Multivariate Statistical Analysis and Modeling Flashcards
what are statistics used for?
to discern justifiable differences in quantitative patterns
give 3 classic statistical tests and why they are not practical for epidemiology
- basic t tests
- Chi squared
too burdensome to apply to situations where multiple variables and their interactions are in question
describe the T test and give an example of how it could be used
tests whether significant differences, not attributable to random chance, are present in continuous data; could use for averaging hemoglobin levels in two different groups of people
what does the chi squared test do? give an example
tests significance between groups of non-continuous data
examples are infected versus not infected, vaccinated or not vaccinated
what are chi squared tests useful for?
2x2 contigency tables
what is Fisher’s exact test?
tests for significance in much the same way as the chi squared test does, but works with ANY SIZE DATA SET!!
what does the Fisher’s exact test give?
gives an exact P value rather than an approximation like other tests do
what can Fisher’s exact test also be applied to?
2x contigency tables
what is mutlivariable regression? (2)
- multiple independent variables are regressed on a single dependent variable
- all variables are considered together to discern correlations either individually or in combinations
what does multivariate analysis allow for?
allows more than two variables to be analyzed at once
is multivariable regression a type of multivariable analysis?
not usually considered under the heading, but is technically multivariate analysis
what are the 2 general types of multivariate analysis technique?
- asnalysis of dependence
- analysis of independence
describe the analysis of dependence multivariate analysis technique
where one or more variables are dependent variables, to be explained to predicted by others
give 3 analysis of dependence multivariate analysis tests
- multivariable regression
- PLS (partial least squares)
- MDA (multiple discriminant analysis)
where is multivariable regression analysis often seen?
in cohort studies