Muscle Reference Flashcards
Neuro-vascular holding points?
Acupressure holding points
- To Strengthen?
- To Weaken?
Massage treatment points
- Meridian?
- Front Neuro-Lymphatic
- Rear Neuro-Lymphatic
- O/I?
Function/Indications: Frontal Abduction of the shoulder. Prevents/resists adduction.
Testing: Front plane abduct arm 15 degrees from body. Pressure is against forearm toward IT band
Neuro-vascular holding points: Frontal eminences (between hairline and brow) and soft spot on top of head.
Acupressure holding points: None known
Massage treatment points:
- Central Meridian (pubic bone to bottom lip)
- Front Neuro-Lymphatic: From the Clavicle-Pec-Delt hollow along the outside of the pec to the lateral pec dimple.
- Rear Neuro-Lymphatic: 2-3” lateral the spine level the atlas C1.
- O/I: O - supraspinous fossa of scapula. I - superior facet of greater tubercle of humerus.
Teres Major - Internal rotator cuff
Neuro-vascular holding points
Acupressure holding points
- To Strengthen?
- To Weaken?
Massage treatment points
- Meridian?
- Front Neuro-Lymphatic
- Rear Neuro-Lymphatic
- O/I?
Function/Indications: Internal rotation of the humerus.
Testing: Lie prone with hands at the lower back, elbows bourght toward each other. Apply lateral pressure at the inside of the elbows.
Neuro-vascular holding points: Temple
Acupressure holding points
- To Strengthen: none known
- To Weaken: none known
Massage treatment points
- Meridian: Governing/Central meridian - From the tailbone, up the spine, over the top of the head, down the face, stopping at the upper lift.
- Front Neuro-Lymphatic: Between the 2nd & 3rd rib 2-3” lateral of the sturnum.
- Rear Neuro-Lymphatic: Between T2 & T3, 1” lateral of the spine.
- O/I: O - Bottom corner of the shoulder blade. I - back of the arm just below the shoulder joint.
Pectoralis Major Clavicular
Neuro-vascular holding points
Acupressure holding points
- To Strengthen?
- To Weaken?
Massage treatment points
- Meridian?
- Front Neuro-Lymphatic
- Rear Neuro-Lymphatic
- O/I?
Function/Indications: Horizontal adduction of the humerus.
Testing: Lying supine with arm held straight toward the ceiling. Apply lateral pressure to ABduct the arm.
Neuro-vascular holding points: Frontal eminence, sometimes a slight bulge on the sides of the forehead between the eyebrows and hairline.
Acupressure holding points
- To Strengthen: 1st - S41 & S15, GB41 & S43. stomach, gall bladder.
- To Weaken: 1st - S45 & L11, GB41 & S43. stomach, gall bladder
Massage treatment points
- Meridian: Stomach - Below the eye, around the cheek to the forehead, over the eye, down the jaw & the front of the neck, across the coller bone, down the chest & abdomen, across the hip flexors, down the front thigh just lateral of center, down the outer calf to the 2nd toe.
- Front Neuro-Lymphatic: Left Pec between the 5th & 6th ribs from nipple to sturnum.
- Rear Neuro-Lymphatic: 1” lateral the spine between T5 & T6.
- O/I: O - Middle of the clavicle to the knob on the inner end at the base of the throat. I - The groove between the muscles at the front of the humerus just below the shoulder.
Levator Scapulae
Neuro-vascular holding points
Acupressure holding points
- To Strengthen?
- To Weaken?
Massage treatment points
- Meridian?
- Front Neuro-Lymphatic
- Rear Neuro-Lymphatic
- O/I?
Function/Indications: Shoulder elevation and rotation with spine fixed. When shoulders fixed, 180-degree out-of-phase motion is spinal straightneing.
Testing: with a 90-degree bend at the elbow, force it down against the side of the hip. Pressure is against the inside of the upper arm near teh elbow to pull the arm away from the side.
Neuro-vascular holding points: Frontal eminence, sometimes a slight bulge on the sides of the forehead between the eyebrows and hairline.
Acupressure holding points
- To Strengthen: 1st - S41 & S15, GB41 & S43. stomach, gall bladder.
