Muscle of the neck Flashcards
Digastric: Anterior belly O
Inferior border of mandible
Digastric: Posterior belly O
Mastoid process
Digastric: I
Hyoid via common tendon (pulls mm down to hyoid)
Digastric: A
Retract mandible. Hyoid fixed: depress mandible. Mandible fixed: elevate hyoid.
Digastric: N
Trigeminal V
Suprahyoids are:
Digastric, geniohyoid, mylohyoid, stylohyoid
Geniohyoid: O
Inferior mental spines on inner pt of mandible. Deep to mylohyoid.
Geniohyoid: I
Body of hyoid
Geniohyoid: A
Elevate and protract hyoid, depress mandible
Geniohyoid: N
Hypoglossal XII
Mylohyoid: O
Mylohyoid line of mandible
Mylohyoid: I
Body of hyoid
Mylohyoid: A
Elevate hyoid, tongue and floor of mouth. Hyoid fixed: depress mandible
Mylohyoid: N
Mandibular branch of trigeminal V
Stylohyoid: O
Styloid process of temporal
Stylohyoid: I
Body of hyoid
Stylohyoid: A
Elevate and retract hyoid
Stylohyoid: N
Facial VII
Infrahyoids are:
Omohyoid, sternohyoid, sternothyroid, thyrohyoid
Omohyoid: Superior belly O
Intermediate tendon
Omohyoid: Inferior belly O
Superior border of scapula
Omohyoid: Superior belly I
Body of hyoid
Omohyoid: Inferior belly I
Medial clavicle via intermed. tendon (binds down to clavicle)
Omohyoid: A
Depress and retract hyoid
Omohyoid: N
Ansa cervicalis (C1-C3) “U turn”
Sternohyoid: O
Medial clavicle and manubrium (upper sternum)
Sternohyoid: I
Inferior border of hyoid body
Sternohyoid: A
Depress hyoid
Sternohyoid: N
Ansa cervicalis (C1-C3)
Sternothyroid: O
Posterior pt of manubrium
Sternothyroid: I
Oblique line of thyroid cartilage
Sternothyroid: A
Depress thyroid cartilage
Sternothyroid: N
Hypoglossal XII
Thyrohyoid: O
Oblique line of thyroid cartilage
Thyrohyoid: I
Greater horn of hyoid
Thyrohyoid: A
Depress hyoid and elevate thyroid cartilage
Thyrohyoid: N
Hypoglossal XII
Rectus capitis anterior: O
TVP of C1
Rectus capitis anterior: I
Jugular process of occiput
Rectus capitis anterior: A
Flexion of head (tip chin)
Rectus capitis anterior: N
Anterior primary rami spinal (C1-C2)
Longus capitis: O
Anterior tubercles of TVP C3-C6
Longus capitis: I
Basilar part of occipital bone
Longus capitis: A
Flex head and c/s
Longus capitis: N
Cervical plexus, ant. primary rami C1-C4
Longus Coli: 3 parts. Superior oblique pt: O
Anterior tubercles TVP C3-C5
Longus Coli: 3 parts. Superior oblique pt: I
Anterior arch of C1
Longus Coli: 3 parts. Vertical pt: O
Anterior surface of bodies C5-C7, T1-T3
Longus Coli: 3 parts. Vertical pt: I
Anterior surface of bodies C2-C4
Longus Coli: 3 parts. Inferior oblique pt: O
Anterior surface of bodies T1-T3
Longus Coli: 3 parts. Inferior oblique pt: I
Anterior tubercles of TVP C5-C6
Longus coli: A for all
flex head and neck.
Longus Coli: A unilat for oblique and vertical
Oblique: Ipsilat lat flex head and neck. Vertical: contralat rotation
Longus Coli: N
Cervical and brachial plexus (C2-C7)
Anterior scalene: O
Anterior tubercles of TVPs C3-C6
Anterior scalene: I
Medial pt of first rib
Anterior scalene: A
Bilat: flex neck, elevate 1st rib.
Unilat: ipsilat lat flex and contralat rotate
Anterior scalene: N
Ventral rami of cervical N (C4-C6)
Middle scalene: O
Posterior tubercles of TVPs C2-C7
Middle scalene: I
Superior pt of 1st rib
Middle scalene: A
Bilat: flex neck, elevate 1st rib
Unilat: ipsilateral lat. flex and contralat rotation of neck
Middle scalene: N
Ventral rami of cervical N (C4-C8)
Posterior scalene: O
Posterior tubercles of TVPs c4-c6
Posterior scalene: I
Lateral 2nd rib
Posterior scalene: A
Bilat: elevate 2nd rib, stabilize base of neck
Unilat: ipsilat lat flex and contralat rotation of neck
Posterior scalene: N
Ventral rami of cervical N (c6-c8)
Sternal head: manubrium
Clavicular head: superior pt of medial ⅓ of clavicle
Mastoid process and lateral ½ of superior nuchal line
Bilat: Flex neck, helps with inspiration
Unilat: Ipsilat lat flex, contralat rotation
Accessory nerve ( C2-C3)
Platysma: O
Fascia covering superior portions of pec major and deltoid mm
Platysma: I
Lower margin of mandible, mm of jaw and mouth
Platysma: A
Depress mandible, tense skin on neck
Platysma: N
Facial VII