Muscle Actions Flashcards
Upper Trapezius
Scapular Elevation, Scapular Upward Rotation
Lavatory Scapulae
Scapular Elevation, Adduction, Downward Rotation
Middle Trapezius
Scapular Adduction
Lower Trapezius
Scapular Depression, Upward Rotation
Rhomboid Major
Adduction, Downward Rotation and Elevation of Scapula
Rhomboid Minor
Adduction and Elevation of Scapula
Lower Trapezius
Scapular Depression, Upward Rotation
Serratus Anterior
Scapular Abduction, Upward Rotation of the Scapula
Anterior Deltoid
Flexion of the Shoulder
Flexion and Adduction of the Shoulder
Latissimus Dorsi
Extension, Adduction and Medial Rotation of the Shoulder
Teres Major
Adduction, Extension and Medial Rotation of the Shoulder
Posterior Deltoid
Extension of the Shoulder
Middle Deltoid
Abduction of the Shoulder
Abduction and Lateral Rotation of the Shoulder
Posterior Deltoid
Extension of the Shoulder
Pectoralis Major
—Adduction and Medial Rotation of the Shoulder
Clavicular—Flexion and horizontal Adduction of the Shoulder
Sternocostal—Extension of the shoulder
Medial Rotation of the Shoulder
Lateral Rotation of the Shoulder
Teres Minor
Lateral Rotation of the Shoulder
Biceps Brachii
Flexion of the Elbow
Supination of the Forearm
Assists in Flexion of Shoulder
Flexion of the Elbow
Flexion of the Elbow
Triceps Brachii
Extension of the Elbow
Slight Extension in Shoulder
Assists in Extending the Elbow
Supination of the Forearm
Pronator Quadratus
Pronation of Forearm
Pronator Teres
Pronation of the Forearm
Assists in Elbow Flexion
Flexor Carpi Radialis
Flexion and Abduction of the Wrist
Flexor Carpi Ulnaris
Flexion and Adduction of the Wrist
Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus
Extension and Abduction of the wrist
Assists in Extension of the Elbow
Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis
Extension and Abduction of the Wrist
Extensor Carpi Ulnaris
Extension and Adduction of the Wrist
Flexion of MCP 2-5
Extension of PIP 2-5
Extension of DIP 2-5
Palmar Interossei
Adduction and Flexion of the 2, 4 and 5th MCP
Extension of PIP 2, 4, 5
Extension of DIP 2, 4, 5
Dorsal Interossei
Abduction and Flexion of 2 3 and 4 MCP
Extension of PIP 2, 3, 4
Extension of DIP 2, 3, 4
Flexor Digitorum Superficialis
Flexion of the PIP of 2-5
Assists in Flexion of MCP 2-5
Flexion of Wrist
Flexor Digitorum Profundus
Flexion of DIP 2-5
Assists in Flexing PIP and MCP
Extensor Digitorum
Extension of Digits 2-5
Assists in Wrist Extension
Extensor Indicis
Extension of the Index Finger
Assists in Wrist Extension
Extensor Digiti Minimi
Extension of Digit 5
Assist in Wrist Extension
Abductor Digiti Minimi
Abduction and Flexion of 5th MCP
Flexor Pollicis Brevis
Flexion of the MCP joint in the Thumb
Flexor Pollicis Longus
Flexion of the IP of thumb
Flexion of the MCP of thumb
Extensor Pollicis Brevis
Extension of the MCP Thumb
Extension of CMC of Thumb
Abductor Pollicis Longus
Abduction and extension of the CMC
Assists in Abduction
Flexion of the Wrist
Abductor Pollicis Brevis
Abduction of the CMC
Abduction of the MCP joints of the Thumb
Adductor Pollicis
Adduction of the Thumb
Opponents Pollicis
Opposition at the CMC Thumb
Opponents Digiti Minimi
Opposition at the CMC 5th Digit
Longus Capitus
Bilateral Action: Flexion of the head on the Atla; Flexion of the Cervical Spine
Unilateral Action: Lateral Flexion and Rotation of the Cervical Spine to Same Side
Longus Colli
Bilateral Action: Flexion of the Cervical Spine
Unilateral Action: Lateral Flexion and Rotation of the Cervical Spine to the Same Side