- To Weaken: 1st - S45 & L11, GB41 & S43. stomach, gall bladder.
Massage treatment points
- Meridian: Stomach - Below the eye, around the cheek to the forehead, over the eye, down the jaw & the front of the neck, across the coller bone, down the chest & abdomen, across the hip flexors, down the front thigh just lateral of center, down the outer calf to the 2nd toe.
- Front Neuro-Lymphatic: Edge of the breastbone at the 1st rib, about 1.5” lateral from midline.
- Rear Neuro-Lymphatic: 1” lateral the spine between C7 & T1. Put hard pressure in the center of the teres muscles (outer edge of the scapulae) and the tenser levator sacapulae.
- O/I: O - transverse processes of C1-4. I - Top medial slope of the scapulae.
Neck Muscles - Anterior Neck Flexors
Neuro-vascular holding points
Acupressure holding points
- To Strengthen?
- To Weaken?
Massage treatment points
- Front Neuro-Lymphatic
- Rear Neuro-Lymphatic
- O/I?
Function/Indications: Cervical flexion, secondarily rotation side flexion.
Testing: lie supine with hands above head, lift head off table with chin tucked to anatomical neutral. Apply pressure on forehead to gently push head to the table.
Neuro-vascular holding points: Ramus of the jaw, level with the mouth.
Acupressure holding points
- To Strengthen: 1st - S41 & S15, GB41 & S43. stomach, gall bladder.
- To Weaken: 1st - S45 & L11, GB41 & S43. stomach, gall bladder.
Massage treatment points
- Meridian: Stomach - Below the eye, around the cheek to the forehead, over the eye, down the jaw & the front of the neck, across the coller bone, down the chest & abdomen, across the hip flexors, down the front thigh just lateral of center, down the outer calf to the 2nd toe.
- Front Neuro-Lymphatic: 3 1/2” lateral the sturnum between 2nd-3rd ribs.
- Rear Neuro-Lymphatic: 3/4” lateral of C2
- O/I: O - top of the sternum and medial 1/3rd of the clavicle. I - mastiod
Neuro-vascular holding points
Acupressure holding points
- To Strengthen?
- To Weaken?
Massage treatment points
- Meridian?
- Front Neuro-Lymphatic
- Rear Neuro-Lymphatic
- O/I?
Function/Indications: Elbow flexion & wrist rotation.
Testing: Bend elbow slightly more than 90-degrees. Apply pressure to extend the elbow.
Neuro-vascular holding points: Frontal eminence, sometimes a slight bulge on the sides of the forehead between the eyebrows and hairline.
Acupressure holding points
- To Strengthen: 1st - S41 & S15, GB41 & S43. stomach, gall bladder.
- To Weaken: 1st - S45 & L11, GB41 & S43. stomach, gall bladder.
Massage treatment points
- Meridian: Stomach - Below the eye, around the cheek to the forehead, over the eye, down the jaw & the front of the neck, across the coller bone, down the chest & abdomen, across the hip flexors, down the front thigh just lateral of center, down the outer calf to the 2nd toe.
- Front Neuro-Lymphatic: Left Pec between the 5th & 6th ribs from nipple to sturnum.
- Rear Neuro-Lymphatic: 1” lateral between T5 & T6
- O/I: O - lower third of humerus. I - along the thumb side of the radius near the wrist.
Pectoralis Major Clavicular
Levator Scapulae
Neck Muscles
Latissimus Dorsi
Neuro-vascular holding points
Acupressure holding points
- To Strengthen?
- To Weaken?
Massage treatment points
- Meridian?
- Front Neuro-Lymphatic
- Rear Neuro-Lymphatic
- O/I?
Function/Indications: Frontal ADDuction.
Testing: Extend arm shoulder level. Apply pressure upward from below the arm.
Neuro-vascular holding points: Parietal bone just above and behind the ear.
Acupressure holding points:
- To strengthen: 1st - SP2 & H8, LV1 & SP1. spleen, heart, liver.
- To weaken: 1st - SP5 & L8. LV1 & SP1. spleen, lung, liver.
