Muscle System Flashcards
Epicranius (occipitofrontalis) frontal belly
Covers forehead and dome of skull – no bony attachments
O: epicranial aponeurosis
I: face skin eyebrows Fixes aponeurosis and raises eyebrows (surprise) – wrinkles forehead horizontally
Epicranius (occipitofrontalis) Occipital belly
By pulling on the epicranial aponeurosis it fixes the origin of the frontal belly
Fixes aponeurosis and pulls scalp posteriorly
Corrugator supercilia (wrinkle eyebrow)
Small muscle associated with Orbicularis oculi
O: frontal bone
I: skin of eyebrow
Draws eyebrows medially and inferiorly angry eyebrows
Orbicularis oculi
Thin, flat muscle around eyelid
O: frontal and maxillary bones
I: skin of eyelids
Closes eye- blinking and squinting
Orbicularis oris
Complicated multilayer muscle that runs in many directions around the mouth
O: maxilla and mandible
I: skin of mouth
Closes lips: kissing and whistling
Major and minor – pair that extend from cheekbone to corner of mouth
O: zygomatic bone
I: skin of mouth
Raises lateral side of mouth - smiling
Risorius (laughter)
Razor like slender muscle inferior and lateral to Zygomaticus
O: masseter
I: skin of mouth
Draws corner of lips laterally – synergist to Zygomaticus
Levator labii superioris (raise lip above)
Thin muscle between Orbicularis oris and inferior eye margin
O: zygomatic bone and maxilla
I: upper lip
Opens lips
Depressor labii inferioris
O: mandible
I: lower lip
Draws lower lip inferiorly - pout
Depressor anguli oris
Small muscle lateral to Depressor labii inferioris
O: mandible
I: skin mouth
Draws corners of mouth down (grimace) antagonist to Zygomaticus
Mentalis (chin)
Muscle pair forming V shaped mass on chin
O: mandible
I: skin of chin
Wrinkles chin; pout
Thin horizontal cheek muscle deep to masseter
O: maxilla and mandible
I: Orbicularis oris
Compresses cheek – whistling sucking keeps food in mouth
Thin superficial neck muscle role in facial expression
O: chest
I: mandible and skin of mouth
Tenses skin of neck and depress mandible
Masseter (chewer)
Powerful muscle covers the lateral part of the mandibular ramus
O: zygomatic bone
I: mandible
Prime mover of jaw closure – elevates mandible
Fan shaped; covers the temporal, parietal, and frontal bones
O: temporal bone
I: mandible
Closes jaw or bite down
Medial pterygoid
Deep 2-headed muscle runs along internal surface of mandible
O: sphenoid bone and maxilla
I: medial surface of mandible
Acts with lateral pterygoid to protract mandible and side to side grinding
Lateral pterygoid
Deep 2-headed muscle that runs superior to medial pterygoid
O: sphenoid bone
I: mandible
protract mandible and side to side grinding
Genioglossus (chin tongue)
Fan shaped muscle that forms bulk of the inferior tongue – attachment to the mandible prevents the tongue from falling back into the throat and prevent breathing
O: mandible
I: hyoid bone
Protracts tongue – sticking out tongue
Hyoglossus (hyo = hyoid bone)
Flat quadrilateral
O: hyoid bone
Depresses tongue
(stylo=styloid process)
O: styloid process of temporal bone
Retracts and elevates tongue
Suprahyoid 2 bellies united by intermediate tendon form V shape under chin O: mandible and temporal bone I: hyoid bone Open mouth and depress mandible
suprahyoid Parallels posterior belly of digastric O: styloid process of temporal bone I: hyoid bone Elevates and retracts hyoid
Mylohyoid (molar)
suprahyoid Deep to digastric muscle – muscle pair forms floor of the anterior mouth O: mandible I: hyoid bone Elevates hyoid bone and floor of mouth
Geniohyoid (chin)
suprahyoid Deep to mylohyoid muscle O: mandible I: hyoid bone Pulls hyoid bone superiorly and anteriorly
Most medial muscle of the neck thin and superficial except inferiorly where covered by sternocleidomastoid
O: manubrium and clavicle
I: hyoid bone
Depresses hyoid bone and larynx if the mandible is fixed
infrahyoid Lateral and deep to Sternohyoid O: manubrium I: thyroid cartilage Depresses larynx and hyoid bone
Omohyoid (omo=shoulder)
infrahyoid 2 bellies united by intermediate tendon lateral to Sternohyoid O: scapula I: hyoid bone Depresses and retracts hyoid bone
infrahyoid Superior continuation of Sternothyroid O: thyroid cartilage I: hyoid bone Depresses hyoid bone and elevates larynx if the hyoid is fixed
Superior middle and inferior pharyngeal constrictor muscles
