multipul choice test 1 Flashcards
behaviour analysts identify environmental ______
behaviout is thing we can ____ and things we can ____
See; hear
environment is
anything that happens outside that person
behaviour is L___
Applied foucus on
important real world problems
behavioural uses baviour change
as the centre measure
what C means the relationship between events
Technocological procedures
are described clearly enough to be repeated
conceptually systematic methods are
tied to the basic scientific principles of operant conditioning
effective methods produce
intended behaviour changes
generality procedures
can be applied to other populations, setting and behaviours
a stimulus that follows a behaviour is called a C
reinforcement _______ probability of behaviour happening again
reinforcers are defined on their _______ not _____
function no form
establishing operations (EO’s) make stimuli
more likely to function
E.g unsing food as a stimuli before someone has tea
Aboloshing operations (AO’s)
make stimuli less likely to fumction as a reinforcer
contingent means that
reinforcment needs to folloew the behaviour we want to increase
unconditioned reinforcements are
Innate - dont learn them
E.g food warmth sleep water sexual stimulation
conditioned reinforcements are
things we learn to like
e.g cuddles hugs food we like
schedule of reinforcment
specifies which occurence of behaviour will be reinforced
reinforcment which is dilivered after every response is called
continuous reinforcment
reinforcement dilivered occationally is called
intermittent reinforcment
continous reinforcement should be used
during behaviour acquisition
while behaviour is being learnt
intermittent reinforcment
can maintain a behaviour
once the behaviour is learnt
fixed ratio schedules (FR) is
reinforcer given after set ammount of time
variable interval schedules (VI) is
reinforcer delievered from the first reponse after a changing period of time
fixed interveal schedule (FI) is
reinforcer given from the first reponse after a set period of time
vairable ratio sechdule (VR)
reinforcer is dilivered after a changing number of reponses
interval sechdual with limited period of time which the reinforcer is available is called a____
Limited hold
behaviour is reinforced if it occurs continuously for a period of time
Duration schdule
E.G study for an hour have a 20 min brake
best type of reinforcment
ratio strain
ratio of responding t reinforcement is to high
extiction is
withholding reinforcment from a perviously reinforced behaviour
you have to KNOW what ir reinforcing the responce and have enough CONTROL over reinforcer
to use extinction
continous reinforcer is ____ likely to _____ faster the intermittant
More; extinguish
extinction burst
initial increase of response frequency after the removal of reinforcment
interrmittent has ratio and ________ schedules
ratio and interval both have
fixed and vairable schedules
when working otu schdules you should remeber $ things thesr are
1) behaviour being reinforced
2) stimulus that functions as a reinforcer
3) identify schedule (CFR, FR, FI, VR, VI, VI or FI with limited hold, fixed or vairable duration)