Massage treatment points
- Spleen meridian: From the big toe, up the inside of the leg, front of the abdomen to the side of the chest, frontal process of the shoulder.
- Front Neuro-Lymphatic: Between left ribs 7&8 near the cartilage, there may be a depression here.
- Back Neuro-Lymphatic: Between T7 & T8, 1” lateral the spine.
- O/I: O - Along the spine from T6 to L5 via the thoracolumbar fascia. I - Floor of the intertubercular groove of the humberus.
Neuro-vascular holding points
Acupressure holding points
- To Strengthen?
- To Weaken?
Massage treatment points
- Meridian?
- Front Neuro-Lymphatic
- Rear Neuro-Lymphatic
- O/I?
Function/Indications: Scapular ADDuction.
Testing: Lying prone with arms overhead & thumbs up, lift arms off the table without lifting chest.
Neuro-vascular holding points: 1/2” above the posterior fontanel.
Acupressure holding points:
- To strengthen: 1st - SP2 & H8; LV1 & SP1
- To weaken: 1st- SP5 & L8; LV1 & SP1
Massage treatment points:
- Spleen meridian: From the big toe, up the inside of the leg, front of the abdomen to the side of the chest, frontal process of the shoulder.
- Front Neuro-Lymphatic: Between left ribs 7 & 8 near the cartilage, there may be a depression here.
- Back Neuro-Lymphatic: Between T7 & T8, Left side only 1” lateral the spine.
- O/I: O - Along the spine from C1 to T12 . I - Across the upper edge of the scapulae.
Opponens Pollicis Longus
Neuro-vascular holding points
Acupressure holding points
- To Strengthen?
- To Weaken?
Massage treatment points
- Meridian?
- Front Neuro-Lymphatic
- Rear Neuro-Lymphatic
- O/I?
Function/Indications: Thumb flexion at the first carpometacarpal joint.
Testing: Have testee touch the tips of the thumb and pinky together. Apply pressure to spread fingers apart.
Neuro-vascular holding points: 1/2” above the posterior fontanel.
Acupressure holding points:
- To stengthen: 1st SP2 & H8; LV1 & SP1. spleen, heart, liver.
- To weaken: 1st - SP5 & L8; LV1 & SP1. spleen,
Massage treatment points
- Spleen meridian: From the big toe, up the inside of the leg, front of the abdomen to the side of the chest, frontal process of the shoulder.
- Front Neuro-Lymphatic: Between left ribs 7 & 8 near the cartilage, there may be a depression here.
- Rear Neuro-Lymphatic: 1” lateral of T7 & T8.
- O/I: O - Trapezium and transverse carpal ligament. I - Along the radial side of the thumb’s metacarpal bone.
Neuro-vascular holding points
Acupressure holding points
- To Strengthen?
- To Weaken?
Massage treatment points
- Meridian?
- Front Neuro-Lymphatic
- Rear Neuro-Lymphatic
- O/I?
Function/Indications: Elbow extension.
Testing: Bend elbow at 90 -degrees. Apply pressure against forearm to cause elbow flexion. Patient should resist elbow flexion.
Neuro-vascular holding points: Parietal bone just above and behind ear.
Acupressure holding points:
- To strengthen: 1st - SP2 & H8; LV1 & SP1. spleen, heart, liver.
- To weaken: 1st - SP5 & L8; SP1 & V1. spleen, liver,
Massage treatment points
- Spleen meridian: From the big toe, up the inside of the leg, front of the abdomen to the side of the chest, frontal process of the shoulder.
- Front Neuro-Lymphatic: Between left ribs 7 & 8 near the cartilage, there may be a depression here.
- Rear Neuro-Lymphatic: 1” lateral of T7 & T8.
- O/I: O - Posterior superior of the humerus & anteror lateral edge of the scapula. I - just below the elbow.
Latissimus Dorsi
Opponens Pillicis Longus
Neuro-vascular holding points
Acupressure holding points
- To Strengthen?
- To Weaken?
Massage treatment points
- Meridian?
- Front Neuro-Lymphatic
- Rear Neuro-Lymphatic
- O/I?
