Muscles Flashcards
Superficial pectoral m.
- origin: sternum
- termination: crest of greater tubercle and cranial humeral border
- action: adduct thoracic limb
Deep (ascending) pectoral
- origin: sternum
- termination: greater and lesser tubercles of humerus
- action: adduct thoracic limb and pull it caudally
Brachiocephalicus m.
- origin: clavicular intersection
- termination: distal cranial humerus, mastoid process of temporal bone, and dorsal midline of neck
- action: pull thoracic limb cranially (and/or) depress and pull head and neck laterally
Omotransversarius m.
- origin: wing of the atlas
- termination: distal spine of the scapula
- action: pull thoracic limb cranially (and/or) depress and pull head and neck laterally
Trapezius m.
- origin: cervical part - dorsal neck, thoracic part - dorsal thorax
- termination: spine of the scapula
- action: elevate the thoracic limb
Rhomboideus m.
- origin:
– thoracis: dorsal thorax
– cervicis: dorsal neck
– capitis: occipital bone - termination: dorsal border of scapula and/or scapular cartilage
- action: elevate the thoracic limb
Serratus ventralis m.
- origin: cervical vertebrae, thoracic wall
- termination: serrated face of scapula
- action: support and/or elevate the trunk
Latissimus dorsi m.
- origin: thoracolumbar fascia
- termination: teres major tuberosity
- action: draw the thoracic limb caudally, flex or extend the humeral joint
Sternocephalicus m.
- origin: sternum
- termination: mastoid process of temporal bone, occipital bone
- action: depress head and neck; draw head and neck laterally
Sternohyoideus m .
- origin: sternum
- termination: basihyoid bone
- action: pull tongue and larynx caudally
Sternothyroideus m.
- origin: cranial aspect of sternum
- termination: thyroid cartilage
- action: pull tongue and larynx caudally
Deltoideus m.
- origin: spine of scapula and acromion
- termination: deltoid tuberosity of humerus
- action: flex the humeral joint
- nerves: suprascapular and axillary nerves
- intrinsic lateral muscle of shoulder
Supraspinatus m.
- origin: supraspinous fossa of the scapula
- termination: greater tubercle of the humerus
- action: extend the humeral joint
- nerves: suprascapular and axillary nerves
- intrinsic lateral muscle of shoulder
Infraspinatus m.
- origin: infraspinous fossa of the scapula
- termination: greater tubercle of the humerus
- action: flex the humeral joint; abduct the limb at the humeral joint
- nerves: suprascapular and axillary nerves
- intrinsic lateral shoulder muscle
Teres minor m.
- origin: caudal border of scapula
- termination: teres minor tuberosity of the humerus
- action: flex the humeral joint
- nerves: suprascapular and axillary nerves
- intrinsic lateral muscle of shoulder
Subscapularis m.
- origin: subscapular fossa of the scapula
- termination: lesser tubercle of humerus
- action adduct limb at the humeral joint
- nerves: subscapular, axillary, and musculocutaneous
- intrinsic medial shoulder muscle
Teres major m.
- origin: caudal border of scapula
- termination: teres major tuberosity of humerus
- action: flex the joint
- nerves: subscapular, axillary, and musculocutaneous
- intrinsic medial shoulder muscle
Coracobrachialis m.
- origin: coracoid process of scapula
- termination: crest of the lesser tubercle of the humerus
- action: adduct limb at the shoulder
- nerves: subscapular, axillary, and musculocutaneous
- intrinsic medial shoulder muscle
Biceps brachii m .
- origin: supraglenoid tubercle
- termination: radial and ulnar tuberosities
- action: flex the cubital joint and extend the humeral joint
- nerves: musculocutaneous nerve
- intrinsic cranial brachium muscle
Brachialis m.
- origin: brachial groove of humerus
- termination: proximal radius and/or ulna
- action: flex the cubital joint
- nerves: musculocutaneous nerve
- intrinsic cranial brachial muscle
Triceps brachii m.
- origin: caudal border of scapula (long head), proximal humerus (other heads)
- termination: tuber olecrani
- action: extend the cubital joint (all heads), flex the humeral joint (long head)
- nerves: radial nerve
Tensor fasciae antebrachii m.
