MUN 101 Flashcards
What is the goal of MUN committee
The goal of a committee is to provide a solution to the problems presented in the topic.
Types of Committees: General Assembly (GA)
-All 193 countries
member of the UN
are present
-Typically address
SDGs (broader
Types of Committees: Specialized Agency (SA)
-Smaller political
body (15 to 30
-More precise
Types of Committees:
Crisis (+ Ad Hoc)
-Smallest committee
-Live crisis updates
-Completing a
character arc “in”
and “out” of
Roll Call
Every country responds to their call with “present” or “present and voting”
Primary Speakers’ List
Delegates presenting their stance on the problematic & preferred topic.
Setting the Agenda
-Voting on the topic of debate
-Delegates presenting their stance on the chosen topic.
Moderated caucus
Regulated speeches addressing specific angle of the topic. Limited number of speakers depending on speaking time and overall time. (ex: 9/45 on China’s media censorship)
Unmoderated caucus
Suspension of debate rules. free discussion among delegates. Perfect time to work on draft resolutions!
Introduction of Draft Resolutions
Sponsors of a paper present their operative clauses to the committee.
The sponsors of a paper open the floor to questions from other committee members.
Modifications proposed by committee members concerning a draft resolution. Can be “friendly” or “unfriendly”.
Voting Procedure
Voting on the passing of draft resolutions. Last paper passed overrules in case of conflict in clauses.
Point of Parliamentary Inquiry
Asking a question pertaining to the rules of procedure.
Point of Personal Privilege
Inquiring about a potential accommodation to ameliorate one’s personal conditions