Function/Indications: internal rotation & addution of the humerus
Testing: hold arm laterally square with the shoulder, elbow bent square in the horizontal plane. Supporting the elbow, apply upward pressure to the palm of the hand trying to raise it.
Neuro-vascular holding points: Anterior fontanel, baby’s soft spot on the top of the head.
Acupressure holding points
- To strengthen: 1st - LV1 & H9; K10 & H3. liver, heart, kidney.
- To weaken: 1st - GB41 & S13; B66 & S12. gallbladder, stomach, bladder
Massage treatment points:
- Heart Meridian: Armpit down the inside of the arm to the tip of the pinky.
- Front Neuro-Lymphatic: Between ribs 2 & 3 just lateral the sternum.
- Rear Neuro-Lymphatic: 1” lateral the spine between T2 & T3.
- O/I: O - Medial and inferior 2/3rds of the scapula. I - Lesser tubercule of the humerus
Neuro-vascular holding points
Acupressure holding points
- To Strengthen?
- To Weaken?
Massage treatment points
- Meridian?
- Front Neuro-Lymphatic
- Rear Neuro-Lymphatic
- O/I?
Small Intestine
Function/Indications: Knee extention.
Testing: sit patient high enought to dangle legs. Place hand on anterior of calf. que client to try and extend knee.
Neuro-vascular holding points: Parietal eminence, usually a ridge between the ear and the top of the head.
Acupressure holding points
- To strengthen: 1st - GB41 & S13; B66 & S12. gallbladder, stomach, bladder.
- To weaken: 1st - S36 & S18; B66 & S12. stomach, bladder.
Massage treatment points:
- Small Intestine Meridian: Fromt the tip of the pinky up the edge of the back of the arm, down and up the v-ridge of the scapula, up the side of the neck to the cheek.
- Front Neuro-Lymphatic: Along the bottom curve of the rib cage from the below the acromium process down the 8th to 12th ribs.
- Back Neuro-Lymphatic: 8 points 1” lateral the spine between T8-9, T9-10, T10-11, & T11-12
- O/I: O - Anterior of the top of the femur bone.
Neuro-vascular holding points
Acupressure holding points
- To Strengthen?
- To Weaken?
Massage treatment points
- Meridian?
- Front Neuro-Lymphatic
- Rear Neuro-Lymphatic
- O/I?
Small Intestine
Function/Indications: spinal flexion.
Testing: Get in a bent knee, sit-up position. Sit up, cross hands across chest and lean back 30-degrees. Stabalize legs, apply gentle pressure against where wrists cross.
Neuro-vascular holding points: Parietal eminence, usually a ridge between the ear and the top of the head.
Acupressure holding points
- To strengthen: 1st - GB41 & S13; B66 & S12. gallbladder, stomach, bladder.
- To weaken: 1st - S36 & S18; B66 & S12. stomach, bladder.
Massage treatment points:
- Small Intestine Meridian: Fromt the tip of the pinky up the edge of the back of the arm, down and up the v-ridge of the scapula, up the side of the neck to the cheek.
- Front Neuro-Lymphatic: lower half of the inner thighs, 2 bands, slightly forward and back.
- Back Neuro-Lymphatic: Most prominant knob on the hop bones at L5
- O/I: O - Inner surfaces of the lower 6 ribs; I - Upper edges of the hip and pubic bones.
Small Intestine
Neuro-vascular holding points
Acupressure holding points
- To Strengthen?
- To Weaken?
Massage treatment points
- Meridian?
- Front Neuro-Lymphatic
- Rear Neuro-Lymphatic
- O/I?
Function/Indications: Plantar flexion & ankle eversion
Testing: Lying supine with feet hanging, cue client to dorsiflex to 90-degrees and slightly invert foot. Apply pressure to dorseflex and invert foot more. Client is to resist.
Neuro-vascular holding points: Frontal eminence - bulge between eyebrows and hairline - and the Glabella - flat area closer to the center and just above the eyebrows.
Acupressure holding points
- To strengthen: 1st - B67 & LI1; B54 & S 36. bladder, liver, and stomach.
- To weaken: 1st - GB41 & B65; B54 & S36. gallbaldder, bladder, stomach.
