Murtagh Diagnoses and Buzzwords Flashcards
pale child + severe colic + vomitting
acute intussusception
prostration and anxiety + intense central pain + profuse vomiting +/- bloody diarrhea
mesenteric arterial occlusion
localised RIF pain + anorexia + nausea + vomitting + gaurding
acute appendicitis
colicky central pain + vomiting + distension + no flatus + spasms for 1 minute
small bowel obstruction
colicky pain hypogastric + distension +/- vomiting
large bowel obstruction
sudden severe continuous epigastric pain + anxious, still, grey, sweaty + deceptive improvement
perforated peptic ulcer
intense loin pain to groin + microscopic haematuria
ureteric clic
severe pain + vomiting + pain radiation (shoulder/scapula)
biliary colic
severe epigastric pain + N/V + relative lack of abdominal signs
acute pancreatitis
acute left iliac fossa pain + left sided radiation + fever
acute diverticulitis
non specific urethritis + conjunctivitis +/- iritis + arthritis
reactive arthritis
arthralgia + purpuric rash +- abdominal pain
Henloch Schoenlein purpura
bruising + oral bleeding + epistaxis
menorrhagia + bruising + increased bleeding (incisions, dental, mucosal)
von Willebrand disease
spontaneous haemarthrosis + musce bleeds + delayed bleeding
haemophilia A
(unilateral) tinnitus + hearing loss + unsteady gait
acoustic neuroma
acute vertigo + nausea + vomiting
vestibular neuritis
hearing loss + acute vertigo + nausea + vomiting +- tinnitus
acute labyrinthitis
vertigo + vomitting + tinnitus + sensoneural deafness
Meniere syndrome
malaise + anorexia + dyspepsia + weight loss
stomach cancer
loss of appetite + weight + colour
stomach cancer
fatigue + dysphagia + weight loss
oesophageal cancer
headache + vomiting + visual aura
migraine with aura classic
retroorbital headache + rhinorrhea + lacrimation
cluster headache
drowsiness + vomiting + seizure
raised intracranial pressure
occiputal headache + vomiting + neck stiffness
sub arachnoid headache
headache + visual obscurations + nausea
benign intracranial hypertension
fever + upper abdominal pain + jaundice
acute cholangitis
jaundice + constitutional symptoms (malaise anorexia weight loss) + epigastric pain (radiating to back)
pancreatic cancer
myalgia, fever, headaches for 2-3 days, then vesicular rash
adult chicken pox
fever, malaise, anorexia, cough, cory conjunctivitis, then rash first behind ears, then on face, then truck then limbs
pale pink maculopapular rash, starts on face and neck, then trunk and extremities, no prodrome, low fever
bright macular rash on face/cheeks circumoral pallor, then maculopapuar rash on limbs, worse with sun,wind, bath
erythema infectiosum/parvovirus/slapped cheek
child 6-18 months
roseola infantum
high fever and runny nose then 3 days later red maclopapular rash mainly on trunk
herpes virus 6
children under 10
hand foot mouth
fever headache malaise, 1-2 days then, vesicles on mouth, gums, hands palms soles
2 days of malaise, fever, sore throat and vomiting
scarlet fever
rash on day 2 blanching starts on neck then cubital fossae, skinfolds, axillae, groin, circumoral pallor, feels like sandpaper, strawberry tongue
strep pyogenes
miserable child, high fever >39 for 5 days not responding to paracetamol
kawasaki disease
high fever headache malaise, orchitis unilateral, parotid swelling
1 week of coryza, anorexia, conjunctivitis, dry cough, then evere paroxysms at night with post tussive vomit and inspiratory sound
pertussis, whooping cough
proteinuria, generalised oedema, waxy pallor
nephrotic syndrome
discoloured urine, periorbital oedema, oliguria
post strep glomerulonephritis
painful swallow, referred ear pain, hoarseness
pharyngeal cancer
dry eyes, dry mouth, arthritis
sjogrens syndrome
recurrent oral and genital ulcers, uveitis, arthritis
Behcet syndrome
40 yo and over with restricted shoulder movement unilaterally
Rotator cuff syndrome
teenager - sore shoulder
50 yo with sore shoulder increasingly worse mobility, shoulder pain no good reason
adhesive capsulitis - frozen shoulder
65 over with sore shoulder
Choice of imaging for ac joint -
bone scan
choice of imaging for osteoarthritis
imaging for instability in shoulder
choice of imaging for rotator cuff syndrome
non healing otitis externa in diabetic or immunocompromised
malignant otitis externa
Dizziness in bed - multiple attacks - only for minutes
Dizziness while standing (not in bed) multiple episodes with no hearing loss -
Migraine with vertigo
Dizziness while standing not postural, multiple episodes with hearing loss, no headache and tinnitus
Dizziness not postural, single episode for hours to 24 hours – no hearing loss
Vestibular neuronitis
Dizziness not postural, single episode for hours to 24 hours – with hearing loss + DDx
Labyrinthitis DDx cerebellar stroke
returned traveller, abdo pain, fever,chills
traveller, fever, jaundice, bradycardia
yellow fever
traveller, fever, vomiting, stupor
japanese encephalitis
traveller, painful bite, parasthesia, painful drinking
traveller, stepladder fever, abdo pain then pea soup diarrhea, bradycardia
fever, vomiting, abrupt watery diarrhea
fever, severe aching, rash, traveller
fever, pneumonia, myalgia
abdo pain mild, recurrent diarrhea, eosinophilia
angina, blackouts, dyspnoea
aortic stenosis
menstrua dysfunction, obesity, hirsutism
malaise, night sweats, pruritus
Hodgkin lymphoma
abdo pain, diarrhea, fever
Crohn’s disease
vertigo, vomiting, tinnitus
fatigue, muscle weakness, cramps
fever, rigors, hypotension
fever, vomiting, headache
fever, drooling, stridor
headache, vomiting, altered consciousness
suarachnoid haemorrhage
abdo pain, amenorrhea, pv bleeding
ectopic pregnancy
fatigue, dyspnoea on exertion, dizziness
fatigue, weight loss, diarrhea
coeliac disease
anorexia, nausea, faecal leaking, abdo bloating
faecal impaction
abdo cramps, flatulence, profuse diarrhea
lethargy, tiredness, arthralgia
lethargy, abdo pains, irritable child
lead poisoning
aching bones, waddling gait, deafness in child
Paget disease
malaise, cough, fever +/- erythema nodosum
sarcoidosis or TB
male child, snorting, blinking, grunts, expletives
fever, sore throat, cervical lymphadenopathy
epstein barr mononucleiosis
fatigue, anorexia, nausea, vomiting, sallow skin
chronic kidney disease
polyuria, polydipsia, skin/orifice infections
FUO, cardiac murmur, embolic signs
infective endocarditis
fatigue, polyarthritis, fever or skin lesions
loin pain, haematuria, palpable loin mass
kidney carcinoma
malaise, weight loss, cough
lung carcinoma
fever, myalgia, headache, non productive cough
atypical pneumonia
malaise, night sweats, painless lymphadenopathy
non Hodgkin lymphoma
arthralgia, Raynauds phenomenon, GORD, skin thickening
systemic sclerosis
fatigue, headache, jaw pain on chewing
temporal arteritis
weakness, back pain, weight loss
multiple myeloma
lethargy, physical mental slowing, constipation
resting tremor, rigidity, bradykinesia, postual instability
Parkinson disease
dysarthria, intention tremor, nystagmus
cerebellar disease eg MS
visual disturbance (blurred or transient loss), weakness in limbs +/- weakness in limbs