Striated; alternating dark and light bands
Striations of skeletal muscle
Multi-nucleated at periphery
Is the nucleus of skeletal muscle single or multinucleated? And where it can be found?
Rapid and voluntary
What is the contraction of skeletal muscle?
What are the main component of sarcoplasm?
Pushed by the myofibrils
Why are the nuclei of the skeletal muscle are at the periphery?
Nonstriated; nonbranching
Is the smooth muscle striated or nonstriated? Branching or nonbranching?
Fusiform/ spindle-shaped/ squamous
Shape of the cells in smooth muscle
Single and center
Smooth muscle
Nucleus: mono/multinucleated? Periphery/center?
Homogenously eosinophilic (red/pink stained)
What is the condition of the smooth muscles’ cytoplasm?
Involuntary and slow
Contraction of smooth muscle?
Striated; branching
Cardiac muscle
Striated/non striated?; branching/nonbranching?
Mononucleated; center
Cardiac muscle
Nucleus: multi/mono-nucleated? Center/periphery?
Involuntary and rhythmic
What is the contraction of cardiac muscle?
Intercalated disk
In cardiac muscle, what makes the cell join together?
Muscle Fascicle Muscle fiber Myofibrils Myofilaments
Organization of skeletal muscle from macro to microscopic
Dense connective tissue
What is the kind of CT that epimysium is made up of?
Surround the muslce
What does epimysium covers?
Thin and branching CT
What is the CT of the perimysium?
True/false: In perimysiun there is the presence of blood vessels and nerves
What does perimysium surrounds?
Muscle fiber
What does endomysium surrounds?
Delicate network of reticular fibers
What is the composition of endomysium?
It is the main bulk of muscle fiber
A band
Dark band of myofibril that consist of alternating thin and thick filaments
True/false: A band also shortens during contraction
H band
Central portion of A band; devoid of thin filaments
M line
Bisect H band