- origin: latissimus dorsi and fascia on caudal border of scapula
- termination: tuber olecrani
- action: extend the cubital joint (and tense the deep antebrachial fascia)
- nerves: radial nerve
Anconeus m.
- origin: caudal aspect of the distal humerus
- termination: tuber olecrani
- action: extend the cubital joint
- nerves: radial nerve
Extensor carpi radialis m.
- origin: lateral epicondyle of the humerus (and its crest)
- termination: dorsal base of second and third metacarpal bones
- action: extend the carpal joints
- nerves: radial nerve
Common digital extensor m.
- origin: lateral epicondyle of the humerus
- termination: extensor processes of the distal phalanges
- action: extend the carpal and digital joints
- nerves: radial nerve
Lateral digital extensor m. (Thoracic)
- origin: lateral epicondyle of the humerus
- termination: distal phalanges (also the proximal and/or middle phalanges) of lateral digit(s)
- action: extend the carpal joint and the digital joints of the lateral most digits
- nerves: radial nerve
Extensor carpi ulnaris m. (ulnaris lateralis m.)
- origin: lateral epicondyle of the humerus
- termination: accessory carpal bone and lateral base of fifth metacarpal bone
- action: flex the carpal joints; abduct the manus
- nerves: radial nerve
Supinator m.
- origin: lateral epicondyle of the humerus
- termination: body of the radius
- action: supination of the manus
- nerves: radial nerve
Abductor digiti I longus m. (abductor pollicis longus m.)
- origin: proximal antebrachium (ulna)
- termination: medial metacarpus
- action: abduct the first digit
- nerves: radial nerve
Brachioradialis m.
- origin: lateral epicondyle of the humerus
- termination: fascia near the carpus
- action: flexes the cubital joint and supinates the manus
- nerves: radial nerve
Flexor carpi radialis m.
- origin: medial epicondyle of the humerus
- termination: palmar base of metacarpal bones 2 and 3
- action: flex the carpal joints
- nerves: median and ulnar nerves
Flexor carpi ulnaris m.
- origin: medial epicondyle and olecranon
- termination: accessory carpal bone
- action: flex the carpal joints
- nerves: median and ulnar nerves
Superficial digital flexor m.(Thoracic)
- origin: medial epicondyle of the humerus
- termination: middle phalanges of the digits (palmer aspects)
- action: flex the carpal joints, metacarpophalangeal, and proximal interphalangeal joints
- nerves: median and ulnar nerves
Deep digital flexor m. (Thoracic)
- origin: humerus (medial epicondyle), radius, ulna
- termination: flexor tubercles of distal phalanges
- action: flex the carpal and digital joints
- nerves: median and ulnar nerves
Pronator teres m.
- origin: medial epicondyle of the humerus
- termination: medial body of radius
- action: pronation of the manus
- nerves: median and ulnar nerves
Pronator quadratus m.
- attachments: apposed surfaces of the radius and the ulna
- action: pronation of the manus
- nerves: median and ulnar nerves
Extrinsic Muscles of the Thoracic Limb
- superficial pectoral m.
- deep pectoral m.
- brachiocephalicus m.
- omotransversarius m.
- trapezius m.
- rhomboideus m.
- serratus ventralis m.
- latissimus dorsi m.
Muscles of the Ventral Neck
- sternocephalicus m.
- sternohyoideus m.
- sternothyroideus m.
Intrinsic Muscles of the Thoracic Limb (Lateral Muscles of the Shoulder)
innervated by the surpascapular and axillary nerves
- deltoideus m.
- supraspinatus m.
- infraspinatus m.
- teres minor m.
Intrinsic Muscles of the Thoracic Limb (Medial Muscles of the Shoulder)
*innervated by the subscapular, axillary, and musculocutaneous nn.)
- subscapularis m.
- teres major m.
- coracobrachialis m.
Intrinsic Muscles of the Thoracic Limb (Cranial Muscles of the Brachium)
innervated by the musculocutaneous nerve
- bicpes brachii m.
- brachialis m.
Intrinsic Muscles of the Thoracic Limb (Caudal Muscles of the Brachium)
innervated by the radial nerve
- triceps brachii m.
