Murder Flashcards
Murder (Lord Coke)
The unlawful killing of a human being in existence under the Queens peace with malice afterthought
a. Unlawful Killing
b. Human Being
c. Under the Queens peace
d. Causation
e. Malice afterthought
Gibbons & Proctor
unlawful killing can be via positive act or omission
if by omission, there must have been a duty in law to act for there to be an unlawful killing.
turning off life support is deemed lawful and so not murder
Re A
operating to save one patient while killing another is deemed lawful and so not murder
AG’s Ref No.3 1994
A foetus is not a human being
D has not killed V in battle; must be under the Queen’s peace
But for D’s actions, V would not have died
D’s actions must be proved to have contributed to Vs death in a more than minimal way
D must take V as he finds him
Vs own actions do not break the chain of causation if they were reasonably foreseeable
Smith (causation)
Third parties do not break the chain of causation if Vs wounds are an operating and substantial cause of death
Medical negligence will not break the chain unless ‘extraordinary or unusual’
DPP v Smith
D intends to cause GBH; ‘really serious harm’
- implied malice
D intends to cause GBH and V dies
- implied malice
V’s death is a virtual certainty and D realises this
- express malice; oblique intent