Massage treatment points:
- Bladder meridian: 1st: From the inside corner of the eye, over the head, down the back over the right erector spinae midline, along the gluteus medial edge to the mid-bottom of the glute. 2nd: skip back to C7-T1, trace diagonally (laterally and down) along the upper trap muscle to 2 1/2” lateral the spine, straight down to the mid-bottom of the glute, down the midline of the hamstrings and gastroc, then the lateral ridge of the calf tendon around the back of the ankle bone to the pinky toe,
- Front-Neuro-Lymphatic. 3 points along the top ridge of the pubic bone, center and 1” lateral.
- Rear Neuro-Lymphatic: The prominant knobs of the hip bones 2 1/2” lateral of L5.
- O/I: O - Lateral side of the calf, just below the knee. I - Outside of the foot and across the arch of the tip of the foot.
Neuro-vascular holding points
Acupressure holding points
- To Strengthen?
- To Weaken?
Massage treatment points
- Meridian?
- Front Neuro-Lymphatic
- Rear Neuro-Lymphatic
- O/I?
Function/Indications: Spinal Extension.
Testing: Unilateral testing: Lie prone, hands to the side or at the small of the back. Testee lifts one shoulder looking back over it. Apply pressure down onto the shoulder while stabilizing opposite hip.
Neuro-vascular holding points: Frontal eminence - bulge between eyebrows and hairline.
Acupressure holding points
- To strengthen: 1st - B67 & LI1; B54 & S 36. bladder, liver, and stomach.
- To weaken: 1st - GB41 & B65; B54 & S36. gallbaldder, bladder, stomach.
Massage treatment points:
- Bladder meridian: 1st: From the inside corner of the eye, over the head, down the back over the right erector spinae midline, along the gluteus medial edge to the mid-bottom of the glute. 2nd: skip back to C7-T1, trace diagonally (laterally and down) along the upper trap muscle to 2 1/2” lateral the spine, straight down to the mid-bottom of the glute, down the midline of the hamstrings and gastroc, then the lateral ridge of the calf tendon around the back of the ankle bone to the pinky toe,
- Front-Neuro-Lymphatic. 3 points along the top ridge of the pubic bone, center and 1” lateral. 1” either side of the naval.
- Rear Neuro-Lymphatic: 1 1/2” lateral L2.
- O/I: O - Spinous processes from T9-T12 & the medial slope of the dorsal tendon of the iliac crest. I - Spinous processes from C1 to T2. Erector spinae is a group of muscles: iliocostalis, longissimus, and the spinalis
Neuro-vascular holding points
Acupressure holding points
- To Strengthen?
- To Weaken?
Massage treatment points
- Meridian?
- Front Neuro-Lymphatic
- Rear Neuro-Lymphatic
- O/I?
Function/Indications: Dorsiflexion and foot inversion.
Testing: Slightly dorsiflex. Pressure is applied to the top of the foot. Client resists plantar flexion.
Neuro-vascular holding points: Frontal eminence - bulge between eyebrows and hairline - and the Glabella - flat area closer to the center and just above the eyebrows.
Acupressure holding points
- To strengthen: 1st - B67 & LI1; B54 & S 36. bladder, liver, and stomach.
- To weaken: 1st - GB41 & B65; B54 & S36. gallbaldder, bladder, stomach.
Massage treatment points:
- Bladder meridian: 1st: From the inside corner of the eye, over the head, down the back over the right erector spinae midline, along the gluteus medial edge to the mid-bottom of the glute. 2nd: skip back to C7-T1, trace diagonally (laterally and down) along the upper trap muscle to 2 1/2” lateral the spine, straight down to the mid-bottom of the glute, down the midline of the hamstrings and gastroc, then the lateral ridge of the calf tendon around the back of the ankle bone to the pinky toe,
- Front-Neuro-Lymphatic. 3 points along the top ridge of the pubic bone, center and 1” lateral.
- Rear Neuro-Lymphatic: The prominant knobs of the hip bones 2 1/2” lateral of L5.
- O/I: O - Lateral side of the calf, just below the knee. I - Outside of the foot and across the arch of the tip of the foot.