- tensor fasciae antebrachii m.
- anconeus m.
Intrinsic Muscles of the Thoracic Limb (Craniolateral Antebrachial Muscles)
- innervated by the radial nerve*
- extensor carpi radialis m.
- common digital extensor m.
- lateral digital extensor m.
- extensor carpi ulnaris m.
- supinator m.
- abductor digiti I longus (abductor pollicis longus)
- brachioradialis m.
Intrinsic Muscles of Thoracic Limb (Caudomedial Antebrachial Muscles)
- innervated by the median and ulnar nerves)
- flexor carpi radialis m.
- flexor carpi ulnaris m.
- superficial digital flexor m.
- deep digital flexor m.
- pronator teres m.
- pronator quadratus m.
Muscles of the Manus
- interosseous muscles (4 of them)
Tensor fasciae latae m.
- origin: tuber coxae
- termination: fascia lata
- tense the fasciae lata (flex the coxal joint and extend the genual joint)
- lateral (dorsal) muscles of hip
- cranial and caudal gluteal nerves
Lateral (dorsal) muscles of the hip
- innervated by cranial and caudal gluteal nerves
- tensor fasciae latae m.
- superficial gluteal m.
- middle gluteal m.
- piriformis m.
- deep gluteal m.
- articularis coxa m.
Superficial gluteal m.
- origin: sacrotuberous ligament
- termination: third trochanter of the femur
- action: abduct the limb (may have a minor extensor action on the coxal joint)
- innervated by cranial and caudal gluteal nerves
Middle gluteal m.
- origin: gluteal surface of the ilium
- termination: greater trochanter of the femur
- action: extend the coxal joint; abduct the limb
- innervated by the cranial and caudal gluteal nerves
Piriformis m.
- origin: sacrum and first caudal vertebra
- termination: greater trochanter
- action: extend the coxal joint
- innervated by the cranial and caudal gluteal nerves
Deep gluteal m.
- origin: body of ilium and ischiatic spine
- termination: greater trochanter (deep to the middle gluteal m.)
- action: abduct the limb and extend the coxal joint
- innervated by the cranial and caudal gluteal nerves
Articularis coxa m.
- lateral (dorsal) muscles of the hip
- innervated by the cranial and caudal gluteal nerves
Caudal Muscles of the Hip
- innervated by the sciatic and obturator nerves
- external obturator m.
- interanal obturator m.
- gemelli m.
- quadratus femoris m.
External obturator m.
- origin: ventral aspect of os coxae around obturator foramen
- termination: trochanteric fossa
- action: adduct and/or rotate the limb laterally at the coxal joint
- innervated by the sciatic and obturator nerves
Internal obturator m.
- origin: dorsal aspect of os coxae around obturator foramen
- termination: trochanteric fossa
- action: rotate the limb laterally at the coxal joint
- innervated by the sciatic and obturator nerves
Gemelli mm.
- origin: lateral aspect of ischium
- termination: trochanteric fossa
- rotate the limb laterally at the coxal joint
- innervated by sciatic and obturator nerves
Quadratus femoris m.
- origin: ventral aspect of ischium
- termination: caudal femur near the trochanteric fossa
- actionDNTK: extend coxal joint; adduct and/or rotate the limb laterally at the coxal joint
- innervated by the sciatic and obturator nerves
Caudal muscles of the thigh
- innervated by the sciatic nerve
- biceps femoris m.
- semitendinosus m.
- semimembranosus m.
Biceps femoris m.
- origin: ischiatic tuberosity and sacrotuberous ligament
- termination: patella, tibia, and tuber calcanei
- action: extend the coxal joint; variable action on the genual joint; extend the tarsocrural joint
- innervated by the sciatic nerve
Semitendinosus m.
- origin: ischiatic tuberosity
- termination: tibia and tuber calcanei
- action: extend the coxal joint; variable action on the genual joint; extend the tarsocrural joint
- innervated by the sciatic nerve
Semimembranosus m.
- origin: on or near the ischiatic tuberosity
- termination: distal femur and proximal tibia
- action: extend coxal joint; variable action on the genual joint
- innervated by the sciatic nerve
Medial muscles of the thigh
- innervated by the obturator nerve (except sartorius)
- sartorius m.
