Insertion: Skin of the chin
Action: Elevates/protrudes the lower lip
Risorius (lateral across cheek)
Origin: fascia over parotid gland
Insertion: angles/corners of the mouth
Action: draws the angles of the mouth lateral
Action: Compresses/flairs the nostrils
Depressor Anguli Oris
Origin: Mandible
Insertion: Angles of the mouth
Action: brings angles of the mouth lateral and inferior
Auricularis (Right hand side of head and underneath Temporalis)
Action: Moves the oracle of the ear up and back (like cats and dogs)
Masseter (side of cheek)
Origin: Maxilla/Zygomatic Arch
Insertion: Mandible
Action: Elevates the Mandible
Origin: Temporal bone
Insertion: Mandible
Action: Elevates/retracts Mandible
Pterygoideus Lateralis
Origin: Pterygoid processes
Insertion: Mandible
Action: Moves Mandible side to side
Superior Rectus
Action: Makes eye look upward
Inferior Rectus
Action: Makes eye look downward
Lateral Rectus
Action: Makes eye look laterally
Medial Rectus
Action: Makes eye look medially
Inferior Oblique
Action: Makes eye look up and away
Superior Oblique
Action: Makes eye look down and away
Origin: Mandible
Insertion: Underside of tongue/Hyoid bone
Action: depresses tongue
Origin: Styloid process of temporal bone
Insertion: Side/under tongue
Action: Elevates/retracts the tongue
Digastric Anterior Belly
Origin: Mandible
Insertion: Hyoid bone
Action: Elevates Hyoid bone
Digastric Posterior Belly
Origin: Temporal bone
Insertion: Hyoid bone
Action: Elevates Hyoid bone
Origin: Mandible
Insertion: Hyoid bone
Action: Elevates Hyoid
Origin: Styloid process
Insertion: Hyoid bone
Action: Elevates Hyoid
Origin: Mandible
Insertion: Hyoid bone
Action: Elevates Hyoid
Origin: Scapula
Insertion: Hyoid
Action: depresses lower Hyoid bone
Origin: Sternum
Insertion: Hyoid bone
Action: depresses Hyoid bone
Origin: Thyroid cartilage
Insertion: Hyoid bone
Action: lowers Hyoid/raises Thyroid
Origin: Sternum
Insertion: Thyroid
Action: Lowers Thyroid cartilage
Origin: Sternum/Clavicle
Insertion: Mastoid process of the temporal bone
Action: laterally flexes the head to the same side, but rotates to the opposite
Semispinalis Capitis
Origin: C7 - T6
Insertion: Occipital bone
Action: Extends the head
Splenius Capitis
Origin: C7 to T4
Insertion: Occipital bone/Mastoid process
Action: Extends the head
Scalenes Anterior, Middle, and Posterior
Origin: C2 to C7
Insertion: Rib 1 and 2
Action: Flexes cervical spine/elevates ribs
Pectoralis Minor
Origin: Ribs 3-5
Insertion: Coracoid process of Scapula
Action: Depresses Scapula
Serratus Anterior
Origin: Ribs 1-9
Insertion: Scapula
Action: Abducts the Scapula
Origin: Occipital bone to T12
Insertion: Clavicle/Scapula
Action: Elevate and adducts the Scapula/extends the head
Decatur Scapulae
Origin: C1-C4
Insertion: Scapula
Action: Elevates the Scapula
Rhomboideus Major
Origin: T2-T5
Insertion: Scapula
Action: Adducting the Scapula
Rhomboideus Minor
Origin: C7-T1
Insertion: Scapula Medial Border (Scapula)
Action: Adducting the Scapula
Origin: Rib 1
Insertion: Clavicle
Action: Depresses Clavicle
Pectoralis Major
Origin: Ribs 2-6, Clavicle, and Sternum
Insertion: Humerus
Action: Flexes and adducts Humerus
Latissmus Dorsi
Origin: T8 to L5
Insertion: Humerus
Action: Adducting and extending Humerus
Origin: Subscapular fossa
Insertion: Humerus
Action: Medially rotates the Humerus
Origin: Coracoid process of Scapula
Insertion: Humerus
Action: Flexes the arm (raises arm)
Origin: Clavicle/Scapula
Insertion: Humerus
Action: Abducts the arm
Origin: Supraspinous fossa
Insertion: Humerus
Action: Abducts the Humerus (responsible for the first 15 degrees)
Origin: Infraspinous fossa
Insertion: Humerus
Action: Laterally rotates Humerus
Teres Major
Origin: Scapula
Insertion: Humerus
Action: Rotates Humerus medially
Teres Minor
Origin: Scapula
Insertion: Humerus
Action: Laterally rotates Humerus