Munro Flashcards
Á, ako obyčajne. (Odpoved na otázku “ako sa máš”)
Oh, just the usual.
Mám sa fajn. (Pri otázke ako sa máš)
I’m good. I’m fine
(Ona) Dokáže dokončiť prácu načas.
She is able to finish the work on time.
Dvere sú blízko stola.
The door is close to the table.
Slon je obrovský v porovnaní so psom.
The elephant is huge compared to the dog.
Žijú vo veľkom dome.
They live in a large house.
Mala zvláštny pocit z toho miesta.
She had a strange feeling about the place.
Starý muž dal múdru radu.
The old man gave wise advice.
Má veľkú zbierku kníh.
He has a big collection of books.
Mačka je veľmi tučná.
The cat is very fat.
- Fat - The cat is very fat.
Po filme sa cítila smutná.
She felt sad after the movie.
Chlapec je veľmi chudý.
The boy is very thin.
Auto je veľmi rýchle.
The car is very fast.
Na večierku sme sa skvele bavili.
We had a great time at the party.
Dal rýchlu odpoveď.
He gave a quick answer.
Príbeh je veľmi krátky.
The story is very short.
Je vysoká žena.
She is a tall woman.
Cesta bola hrboľatá.
The road was bumpy.
Krabica je príliš ťažká na zdvihnutie.
The box is too heavy to lift.
Ráno bola cesta zľadovatená.
The road was icy this morning.
Jej topánky sú veľmi lesklé.
Her shoes are very shiny.
Dieťa má maličké ruky.
The baby has tiny hands.
(On) Má jemný dotyk.
He has a gentle touch.
Ulica je úzka.
The street is narrow.
Voda tu je plytká.
The water here is shallow.
Inštrukcie sú veľmi jednoduché.
The instructions are very simple.
Dnešný západ slnka vyzerá tak nádherne.
The sunset looks so beautiful today.
Papagáj má veľmi pestrofarebné perie.
The parrot has very colourful feathers.
Prosím, dokonči úlohu do zajtra.
Please complete the assignment by tomorrow.
Tento koláč je absolútne lahodný.
This cake is absolutely delicious.
Vždy je štedrá so svojím časom.
She is always generous with her time.
Je dôležité piť dostatok vody.
It is important to drink enough water.
Cítim sa zle, že som zmeškal stretnutie.
I feel bad about missing the meeting.
Škola je ďaleko od môjho domu.
The school is far from my house.
Ona je dobrá kamarátka.
She is a good friend.
Čo robieval každú nedeľu?
What did he use to do every Sunday?
Kto je tá pani?
Who is that lady?
Kde on pracuje?
Where does he work?
Aká je jej obľúbená farba?
What is her favourite colour?
Aké farby sú jeho vlasy?
What colour is his hair?
Prečo je to tak ďaleko?
Why is it so far?
Koľko stoja tieto lístky?
How much do these tickets cost?
Aké druhy vlakových lístkov máte?
What types of train tickets do you have?
Aké je počasie?
What is the weather like?
Aké je ich priezvisko?
What is their surname?
Koľko ľudí majú vo firme?
How many people do they have in the company?
Ako sa volá vaša firma?
What is the name of your company?
Ako chodíš do práce?
How do you get to work?
Prečo chodíš autom každý deň?
Why do you drive a car every day?
Čo on robí (job)?
What does he do (job)?
Odkiaľ oni sú?
Where are they from?
Aká je ich adresa?
What is their address?
Kde nájdem autobusovú stanicu, prosím?
Where can I find the bus station, please?
Kde je sídlo vašej firmy?
Where is your company’s headquarters?
“Where is your company’s base?”
Kedy si sa narodil?
When were you born?
Koho je toto pero?
Whose pen is this?
Kedy príde tvoj kamarát?
When will your friend arrive?
Idem sa s ním porozprávať.
I’m gonna talk to him.
I’m going to talk to him
Musím ísť!
I’ve gotta go!
I have got to go!
I have to go!
Musím dokončiť svoju prácu.
I gotta finish my work.
I have got to finish my work
I have to finish my work
Chcem vidieť ten film.
I wanna see that movie.
I want to see that movie.
Pusti ma!
Let me go!
Lemme go!
Dovoľ mi ti s tým pomôcť.
Lemme help you with that.
Let me help you with that.
Daj mi pokoj! / Daj mi pauzu!
Gimme a break!
Give me a break!
Zmizni odtiaľto!
Get outta here!
Som bez peňazí.
I’m outta money.
I am out of money
Tak trochu bez šťastia.
Kinda outta luck.
kind of out of luck.
Som trochu unavený.
I’m kinda tired.
I am kind of tired.
Idem sa s ním porozprávať.
Imma talk to him.
I am going to talk with him.
Idem si spraviť kávu.
Imma make some coffee.
I am going to make some coffee.