Muscle Tissue CH. 10 Review Flashcards
The skeletal mm are organs (True or false)
Each cell in the skeletal m tissue is a single m fiber. (True or false). The skeletal m
cell is also known as —————————
True; Muscle Fiber
The cell membrane of the skeletal m cell is known as —————-.
The cytoplasm of the skeletal m cell is also known as” —————
Sarcolemma; sarcoplasm
Explain all the functions of the skeletal mm.
Skeletal muscles allow humans to move and perform daily activities and play an essential role in respiratory mechanics and maintaining posture and balance.
Name the 4 primary tissue types. Name the three types of m tissue
Connective, muscle, epithelial, nervous tissue; cardiac, smooth, and skeletal
Give the location of the Cardiac m tissue. Characteristics of the Cardiac m tissue.
Function of the Cardiac m tissue
Cardiac muscle tissue is found in the middle of three layers of heart tissue. It enables the heart to pump blood and provide nutrients and oxygen throughout the body.
Location of the skeletal m tissue. Functions of the skeletal m tissue. Characteristics
of the skeletal m cells.
Skeletal muscle includes the tissue fibers attached to your skeleton or bones and is responsible for all your movements. These muscles are also found at the openings of tracts in your body, like your throat, anus, and urethra. They’re often called voluntary muscles because you control when and how they work.
Location of the Smooth m tissue. Function of the Smooth m tissue. Characteristics
of the Smooth m cells.
Smooth muscle cells are spindle-shaped, have a single, centrally located nucleus, and lack striations. They are called involuntary muscles. It is in the stomach and intestines where it helps with digestion and nutrient collection. It is found throughout the urinary system where it functions to help rid the body of toxins and works in electrolyte balance.
Muscle tissue consists of cells that are highly specialized for contraction (T,F)
What are epimysium, perimysium and endomysium? Name the layers of connective
tissue that surrounds: the entire muscle, the fascicle and the muscle cell.
The outermost connective tissue sheath surrounding the entire muscle is known as epimysium. The connective tissue sheath covering each fasciculus is known as perimysium, and the innermost sheath surrounding individual muscle fibers is known as endomysium.
What is a fascicle?
When a group of muscle fibers is “bundled” as a unit within the whole muscle
The perimysium contains blood vessels and nerves that maintain blood flow and
innervate the m fibers within the fascicles. (T or F). Endomysium contains blood
vessels (capillaries) (T or F). Give the function of the capillaries.
True; True; Exchange of materials between the blood and tissue cells.
What are the satellite cells? Where are located the satellite cells? Function of the
satellite cells.
Satellite cells are myogenic stem cells responsible for muscle regeneration throughout the lifespan. Given their capacity to expand, differentiate, and provide a new source of nuclei to growing myofibres, their role in muscle adaptation to exercise was inferred. Satellite glial cells are a type of glia found in the peripheral nervous system, specifically in sensory, sympathetic, and parasympathetic ganglia.
What is a tendon? At each end of the muscle, the collagen fibers of epimysium,
perimysium and endomysium come together to form a ——————. The bundle of
collagen fibers at the end of a skeletal muscle that attaches the muscle to the bone is a
—————— The contraction of a muscle exerts a pull on a bone because muscles
are attached to bones by tendons. (T, F)
A tendon is a cord of strong, flexible tissue, similar to a rope. Tendons connect your muscles to your bones; Tendon; Tendon; T
. What is an aponeurosis? Aponeuroses attach muscle to muscle (T, F). Ligaments
attach bone to bone (T, F)
An aponeurosis is a thin sheath of connective tissue that helps connect your muscles to your bones; T; T
Skeletal m cells contract under the influence of the Central Nervous System (T/F)
Many Skeletal mm are often called voluntary mm because we have voluntary control
over their contractions. (T or F). The diaphragm usually works outside our conscious
awareness. T or F
T; T
Axons penetrate the epimysium,:—– branch through the perimysium and enter the
endomysium to innervate m fibers (T or F)
The skeletal muscle cell consist of: ————————
Bundles of muscle fibers called myofibers which contain several myofibrils. Each myofiber represents a muscle cell with its basic cellular unit, the sarcomere. Bundles of myofibers form fascicles, and bundles of fascicles form muscle tissue.
What is a myofibril? The myofibril is as long as the entire cell (T or F)
Myofibrils are bundles of protein filaments that contain the contractile elements of the cardiomyocyte, that is, the machinery or motor that drives contraction and relaxation; T
. Each skeletal m cell or fiber contains hundreds to thousands of myofibrils (T or F)
The myofibrils consist of: —————————————–
myosin, actin, tropomyosin, and troponin
Myofibrils which can actively shorten are responsible for skeletal m contraction (T or F)
At each end of the skeletal m cell the myofibrils are anchored to the ————–.
Since each myofibrill is attached at either end of the muscle fiber, when sarcomere
shortens, the muscle fiber shortens. (T, F)
Sarcolemma; T
What is the sarcoplasmic reticulum? Location of the sarcoplasmic reticulum.
The sarcoplasmic reticulum is a modified endoplasmic reticulum that stores calcium ions (in a muscle cell) at rest; striated muscle
What is the advantage of having many nuclei? The genes in the nuclei of the skeletal m cells control the production of enzymes and structural proteins required for
normal muscle contraction (T or F)
The more nuclei, the more protein can be produced, which leads to a stronger skeletal muscle; T
What are the myoblasts? Are the myoblasts embrionic cells? Why are the skeletal
muscle cells multinucleated? Skeletal muscle cells are different from typical cells in
that muscle fibers are multinucleated (T, F)
A myoblast is a postmitotic, mononucleated cell capable of fusion and contractile protein synthesis; Yes; Skeletal muscle cells are multinucleated because they consist of several cells that have fused together; T
Because skeletal muscle contractions demand large quantities of ATP, skeletal
muscles have a rich blood supply and abundants mitochondrias (T, F)
Testosterone is a hormone that stimulates directly growth of muscle tissue, leading to
increase muscle mass (T, F)