- gracilis m.
- pectineus m.
- adductor m.
Sartorius m.
- has a cranial and caudal bellies (in dog only)
- origin: crest of ilium
- termination: medial aspect of the genual region
- action: flex the coxal joint, cranial head extends the genual joint and caudal head flexes the genual joint
Gracilis m.
- origin: pelvic symphysis
- termination: medial aspect of the genual region and tuber calcanei
- action: adduct the limb, extend the coxal joint; flex the genual joint; extend the tarsocrural joint
- innervated by the obturator nerve
Pectineus m.
- origin: iliopubic eminence (prepubic tendon and cranial border of pubis)
- termination: distal body of femur
- action: adduct the limb
- innervated by the obturator nerve
Adductor m.
- origin: ventral surface of os coxae
- termination: caudal surface of femur
- action: adduct the limb and extend the coxal joint
- innervated by the obturator nerve
Cranial muscles of the thigh
- innervated by the femoral nerve
- quadriceps femoris m.
- iliopsoas m.
Quadriceps femoris m.
- four heads: rectus femoris, vastus lateralis, vastus intermedius, and vastus medialis
- origin: rectus femoris, ilium; other three heads, proximal femur
- termination: tibial tuberosity
- action: flex the coxal joint (rectus femoris); extend the genual joint (all heads)
- innervated by the femoral nerve
Iliopsoas m.
- origin: ilium (ilium) and lumbar vertebrae (psoas major)
- termination: lesser trochanter
- action: flex the coxal joint
- innervated by the femoral nerve
Craniolateral muscles of the crus
- innervated by the common fibular nerve (common peroneal nerve)
- cranial tibial m.
- long digital extensor m.
- lateral digital extensor m.
- fibularis longus m.
Cranial tibial m.
- origin: lateral aspect of proximal tibia
- termination: plantar base of metatarsal bones 1 and 2
- action: flex the tarsocrural joint and rotate paw laterally
- innervated by the common fibular nerve (common peroneal nerve)
Long digital extensor m.
- origin: extensor fossa of femur
- termination: extensor processes of the distal phalanges
- action: extend the genual joint; flex the tarsocrural joint; extend the digital joints
- innervated by the common fibular nerve (common peroneal nerve)
Lateral digital extensor m.(Pelvic)
- origin: on and near the proximal aspect of the fibula
- termination: lateral digits
- action: flex the tarsocrural joint; extend the digital joints of the lateral most digits
- innervated by the common fibular nerve (common peroneal nerve)
Fibularis longus m. (peroneal longus m.)
- origin: on or near lateral collateral ligament of the genual joint
- termination: fourth tarsal bone and plantar base of metatarsal bones
action: flex the tarsocrural joint and rotate the paw medially - innervated by the common fibular nerve (common peroneal nerve)
Caudal muscles of the crus
- innervated by the tibial nerve
- gastrocnemius m. (medial and lateral heads)
- superficial digital flexor m.
- deep digital flexor m. (lateral and medial heads)
- popliteus m.
Gastrocnemius m.
- medial and lateral heads
- origin: distal caudal femur
- termination: tuber calcanei of the calcaneus
- action: flex the genual joint; extend the tarsocrural joint
- innervated by the tibial nerve
Superficial digital flexor m.(Pelvic)
- origin: lateral supracondylar tuberosity of femur
- termination: tuber calcanei and bases of middle phalanges
- action: flex the genual joint; extend the tarsocrural joint; flex the metatarsophalangeal and proximal interphalangeal joints
- innervated by the tibial nerve
Deep digital flexor m.(Pelvic)
- two heads: lateral and medial heads
- origin: proximal caudal aspect of the tibia and fibula
- termination: flexor tubercle of distal phalanges
- action: extend the tarsocrural joint; flex the digital joints
- innervated by the tibial nerve
Popliteus m.
- origin: popliteal fossa of the femur
- termination: proximal caudal aspect of tibia
- action: flex the genual joint
- innervated by the tibial nerve
Muscles of the pes
- 4 interosseous muscles