Murder Flashcards
What must be showed to establish murder
In addition to proving that D has voluntarily done a culpable act or omission, the prosecution must establish that V was a reasonable creature in the Queen’s Peacr
What is a reasonable creature
V must be alive: have an independent existence and wholly expelled- R v Poulton
What happened in Re A (conjoined twins)
It is not possible to argue that one is weaker, therefore less deserving of the protection of the law- both are entitled
What is the difficulty regarding end of life and reasonable creature
just because someone is on life support does not mean that they are not a reasonable creature. There is a distinction between killing and finishing treatment- Airedale NHS Trust v Bland- to actively bring death is to cross the rubicon- to withdraw treatment is an omission, there is no duty where it would not be in the patients best interest to continue treatment.
What is the Queens Peace
The protection of the QP will be lost in war time when V is an enemy
What happened in Adebolajo
QP applied not to the D, but to the status of the V, it has nothing to do with the status of the D.
What was held in Page
Soliders and police in non-war situations are governed by the ordinary law
what is sir coke’s definition of murder?
when a person of sound memory, unlawfully killet a reasonable creature under the King’s Peace with malice aforethought
what is malice aforethought
intention- express or implied (vickers confirmed in Cunningham)
What is the GBH rule
Where D intents to cause GBH which results in death- Vickers confirmed in Cunningham
Who must the intention to kill or cause GBH be direct at
a human being
What was held in Latimer
malice may be transferred
what was held in Pemblinton
to transfer malice, it must be the same crime
What happened in Gore
convicted even though could not have intended to kill the chemist
Where was it said the interpretation of transferred of malice was strained
Gnango AG (ref no.3) cannot have double transfer from mother, to foetus, to the unborn child, to do so would stretch the meaning of transferred malice beyond
What is direct intent
Where is it clear from the circumstance that D wanted something happen
In cases of direct intent should the juries be directed?
Intent is a common word, thus the golden rule should be used when directing a jury to avoid elaboration
What is oblique intent
Where the D realised something would happen did not intend this
What is the current case law on oblique intent
The jury may find (Woollin) intent, where the consequence was a VC and the D foresaw the consquence as a VC
Chronolgy of cases leading to the current definition of oblique intent
1) Moloney- consequence was a natural
2) Hancock and Shankland- was the consequence natural and probable
3) Nedrick: VC
4) Woollin: changes infer to find
5) Re A: foresight = intention
5) Matthews and Alleye- foresight does not equal intention it is a rule of evidence that allows the jury to find intent