Murder on the Links Flashcards
what is the definition of reticent
not revealing/conceding one’s thoughs or feelings
sentence: My husband was always very reticent about himself, monsieur. He came from the North West, I know, but I fancy that he had an unhappy childhood, for he never cared to speak of that time. “
what is the definition of adroit (adjective)?
definition: : marked by shrewdness, craft, resourcefulness, readiness at devising, or physical skill and address so that one is enabled to cope with difficulty
synonyms:adept, skillful, agile
sentence: Léonie appeared dissolved in tears, and inclined to be hysterical. M. Hautet dealt with her adroitly.
what is the definition of apostrophize
defnition: to adress by or in apostrophe. Apostrophe is the addressing of a person usually not present or of a thing usually personified for rhetorical purposes; allusion
sentence: I thought for a moment that he was going to apostrophize it, to declare aloud his determination never to rest till he had discovered the murderer. But when he spoke, it was tamely and awkwardly, and his comment was ludicrously inappropriate to the solemnity of the moment.
what is the definition of apostrophe
he addressing of a person usually not present or of a thing usually personified for rhetorical purposes; allusion
what is the definition of absentminded (adjective)
definition: preoccupied to the point of failure to respond to ordinary demands of attention
synonym: absorbed, inattentive oblivious, thoughtful in some contexts
what is the definition of crestfallen (adjective)
with hanging head; dispirited, dejected
“crestfallen on the landing with champagne problems.”-Taylor Swift
““Of course,” agreed Poirot, looking somewhat crestfallen.
what is the definition of steel (transitive verb)?
definition: to make hard or unbending : prepare oneself especially for a struggle, enterprise, shock OR to fill oneself with stark insensibility or determination
synonym: brace (as in to brace oneself)
iwhat is the definition of nfintesimal ( adjective)
definiton: extremely small
what is the deifnition of garrulous ( adjective)
excessively talkative
trivial (adjective)
of little worth or important( insignificant) OR common,ordinary, commonplace
what is hte definition of minx (noun)
a saucy ( impudent) or mischievous girl
what is the definition of impudent (adjective)
marked by contemptuous or cocky boldness or disregard of others; insolent
what is the defintion of insolent (adjective)
showing a rude and arrogant lack of respect
what is the defintion of sententious?
terse, aphoristic, or moralistic in expression
sentence: “We all have our disappointments,” said Miss Cinderella sententiously.
what is the definition of an aphorism?
a concise statement of a principle; adage, maxim
what is the definition of loath (adjective)
characterized by unwillingness to do something contrary to one’s tastes, likes, sympathies, or ways of thinking : reluctant
what is the definition of moot (adjective)?
to bring up for discussion or debate
What is the definition of peremptory ( adjective )?
expressive of urgency or command : imperative
what is the definition of relent ( verb)?
to become less severe, harsh, or strict : become mollified, compassionate, or forgiving
what is the definition of rigmarole (noun)?
definition: prolix and rambling or incoherent talk
synonym: yapping
what is the definition of paraxoysm (noun)?
definition: a sudden attack or violent expression of emotion or activity
what is the definition of facsimile (noun)?
definition: an exact copy, especially of written or printed material
what is the definition of impetuous (noun)?
definition: impulsive
what is the definition of cogitate (verb)?
definition: reflect
what is the definition of prosaic (adjective)
definition: belonging to or suitable for the everyday world : commonplace, OR having a dull, flat, unimaginative quality of style or expression
-my life has nevertheless been quite prosaic, despite the esoteric, yet insignificant, events along the way-definition 2
-being a teacher is generally considered a prosaic lifestyle-sentence 1
What is the definition of the adjective intrepid
definition: fearlessness and strenght of character
What is the definition of the adjective consummate?
definition: extremely skilled and accomplished : supremely capable or proficient-talented
what is the definition of galvanize (verb?
defintion: to arouse, stimulate, or excite as if by the application of an electric current
sentence-spelling is just one subject that galvanized my excitement
what is the deifnition of pell mell (noun)?
definition: an indiscriminate medley OR confusion, disorder
synonym: menagerie!!!
- my jewelry box is a pell-mell of pieces from my childhood and my present
-after the fire, the neighborhood devolved into pell-mell.
What is the definition of axiom (noun)
definition: a proposition, principle, rule, or maxim that has found general acceptance
- the axiom that the women’s only role is in the domestic environment has since been outdated.
-an axiom in Deerfield is that children should receive an education
- marriage is an axiom in my family
What is the deifnition of congenial ( adjective)
defintion: suited to one another
due to common interests : kindred
- I become friends oftentimes through congeniality
-me and my sister are quite congenial
-I hope I will find a congenial spouse.
What is the deifnition of piquant ( adjective)
definition: engagingly provocative