Rectus Capitis Anterior
Flexion of the Head on the Atlas
Anterior Scalene
Bilateral Action: Flexion of the cervical Spine
Unilateral Action: Lateral Flexion of the Cervical Spine to the Same Side
Bilateral: Flexion of the cervical spine and Extension of the Head on the Atlas
Unilateral action: Lateral flexion of the cervical spine to the same side
Iliocostalis Cervicis
Bilateral: Extension of Cervical Spine
Unilateral: Lateral Flexion and Rotation of cervical spine
Longissimus Cervicis
Bilateral: Extension of cervical spine
Unilateral lateral flexion of cervical spine
Obliquus Capitis Superior
Billateral: Extension of the head of the atlas
Unilateral: Lateral flexion head of atlas
Rectus Capitis Posterior Major
Bilateral: Extension of head of atlas
Unilateral: Rotation of the upper cervical spine
Rectus Capitis Posterior Minor
Extension of the head on the atlas
Semispinalis Capitis
Bilateral: Extension of the head and the cervical spine
Unilateral: Rotation of the cervical spine to opposite side
Semispinalis cervicis
Bilateral: Extension of cervical Spine
Unilateral Rotation of the cervical spine to opposite side
Spinalis Capitis
Extension of the cervical spine
Spinalis Cervicis
Extension of Cervical Spine
Splenius Capitis
Bilateral: Extension of the head and cervical spine
Unilateral: Lateral flexion and rotation of the cervical spine to same side
Splenius Cervicalis
Bilateral:Extension of the cervical spine
Unilateral: Lateral flexion and rotation of the cervical spine on same side
Upper Trapezius
Bilateral: with insertion fixed… Extends cervical spine and head
Unilateral action: Lateral flexion of the cervical spine; rotation of the cervical spine to opposite side
Rectus Abdominis
Flexion of the vertebral column (Lumbar Spine)
External Abdominal Oblique
Bilateral: Flexion of Vertebral Column
Unilateral:Lateral Flexion and Rotation of the vertebral column toward opposite side
Internal Abdominal Oblique
Bilateral: Flexion of the vertebral column
Unilateral: Lateral flexion and rotation of the vertebral column toward same side
Iliocostalis Thoracis
Bilateral: Extension of the vertebral column
Unilateral: Lateral flexion and rotation of the vertebral column
Iliocostalis Lumborum
Bilateral:Extension of vertebral column
Unilateral: Lateral flexion and rotation of the vertebral column Elevation from pelvis
Longissimus Thoracis
Bilateral: Extension of vertebral column
Unilateral: Lateral flexion of vertebral Column
Bilateral: Extension of the vertebral column
Unilateral: Lateral flexion of the vertebral column; rotation of the vertebral column to the opposite side
Semispinalis Thoracis
Bilateral: Extension of the Vertebral Column
Unilateral: Rotation of the Vertebral column to the opposite side
Spinalis Thoracis
Extension of the vertebral column
Quadratus lumborum
Bilateral: Extension of lumbar spine
Unilateral: Lateral flexion of the lumbar spin, elevation of the pelvis
Elevates Mandible
Assits in Mandibular protraction
Medial Pterygoid
Unilateral: Protracts and deviates the mandible to the opposite side
Bilateral: Elevates the mandible
Lateral Pterygoid
Protracts and depresses the mandible
Retracts and Elevates the mandible
Elevates the eyebrows
Corrugator suercilli
Draws the eyebrows medially
Orbicularis Oculi
Closes the eye
Draws the medial angle of the eyebrows down
Dilates the Nasal Aperture (The Human Nose Hole)
Levator Labii
Raises the upper lip (mouth)
Levator Anguli oris
