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What does hold (n) (v)]means?


to carry, “I hold her im my arm
to support, sustain,prop,brace ,” I they gave hima hold to keep his moving “

to embrace,unflod , grasp “ to he grasp her arm and embrace her

to restrain, bind, constrain,ceck, hindrer “ he was held by an arm clock “

to detain, pound, impound, to arrest, imprisioner, hold in custody.

to accomadate,take,contain,have a capacity for
these bottles seem cant hold much “

to consider,think,believe,reckon,assume,deem, presume,regard,view.”she holds that is not admission ordain women

to occupy, have, possessed
she has neve hold the ministerial post

conduct , coneve , have, to call ,”they hold consulting concerning technical problem

continues , last, remain , endure, persist , preserve,stay#
our luck couldn’t hold for a long time

this arugment no longer holds

keep(maintain),catch(attract),engross(absorbe), capture
cant you hold attention, please ?


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to catorigize or classify [hold someone/something up as something] to say that someone or something is an example of something, usually something good

**IF SMTH HOLD YOU BACK  ;;hesitate to do smth you not sure whether it is good or not .

***TO retain smth for reservation
keep, save, store, hold over, posses, ^hold in mind, memorize^.( I’ll hold these bottles back)

TO restrain, abstain, abstain from, forbear, desist, cease, retrain, curb, surpress, repress(feeling),

*** make an affort to hide what you feel
conceal,hide, repress, harbor, (feeling)
I was to tear, but I held it back

withhold (keep it secret)
the withholding of the proporty

###HOLD DOWN ###
** TO KEEP or have (a job)
he held down two jobs at once 

***prevent someone from standing or moving(#hold back) or rising
he was lying down, then they held him down

***prevent someone progress منع الحرية شخض
being a woman wouldn’t hold yourself down

***remove someone freedom; right;
to stop someone to do what they want to (to limit. restrict,tie dowm, hamper(freedom)تقييد او الحد من فعل شيء او سلب الحقوق والحرية
the rain held down attendance at the game
the regime had been holding down its people for years

to control oneself السيطرة على النفس
to stop, control hide show the feeling
feeling;hide;concea,suoress,repress,bottel up(hide feeling foe long time and cause harmful)
go ahead and cry.dont hold it one

***control someone or something can cause damage or harmful
**keep-hold someone in check ;to limit منع ازياده
attemps to hold the global in check

  • hold someone in high esteem ; respect or admire him very much
# hold off####
 to deliberately delay doing something
He may decide to hold off for a few days.
hold off on: How much longer can they hold off on political reform?
hold off doing something: She held off calling him until the last possible moment.

**protect yourself ; to stop someone who is trying to attack you from coming close.e.g(I held them off with bricks and stones.)

[transitive] mainly journalism to stop an opponent from starting to win or lead
They held off a furious late challenge by Fiji to win 37–25.

** to refrain,curb,forbrear (from doing smth),to stop smth from happeing
the hold off the voting until election

**to rain and snow [intransitive] if rain or snow holds off, it does not fall, although you expected it to

###HOLD ON ֳֳֳֳ####
hold smth or someone tightly,(hold on tight everyone the driver’s getting ready to go.)امسكوا منيح

If you hold on, or hold onto something, you keep your hand on it or around it, for example to prevent the thing from falling or to( support yourself)ا
His right arm was extended up beside his head, still holding on to a coffee cup. [VERB PARTICLE + to]
**[hold on to something] to hold something tightly or carefully so that you do not drop it or do not fall
Hold on to the seat in front when we go round the corner.
Hold onto your bag, won’t you?

***[hold on to something] to continue feeling or believing something
I always held on to the belief that one day he would succeed.

**[hold out on someone/something] to not tell someone something.;;conceal,hide ,
They’ve been holding out on the details of the plan.

wait( hurry up I cant hold on much longer)اصبر استنا
try to win/succeed(amal hold on to attract him )

continue in danger;;;persist;continue;;to manage to stay alive or continue to do something or deal with something in a difficult or dangerous situation;; الصمود والصبر رغم الصعاب

telling someone to stop(hold on !you forgot you card) اصبر اشوي و استنا اشوي
telling someone to listen (hold on, that wont work)

to hold something where someone else can reach it
Gail held out her glass to be refilled.
hold out your hand: She held out her hand to him.#HOLDON

*available [intransitive] to continue to be enough or continue to exist
How long will your money hold out?
I wonder whether her stamina will hold out.

[intransitive] to continue to defend a place that is being attacked
We can only hold out for a few more hours.

hold out hope [often in negatives] to think that something is likely to happen or succeed
I don’t hold out much hope that they’ll come.
***If you hold out hope of something happening, you hope that in the future something will happen as you want it to. (he still holds out hope tp win the game )

hold out a possibility/prospect/promise etc to say or show that something may or will happen
She held out the possibility of prisoners being released.

If you hold out for something, you refuse to accept something which you do not think is good enough or large enough, and you continue to demand more.
I should have held out for a better deal. [VERB PARTICLE + for]
to not accept an offer because you want a better one

[hold something over someone] to hold something above someone or something
)She ran out with an umbrella and held it over my head.)

[hold something over someone] to threaten to tell something that you know about someone in order to force them to do something

POSTPONE #to do something or deal with something at a later time or date
One session was held over until this evening.
They intend to hold the article over for the next edition

hold something high***[transitive] to hold something in a high position, so that it can be seen.(She held up her hand for silence.)

prevent someone/something from falling***[transitive] to support someone or something so that they do not fall down
Her legs were almost too shaky to hold her up

cause a delay***[transitive] [often passive] to cause a delay for someone or something, or to make them late
Sorry I’m late, but my train was held up.
She got held up at work.

** steal,rob,walk off with,&mug [transitive] to steal from a person, business, or vehicle by( threatening( them with a gun or other weapon
An armed raider held up the village store last week.

stay in good condition [intransitive] to remain strong or in a fairly good condition
There were fears that her ankle might not hold up for the competition.
Prices had held up well until late 1997

hold-up (n.) #short delay, #traffic jam; that can car move slowly, situation which steal banks by threathen #mugging

He was held up as a hero.
We were held up as the best example of working practice.

**hold your head up/high;;;v,face down, walk tall. come out with the shell, breeze v.
to not be ashamed of yourself

to agree or side with 
to approve of(I don't hold with the way they do things nowadays. [VERB PARTICLE noun]

lay hold of in American
or take hold of
to take; seize; grasp
to get control or possession of

If you hold on to something, you keep it for a longer time than would normally be expected.
Do you think you could hold on to that report for the next day or two? [VERB PARTICLE PARTICLE noun]
People hold onto letters for years and years. [VERB PARTICLE noun] الحفاظ على

British Hold togathet
to stay or cause to stay united
the children held the family together

Hold sway , to control an area or influence

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