pharyngeal constrictor muscle 3 paired muscle whose fibers run circularly in pharynx wall; superior is innermost and inferior is outermost substantial overlap O: mandible, hyoid bone, larynx I: pharynx Constrict pharynx during swallowing
anterolateral neck
2 headed muscle; deep to platysma
O: manubrium and clavicle
I: temporal bone (mastoid process) occipital bone Flexes and laterally rotates head
Scalenes – anterior middle and posterior
anterolateral neck Lateral on neck; deep to platysma and SCM O: cervical vertebrae I: first 2 ribs Elevate 1st 2 ribs – forced inspiration
Splenius (bandage, head, neck)
intrinsic muscle of the back
Capitus and cervicis portions
Broad bipartite superficial muscle capitus is bandage muscle because it covers and holds down deeper neck muscles
O: ligamentum nuchae; vertebrae C7-T6
I: mastoid process of temporal bone and occipital bone (capitus) and C2-C4 (cervicis)
Extend or hyperextend head – pulls to same side
Erector spinae
Prime mover of back extension; during full flexion the erector spinae are relaxed (fingers touching the floor) when reversing this movement these muscles are initially inactive – extension initiated by hamstring and gluteus max
erector spinae - Iliocostalis (ilium, rib, thorax)
Lumborum, thoracis, cervicis – most lateral group of ES
O: iliac crest (lumborum); ribs (thoracis and cervicis)
I: ribs (lumborum and thoracis) cervical vertebrae (cervicis)
Extend and laterally flex the vertebral column
erector spinae - Longissimus (longest)
Thoracis, cervicis and capitis – intermediate
O: lumbar -cervical vertebrae
I: thoracic and cervical certebrae, ribs and the capitis inserts into the temporal bone
Extend and laterally flex the vertebral column; extends head and turn face to same side (dif capitis bc inserts in temporal bone)
erector spinae - Spinalis
Thoracis and cervicis – medial
O: lumbar and thoracic vertebrae
I: thoracic and cervical vertebrae (move up)
Extends vertebral column
intrinsic back muscle
Thoracis, cervicis and capitis – deep layer
O: C7-T12
I: occipital bone (capitis) cervical vertebrae (cervicis) and thoracic vertebrae (thoracis)
Extends vertebral column and head and rotates them to opposite direction
Quadratus lumborum
intrinsic back muscle Deeper- posterior abdominal wall O: iliac crest I: lumbar vertebrae Laterally flexes vertebral column and forced inspiration – pull down abdominal wall
External intercostals
thorax muscles - breathing
O: rib
Pull ribs toward each other to lift rib cage
Internal intercostals
thorax muscle - breathing
O: rib
Brings ribs together and depresses rib cage – forced expiration
thorax muscle - breathing
Floor of thoracic cavity, dome shaped when relaxed key muscle for inspiration
O: rib cage, sternum and costal cartilages
I: central tendon
Prime mover of inspiration – flattens on contraction pulls down thoracic cavity and brings air in
External obliques
anterior and lateral abdominal wall
Largest and most superficial, runs downward and medially (hands in pocket) forming inguinal ligament O: ribs
I: linea alba and iliac crest
Flex vertebral column and compress abdominal wall
Rotating trunk and flexing laterally (individually)
Internal obliques
anterior and lateral abdominal wall
Fibers runs upward and medially
O: lumbar, iliac crest
I: linea alba, pubic crest, ribs
Flex vertebral column and compress abdominal wall
Rotating trunk and flexing laterally (individually) same as above
Rectus abdominus
anterior and lateral abdominal wall Medial superficial O: pubic crest I: xiphoid process and ribs Flex and rotate lumbar region of vertebral column
Transversus abdominus
anterior and lateral abdominal wall Deepest and fibers fun horizontally O: lumbar I: linea alba, pubic crest Compresses abdominal contents
Levator ani (raises anus)
pelvic diaphragm
Broad tripartite - pubococcygeus, puborectalis, iliococcygeus forms a muscular sling
O: inside pelvis
Supports and maintains positions of pelvic organs
pelvic diaphragm
Small triangular muscle
O: pelvis
Supports pelvic organs
External urethral sphincter (squeeze)
urogenital diaphragm inferior to pelvic diaphragm
Muscle circling the urethra and vagina Constricts urethra
Deep transverse perineal muscle
Supports pelvic organs
urogenital diaphragm inferior to pelvic diaphragm
superficial perineal space
Pelvis to base of penis or clit
Maintains erection of penis or vagina stops venous drainage
Encloses base of penis
Empties male urethra
superficial perineal space