Elevates the andle of the mouth
Draws the angle of the mouth upward and backward as in smiling and laughing
Orbicularis Oris
Approximates and Protrudes the Lips (mouth)
Retracts the angle of the mouth
Compresses the Cheek (Mouth)
Depressor Labii Inferioris
Depresses the Angle of the Mouth
Raises and protrudes the lower lip (Mouth)
wrinkles the skin of the chin
Depressor anguli oris
Depresses the angle of the mouth
Draws the lower lip (mouth) and corner of the mouth laterally and inferiorly
Flexion of the Hip
Psoas Major
Unilateral: Flexion of the Hip
Bilateral: With the fixed, The Psoas Major, Flexes the Trunk
Flexion, Abduction and lateral rotation of the hip, flexion of the knee
Gluteus Maximus
Extension and Lateral Rotation of the hip
Extension of the hip flexion knee and Medial rotation of the knee
Extension of the Hip, Flexion and medial rotation of the knee
Biceps Femoris
Extension of the Hip
Flexion and Lateral rotation of the knee
Gluteus medius
Abduction and medial rotation of the hip
Gluteus Minimus
Abduction and medial rotation of the hip
Tensor Fascia Lata
Abduction, Flexion and medial rotation of the hip; extension of the knee
Adductor Magnus
Adduction of the Hip; Upper portion of muscle assists in hip flexion, lower portion assists in hip extension
Adductor longus
Adduction and flexion of the hip
Adductor Brevis
Adduction, Flexion and medial rotation of the hip
Adduction, Flexion and medial rotation of the hip
Adduction of the hip, flexion and medial rotation of the knee
Tensor Fascia Lata
Abduction flexion and medial rotation of the hip
Extension of the knee
Gluteus Medius Anterior
Abduction and medial rotation of the hip
Lateral rotation of the hip abduction of the flexed hip
Gemelus Superior
Lateral rotation of the hip, abduction of the flexed hip
Gemelus inferior
Lateral Rotation of the hip Abduction of the flexed hip
Obturator Internus
Lateral rotation of the hip, Abduction of the flexed hip
Obturator Externus
Lateral rotation of the hip
Quadratus Femoris
Lateral Rotation of the hip
Rectus Femoris
Extension of the Knee and flexion of the hip
Vastus lateralis
Extension of the knee
Vastus Medialis
Extension of the knee
Vastus Intermedius
Extension of the knee
Biceps Femoris
Extension of the hip flexion and lateral rotation of the knee
Extension of the hip Flexion and meial rotation of the knee
Semi Membranosis
Extension of the hip flexion and medial rotation of the knee
Plantar Flexion of the ankle
Flexion of the knee
Plantar Flexion of the Ankle
Tibialis Anterior
Dorsiflexion of the Foot at the Ankle
Inversion of the foot at the subtalar and midtarsal joints
Tibialis Posterior
Inversion of the Foot at the Subtalar joint
Plantar flexion of the foot at the ankle
Fibularis longus
Eversion of the foot at the subtalar joint
weak plantar flexor of the foot at the ankle
Fibularis brevis
Eversion of the foot at the subtalar joint weak plantar flexor of the foot at the ankle
Lumbricals (FOOT)
Flexion at the MTP
Extension at the IP in Lateral 4 toes
Flexor Hallucis Brevis
Flexion at the MTP of Great Toe
Flexor Digitorum Longus
Flexion at the distal and proximal IP of the lateral 4 toes
Flexor digitorum brevis
Flexion at the proximal IP joints of the lateral four toes
Flexor Hallucis Longus
Flexion at the IP of the great toe
Extensor Digitorum Longus
Extension at the MTP Joints of he lateral Four Toes
Extensor Digitorum Brevis
Extension at the MTP of great toe and toes 2-4
Extensor Hallucis Longus
Extension at the IP of Great Toe